Say Something

Soshi Special: A Christmas Mess






Yuri wore her white t-shirt and black pants, followed with a warm black coat. She looked in the mirror and gave herself a hard stare.


“Kwon Yuri, don’t be a wuss!!” Yuri pumped herself with deep breathing exercises.




“WAAAH!” Yuri jumped back unbalanced.




“What up.”


Taeyeon leaned on the door frame and sipped on her banana milk.


Yuri lost all her energy and flopped on her bed. “I have feelings I don’t know how to handle again!”


“Who’s the girl?” Taeyeon asked.




“The pizza delivery girl.”




“The girl at the club who spilled her drink all over herself.”




Taeyeon snapped her fingers upon another suspect, “That grandma in her hot-wheels wheelchair we passed by earlier.”




Taeyeon chuckled, “I think I’m getting warmer. Gimme a hint.”


“Your friend’s friend.”


“I have many friends – can’t you specify with a name?” Taeyeon raised her eyebrow.


“Your mushroom’s friend.” Yuri chuckled.


Taeyeon choked on her milk and began to hit her chest, “M-Mushroom? You mean Tiffany?”


Yuri nodded and laughed at uttering such a nickname with her own mouth in front of Taeyeon.


“Ah, so it’s Jessica.”


Yuri sat up and scratched her head, “Yeah… Something like that.”


“Something like that?? You’ve known her for decades, you've lamely confessed to her and you say her name is ‘Something like Jessica’??”


Taeyeon wiped the milk with her sleeve before proceeding to say, “When did these feelings start again?”


“Remember when she left?”


Taeyeon nodded, urging her to continue.


“Well, when she moved to America ... And during the time that she was away… That’s when I realized I'm still...”


Taeyeon grinned, “Kwon Yul is still in love.”


“And a total wuss.” Taeyeon finished, and paused afterwards when her phone began vibrating.




“SHHH!” Taeyeon glared at Yuri and answered.




Yuri mumbled incoherent foul words as the two stared each other down.




Taeyeon impulsively distanced herself from the ear-piercing volume. She sighed, knowing very well who it was.


“Choi Sooyoung, I swear to god if you blow out my ear I’m gonna – “




“F**king hell.” Taeyeon hung up.


Yuri laughed at Taeyeon’s reaction.


Soon after, Yuri’s phone vibrated.


“Huh? Private number…” Yuri picked up.






Yuri did the same thing as Taeyeon; straightened her arm out as Sooyoung’s voice echoed throughout the house.


Once the phone quieted down, Yuri put her on speaker and replied.


“What do you want?”


“Why do you guys always assume I need something from ya’ll when I call??”


Sooyoung’s emotional fake sobs were heard.


“Because it’s true. What do you want?”


“Okay fine. Only this time it’s true.”


“IT’S TRUE EVERY DAMN TIME, YOU TOWER!” Taeyeon shouted into the phone.








“EHH?!?!!?” Taeyeon and Yuri blurted out in unison.




Taeyeon and Yuri went closer to the phone.




Both Taeyeon and Yuri fell back from the sudden increase of noise.


Taeyeon covered her ears, as she looked at Yuri who had fallen on her back with her leg twitching.






“I’ll be back for Christmas Eve. Great timing right? I know. I’m just the best.”


“Christmas…” Yuri whispered.


“…Eve.” Taeyeon finished.


“I’m having celebration for myself and my new girlfriend on Christmas Eve. And…”




“I need you all to be there because she thinks…She thinks I don’t have any friends….”


“Uhmm…” Taeyeon responded. “You don-“


“-GREAT! I already bought a luxurious pent house in Seoul. Be there by 5pm.”


“And bring your girls! Who were they again? Jiffany and Tessica??”




“Whatever! Bring those girlfriends of yours! Don’t forget! BYE!”


“R-Right…” Yuri croaked.


-dial tone-


Yuri and Taeyeon looked at each other.


“Christmas Eve…”


That night, Yuri laid on her bed looking at her phone. She came across a photo that made Yuri smile. It was of Jessica and her before she left. Yuri reminisced as she brushed Jessica’s face on the screen.


In the meantime, Taeyeon paced around in Yuri’s room. Hearing that Sooyoung is in town had definitely spiced things up in their life.


“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”


Yuri sat up. “Possibly and it makes me depressed.”


“Really?” Taeyeon questioned.


“What?” Yuri questioned back, “Are you saying you have plans already made?”


“Not entirely.” Taeyeon said casually.


Yuri eyed her. “What are you going to do about Tiiffany?”


“What?!” Taeyeon shouted as her face flushed over in surprise.


“You heard me.” Yuri replied calmly.


“What on earth makes you think that I want to ask Tiffany out? Not that I necessarily don’t or anything like that, it’s just, I’ve never really thought about that- I just really like mushrooms. She’s just an awesome girl whom I like spending time with… A lot – “


“Taeng stop.”


Taeyeon replied in a defeated manner. “I tried too hard, didn’t I?”


Yuri chuckled, “Way, way too hard.”


Something suddenly clicked in Yuri’s mind, “By the way, we’re going to hang out with Jessica and Tiffany tomorrow.”


Taeyeon subconsciously grew a wide smile, just a like a child.


“And you’re not invited.”


Taeyeon’s face dropped.


Yuri cracked up with a loud laugh, “I’m kidding! You’re coming too!”


Taeyeon’s expression had darkened, she had been fooled and was not amused one bit. “Yuri…”


Taeyeon pounced on her and angrily shook Yuri’s collar while the girl was busy laughing her head off.


“Why you!!!”


“You should’ve seen your face! BAHAHAHA!”


Taeyeon huffed angrily and grabbed a pillow to silence Yuri’s annoyance.


Yuri’s rolled to the side as her stomach was aching from laughing too hard, causing Taeyeon to fall off the bed with a loud thud.


“Oh man,” Yuri peered over, scratching her head. “Sorry about that.”


Taeyeon picked up the pillow from the ground and threw it in Yuri’s face, dismissing the apology.


 Taeyeon towered over Yuri with laser eyes. “Location?”


Yuri cowardly hid behind the pillow, “S-SOSHI CAFÉ!!”


Taeyeon smirked, satisfied with the reaction she received. She looked at her watch and sighed tiredly, “Time to head home, it’s getting late. You got me too exhausted man.”


Yuri scoffed, “Not like you got a long way, you literally live across the street.”


Taeyeon shrugged and made her way out of Yuri’s penthouse. However, she stopped her way once she heard Yuri’s voice.


“You nervous, Tae?”


Taeyeon stood quietly for a moment and continued walking, not without giving her opinion.


“Not as nervous as you.”


Taeyeon walked out, “Later.”


Yuri half-smiled and half-frowned at the comment.


“You’re right.”


Jessica and Tiffany arrived first at the café and sat at the table for four, waiting for the other two friends.


Jessica stared out the window and let out a sigh.


“A penny for your thoughts?” Tiffany asked the troubled girl.


“Nothing really…”


Tiffany gave out a questionable look, “For someone who’s about to see her best friend, you don’t look that excited.”


 “I am excited, it’s just that… I don’t know how Yuri… Will take it…“ Jessica trailed off and played with a new ring on her finger, until she saw the two girls enter.


“Taeyeon! Yuri!” Tiffany waved at the two looking lost.


Yuri glanced over to the sound and recognized the person immediately. Automatically Jessica and Yuri stared at each other.


Yuri’s eyes remained locked onto Jessica as she stared, looking at how beautiful Jessica became. She was wearing a cute beige coat that kept her cozy in the freezing winter. It hugged the curves of her body, showing off her s, her flat stomach and the curves of her hips.


Yuri thought she looked stunning. The only way she thought Jessica could look better was if she was in a bikini or wearing no clothes at all.


Yuri snapped out of her daze when Taeyeon nudged her in the ribs. “C’mon Yuri.”


Yuri quickly reprimanded herself for thinking like that and sighed.


The two walked to the table and were greeted warmly.


Tiffany threw her arms around Taeyeon, hugging her tightly, “TaeTae!! I miss you!”


Taeyeon hugged equally as tight, and gave her one of her sweetest smiles that always brought a smile to everyone’s face. “Hey Fany.”


“Yuri.” Jessica wrapped her arms around Yuri’s neck. The two hadn’t made physically contact since the day she left.


Yuri placed her arm around Jessica’s back as she slid her right hand into the soft, silky hair of the back of her head. Yuri felt the intense feeling of desire before she pulled Jessica’s body towards her.


Yuri whispered closely to Jessica’s ear, “You know, I really missed you a lot, Sica.”


The two friends entered a tight embrace, which was much more intimate than a hug between two people who were merely just friends.


Yuri had noticed that Jessica always blushed every time she said her nickname, in which, made her look ridiculously cute.


“I missed you too.”

The silence and embrace were comforting to Yuri as it completely brought her mind to the old days.


“Sit sit sit!!” Tiffany broke their comfortable silence that had lasted over a minute.


Immediately, Tiffany stood up and grabbed Taeyeon’s hand, “Actually you two sit. Taeyeon come order with me!”


Yuri watched her best friend get dragged away by the love of her life. Not without giving Yuri a ‘Hwaiting’ gesture to her.


Yuri returned her view to the beautiful one in front of her. “So, it took you long enough to come back, I was about to mail you cucumbers!”


Suddenly, Yuri let out a yelp. Jessica kicked Yuri’s shin in response, “You dare gave it a thought?”


Yuri groaned as she rubbed the painful area, “Is that how you treat your Seobang?”


Jessica winked, “With love and affection.”


Yuri rolled her eyes at her.


“Was it so hard to at least give me a call or a text, Yuri?” Jessica asked upsettingly.


“Erm… I got busy and the time-zones, y’know,” Yuri scratched the back of her head nervously.


“…Busy with other girls.” Jessica grumbled through her teeth.


“Oh, is someone jealous? Jealous that you would lose this Seobang to another girl?” Yuri poked Jessica’s cheek playfully.


Jessica puffed up her cheeks. “No, not really. Not at all, actually.”


Jessica responded back spitefully.  “As a matter of fact, I was swept head over heels by this gorgeous, handsome, Italian man.”


Yuri looked away jealously and rambled without thinking. “Oh, that’s great news. I mean, amazing news.”


“Probably not as handsome as me though,” Yuri shrugged, dismissing all that she had said.


“But way to go, Sica!” Yuri faked a cheer.


Jessica giggled and slapped Yuri’s arm, “Don’t worry, Yuri-ah. You’ll always have a special place in my heart. Deep down, way down, I’m talking rock bottom with pits full of cucumbers.”


Yuri feigned the pain and clutched her own heart, “You have categorized me with cucumbers. I cannot go on with life anymore.”


Yuri and Jessica laughed, laughed hard just like the younger days. Soon after, they quieted down and for a split-second, Jessica’s eyes met Yuri’s. They both looked away almost instantaneously.


“We’re back.” Taeyeon trailed behind Tiffany.


“I see you two aren’t tired of each other yet and are as close as ever!”


Tiffany returned with four cups of hot cocoas, all of which were carried and paid by Taeyeon. Taeyeon would always take care of them during their outings and refused to allow anyone to spend money or pay her back.


“Shut up!”  Yuri sipped the hot-cocoa like an embarrassed child.


Jessica whispered loudly, just enough for Yuri to hear everything. “She needs me close by because she’s a total helpless, good-for-nothing, Seobang.”


“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Yuri waved her hand off.


As they all sat and enjoyed the cup of hot cocoa, Taeyeon cleared .


“So… Do you two have any plans for Christmas Eve?”


Taeyeon asked openly, but had her eyes set on Tiffany.


Tiffany smiled shyly, looking at her whip cream, “I don’t…”


“Great!” Taeyeon was beaming as she received the answer she wanted.


“Our gross friend Sooyoung returned from Japan and is having a celebration! She would like you and Jessica to come.”


“I’d be more than happy to go!” Tiffany smiled, and briefly touched the back of Taeyeon’s hand.


Yuri looked at Jessica interestingly, seeing how the girl had yet to respond. “What about you Sica? Will you come?”


Jessica stared at her hot cocoa held between her palms, as her silence made Yuri and Tiffany uncomfortable.


Tiffany gave Jessica a look of concern, she knew the girl was deciding.


“Have you already made plans?” Yuri probed a little more.


Jessica wore a frown. “Uhm… Well…”


“Sica?” Yuri’s voice was soft and caring, which told Jessica that she was concerned about what was happening.


Jessica began timidly. “Yuri…”


Yuri watched her, she could usually tell what Jessica was thinking because of how close they were. They didn’t keep any secrets except for her own true feelings towards one another.


“There’s something you should know…”


“What is it?” Yuri asked worriedly.


Jessica held Yuri’s hand. “Promise me you won’t get angry.”


“If you’re telling me that, you must be about to say something crazy.”


“It’s… normal…” Jessica answered hesitantly.


“Then, don’t lead off with a weird statement like that.” Yuri played with Jessica’s fingers.


Jessica looked at Yuri’s hands fiddling and holding her own.


Jessica bit her lip and inhaled deeply.


“Taecyeon asked me to get back together…”


Taeyeon’s eyes widened and let out a quiet gasp. She immediately glanced to Yuri and saw the expression she expected.


Yuri’s face dropped. Her heart had felt like it was stabbed and stomped on relentlessly.


“You two… Are back together?”


Jessica also knew that she could read Yuri like a book too.




“Why though?” Yuri asked in a tone which it hurt. “Do you even remember what happened?”


“I do,” Jessica frowned as she nodded. “But he’s changed! I saw it when we met!”


Yuri’s voice grew a tinge bit angrier, “You met him first before me?”


The manner Yuri was in clearly showed her dislike of what the type of person Taecyeon was.


Jessica answered Yuri with silence.


Yuri’s heart was clenching painfully within itself, “I don’t understand… Why Jessica?”


Jessica stared at Yuri concernedly, “He admitted his faults and wrongdoings, and he’s a better person now.”


Yuri’s voice rose slightly towards Jessica, “How do you know he won’t do it again? How can you possibly say he won’t start trouble between us and our friendships?”


Jessica could feel Yuri’s intense gaze on her. She glared back at Yuri and promptly replied, “Because he loves me.”


He loves me.


Shattered. Yuri was shattered.


“But he knew we were best friends and he purposely created tension between us.”


“He loved you before and he still hurt you!” Yuri stood up angrily, causing the seat behind her to fall.


The ruckus brought the attention of the Café to the four of them.


Taeyeon quickly reached for the fallen chair and set it back, whispering harshly to Yuri, “Calm down Yul, control yourself.”


Yuri gave Taeyeon a glare, in which, Taeyeon matched it with her own with a mix of concern.


Yuri seated herself back on the chair and looked out the window.


 “Do you… Do you love him?” Yuri asked reluctantly, hoping for an answer she wouldn’t receive.


“I-I do, Yuri.”


Yuri recoiled from her slightly. Her heart dropped to the bottom, a heavy weight pitted against her chest.


The four remained silent, while Yuri looked out the window.


Taeyeon and Tiffany made awkward eye contacts before looking away.


Tears began to collect on the lines of Jessica’s eyes as she played with the ring on her finger, “Yuri… Say something.”


“I don’t know what else I’m supposed to say.” Yuri shot back upsettingly.


Jessica was hurt, betrayed, that her best friend couldn’t be happy for her.


“You’re being unfair, Yuri. You’re the one who taught me not to hold my feelings in!” Jessica whimpered with tears streaking her silky skin.


Jessica hung her head as she cried. She thought Yuri would always be by her side.


“You’re my best friend, Yuri… How can you be so heartless?”


Yuri smiled bitterly and muttered to herself, “Heartless…”


More sniffles were heard as Yuri achingly watched Tiffany console the Jessica who was in tears.


“Jessica...” Yuri’s voice was guilt ridden.


It was obvious to Jessica that Yuri was blaming herself for her shedding tears.


Yuri stood up, feeling immense guilt for making Jessica upset, “I’m sorry.”


Yuri gave a depressed glance to Taeyeon, and without words, Taeyeon nodded knowingly and watched Yuri leave the café.


Yuri stormed off, trudging along the snowy cemented sidewalk upon hearing the heartbreaking news.


Yuri angrily punched a Christmas mailbox. “That douchebag. How can you do this!”


“Why Jessica? Out of all people, why him again?” Yuri grunted as she punched another ugly Christmas mailbox.


Yuri heaved and leaned against a street wall closest to her. She looked up at the dark, grey sky and sighed hopelessly.


“Why… Why do I lose to him again…?”



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Chapter 6: KyaaAAaAaaa oh no my yulsic .....
Why Sica is so dumb to know herself... We all know that u love yuri so much but why don't u see it.
You better try to solve out ur feelings before it is too late.Many ask for a girl to be with ur seobang.
It should be nice yuri with a girl and make yoong or hwa young with yuri but not in serious.Just helping yuri to get sica's jealously
Chapter 6: Arghhhh.Sica is quite confusing.I really think she likes Yuri but she's really stubborn and in denial.
Im looking forward as well to see Yuri with someone else and just enjoy,have fun.She badly needs it.
Th3Nugg3t #3
Chapter 6: I do think it's time for yuri to move on. There are many y fishes out there for yuri. ^^
jessicafan2016 #4
So if sica break up with taecyeon because she realises she love yuri after getting jealous but yuri is already move on and love hyomin or whoever, what will happen to jessica?
jackiengpanda #5
Chapter 6: Yessssss new girl for Yul! Hyomin -hearts- Victoria -heartheart - Goo Hara -heartheartheart-
jackiengpanda #6
Chapter 6: Yessssss new girl for Yul! Hyomin -hearts- Victoria -heartheart - Goo Hara -heartheartheart-
Chapter 6: Plsss give yul a y girl already otor :(
frans89 #8
Chapter 5: Are you sure this is comedy? Seriously i just feel trap on drama and maybe soon to be angsty. some first chapters , i already in tears, because you know, some people just have one-sided love experiences, and it's ing hurt so much (pardon my language).

Haishhh... alright, because i already read this all chapters, i can't just stop read this here. I need to know more and more chapters. I hope it ends well... i hope so.

So please keep updating , dear author-shii, i'll subcribe you!
Th3Nugg3t #9
Chapter 5: Let's yuri be happy with Jessica soon. Jealous Jessica will be cute.i would love some Yoonhuyn scence too.^^
garensuhanazono #10
Chapter 5: And also, make jess jealous! We have yoong to be paired up with yul so jess wil be super jealous! :D