I Never Thought

Beautiful World
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That I was that strong…

To carry on, carry on tonight…

Forgiveness in your eyes, with nothing to hide…

All I know, is you’ve shown me…

It’s a beautiful world…


"Hyung ? My son told me that he is with your son right now. School stuff." Seunghyun looked at Daesung while still on the phone with Youngbae. "Heh, whatever. I'm going to slice him. You'll see." With that, he ended the call. "Hyung... Junhoe must be busy with school; Jiwon said he was accompanied by Jiyong Hyung's son when Junhoe left him." Seunghyun ignored Daesung and thought hard about his little Choi.




Youngbae tried to call Jiyong, to get some insight. “Ah, Youngbae Hyung ! What’s up ?” Youngbae laughed upon hearing Seungri’s voice. “Why are you picking up his phone ? Where is he ?” Seungri sighed. “Yongie Hyung is giving a longgg lecture to Hanbin. I don’t dare to disturb them. Imagine what he will do to me if I barged in…” Youngbae giggled. “It’s like you never do it. C’mon, give the phone to him.” Seungri gave up and walked into the living room. “Uh, Yongie Hyung ?” Jiyong glared at him and frowned. “I told you not to come until I finish with this punk.” Seungri could see his son was giving “Help me, Dad !” look. “Uh, Youngbae Hyung needs to talk to you, urgent, it’s about, uh… life and death ?” Jiyong was a bit hesitating. “You, stay here until I finish the call.” Hanbin quickly nodded and Jiyong grabbed the phone from Seungri.


“Are you okay ?” Seungri patted Hanbin’s shoulder. “Don’t worry; he is only concerning your study. Cause you’ve been going home late, after the midnight.” Hanbin curled his lip. “Appa, you know, I only spent my time with Jiwon when I’m not studying. He’s sick anyway, so I should be there, accompanying him, right ? You’ll do that if Dad is sick as well, no ?” Seungri smiled to Hanbin and patted him again. “I will always by his side, no matter what happen. I’ll support you, don’t worry too much, ‘kay ?” And he winked to his son, to ease the tension.




“Youngbae ? Whose life is in danger ?” Jiyong could hear Youngbae burst into laugh. “Sorry, ah… I don’t think his life is truly in danger. But, you know, Seunghyun Hyung, right ? Well apparent

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Chapter 8: I think you could make yunhyeong minos son since they have the same last name, and since Mino is a hybrid of gd and taeyang then they could be his grandparents, and jinwoo can be chanumons omma... idk, I'm just throwing stuff out like pokeballs. Maybe one will catch something.
Chapter 8: Awwww its ovvvvvvverr TmT i reeelly reallly love iiiiiit thanks for tje storyyy
AngelFlo #3
Chapter 8: So sad this story end , because all my otp in here
Can you make another story with Junhwan , Nyongtory , Todae , DoubleB in one like this. Thankyou so much this my favorite story ever can miss so badly
Chapter 7: Thats right! Help the guy, Youngbae!
Ayyyy i'm in love!
Looking forward for the next update!!
Kisss ❤
Chapter 7: Can waitt for the next updateee Fightinggggggg :
Chapter 7: *0* awww sooo sweeeet
Junhoe ur a dead meat boyyyy XD
And jinhhhwwwannn try to save Jun from being killlled is sooo cuuye
Chapter 6: Fightinnnnnng foooooooorrrr the nextttttttt
Cant waiit forrr the next updatte
Loveee u autooor-minnn
Chapter 6: Ohhhh yeahhhhh Junnnnnhhhwannn is hereeeeeeee *0*
The chapter is sooooo cuuuttte
Chapter 5: I'm in love with this fic!!
Love you ❤
Chapter 4: Can i laugh???
Omg! I want to laugh till death!
I adore this type of confusion!!