No More Chances

If He Cared

"How drunk are you?" You asked your boyfriend of 3 years.

You guys were leaving a friends party and he said that he wasn't going to get wasted.

But doesn't he always.

"Mark! I told you I wasn't going to do this anymore" You told him.

He held onto you as you carried him to the car. He was so drunk he could barely walk by himself.

"Give me your keys, I'm driving" You held out your hand.

"N-no. I drive" He pointed to himself.

"Mark!" You said sternly.

You've had enough.

You told him that if all he wants to do is party all night and get so drunk that you have to take care of him every time, then you can't see yourself in this relationship anymore.

He never makes time for you, unless its inviting you to a party, and you guys don't even connect anymore like you used to when you first started dating.

You reached for the keys, but he slung his arm back.

You took in a deep breath and reached for the keys again.

Mark raised his arm in the air and you couldn't reach up and grab them.

"Mark!!" You fully raised your voice at him.

He looked at you shocked.

You had never raised your voice that loud, you even shocked yourself.

You were down the street from the house where the party was taking place so you were in a quiet neighborhood.

Some people peeked our their windows to see what all the noise was and you even caught attention from the two cops that a few houses down, just sitting in there car. 

Probably waiting to catch some drunk underaged teenagers leaving the party.

"I am so tired of this! I can't keep baby sitting you every time we go out. This is not a relationship Mark. I've given you so many chances and you say you're going to change every single time, but nothing has change. And nothing will ever change, we're over Mark" I finally confessed.

"Come on Nora, you don't mean that" Mark said, trying to wrap me into a hug.

"Yes Mark, I do mean it. We're finished. I can't be your girlfriend anymore. I'm tired of you, you're exhausting" I pushed him away.

He got mad and grabbed me roughly.

"I'm exhausting?" He yelled.

"Mark. Let me go" I tried to get him off of me.

"Guess what Nora? I'm sick of you too. You're constantly nagging and whining about spending time together. Mark let's go out to eat. Mark let's go to the movies" He said, mocking me.

"Yeah, let's go out and do something productive with our lives instead of wasting it like you do" I said to him.

"Now give me your keys. You're still drunk and shouldn't be putting other peoples lives in danger"

We may not be together anymore but I still care for him enough not to kill himself.

I tried reaching for the keys, but Mark grabbed my face roughly and slammed his lips onto mine.

"Mark! Get off!" I yelled at him, slapping him in the face.

Mark's eyes widened as his hand came across my face.

I stumbled, falling to the ground as I held my face.

I could hear people getting out of their cars and running towards us.

I looked up and saw two police holding Mark back.

One officer had Mark against his car, placing his arms behind his back reading him his rights.

The other one came over to me.

"Are you okay ma'am?" He said.

"Yes, I am. And please call me Nora. Officer..." I tried to look for his name tag but it was too dark to read it.

"Just call me Jackson" He smiled sadly.

"We saw you guys arguing and thought it was great that you tried to take the keys away from him, but once he put his hands on you, we immediately came running down. Are you hurt anywhere else?" He asked, looking at my legs.

"No I'm fine thank you" I smiled.

"Let me help you up" Jackson helps me stand.

He touches my face.

"Ah" I winced in pain.

"You need some ice" He said, looking back at his partner.

"Hey Youngjae" He yelled.

The officer placing Mark in the backseat looked over at us.

"I'll meet you at the station, we're gonna go get her some ice" He said, and the officer nodded back.

"Be quick, we have to bring her back to file a report" He said.

He got in the car and drove off.


Jackson and I started walking to the nearest market.

There was one two blocks from where we were.

"Are you allowed to be doing this?" I asked him.

"Doing what?"  He asked.

"Shouldn't we be going back to the station like your partner said" I told him.

"Yeah, but you need an ice pack" He said.

"Don't you guys have some at the station?" I questioned. 

I was really confused.

"Yeah we do, I- Cant you just let me ask you out?" He said.

"What?" I turned my head and looked at him.

"I know I'm on duty, and I could get in trouble for this but I would really love it, if I could take you out sometime. Take you out somewhere nice, spend time with you and show you that you do matter" He said.

I guess he heard the whole conversation Mark and I had.

We arrived at market, and headed towards the freezer section.

I never replied to him since his confession.

"Okay" I said, closing the freezer door.

"Really?" He asked, and I nodded my head.

He came closer, kissed my cheek and then walked away.

"And don't worry, will send your friend away for a long time"

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Chapter 1: Mark is such a jerk! Lol Officer Jackson to the rescue
Thank you very much author-nim (: