Spontaneous offer

Best friends?

Attention! Guys, I know that I wrote in the last chapter that Taeyeon is living in Incheon, but I’ve changed it into Cheongju here. It is more suitable for the long ride Taeyeon is having when going to work. That’s all, hope you don’t mind.



“Are you serious? We’re going to Cheongju?”


“I thought you will not ask me. But yep, I live there.”


“You are travelling that far every day. I just can’t believe it. And I’m sorry for asking. It will be the last.”


“That’s fine. Let’s go. Or else you don’t want to come anymore.”


“No. Alright! Let’s get going.”


The two took their seats in the bus. Though hesitating and she really wants to ask some question about the place they are going, Tiffany tried to behave herself. She doesn’t want to piss Taeyeon right now. Her idea was her greatest idea, as she thought and pissing the girl beside her won’t help achieving her goal. Heck it will ruin everything, if ever.


“It will be a long ride, you can sleep if you want. Don’t worry I’ll wake you up when we arrive.”


“No, its fine, I want to know also my way. You know, if ever I decide to visit your place. Hope it will be fine to you.”


“It’s your thing, you’re deciding anyway.”




Then they fell into silent when they have no other things to talk to after an hour. Tiffany relaxes herself while viewing whatever she sees along the road. And Taeyeon, on the other hand, just play on her phone.


Thirty minutes away from the station, Taeyeon noticed that Tiffany had fallen asleep. She stifled her grin when she saw how the woman has frown in her sleep. She thought that perhaps, her officemate is having a not so good dream. Or maybe because of her position, she maybe having some trouble and feeling stiffness on her neck. So Taeyeon adjusted Tiffany’s head and put it on her shoulders to give her a more comfortable position knowing that the woman won’t care if someone moves her while she’s asleep, based from her experience last Friday night.


When they reached the station, Taeyeon has gently taps the sleeping woman on her shoulder. After a couple of tries, Tiffany eventually opened her eyes were Taeyeon could possible see confusion as she just woke up.


“We’re here. Come on, get on yourself and we have to walk a little longer more.”


“Ah, okay.”


A cool breeze welcomed Tiffany when she stepped out of the bus. And the busy station stunned the woman, like she has been there for the first time.


“Hey, are you okay?”


“Yes, I am fine. It’s just, does your city really this, you know, busy and a lot of people everywhere?”


“Yes. Every day is like this. A lot of tourists were coming here, especially this kind of month, that’s why it’s kinda busy.”




“You’re asking again.”


“But it’s not about you.”


“Fine. Let’s go, my house is a little far from here.”


“We’re not riding a cab?”


“No need. Take it as a tour so we’re walking.”


“Ahm… okay.” Though she wants to tell the girl to ride a cab, she just goes with what Taeyeon said. So the two started walking pass the other passengers in front of them.




Tiffany was startled when she heard the voice and looked at the girl standing still in front of her. She thinks that Taeyeon have heard it to so she stopped.


“Taeyeonnie! Why are you walking again? I told you for the nth time that we can always fetch you here. It is not good for you to be walking in this time of the night.”


“Hey, Yoong!”


“Yes, Taeyeonnie…?”


“Just got here. Stop ranting.”


“Fine... Let’s just go home. The car’s just a block away.”


“Good… Hey Tiffany, you’ll get your tour some other time I guess.”


“That’s fine. It’s dark anyway so sightseeing is quite not convenient.”


“Right, I’ll be your tour guide then if ever you got here again.”


“That’s more like it. And I’ll be looking forward to it. You promised!”


“Promise. So shall we? Yoong, to the car.”


“Wait! You have a companion? And you’re talking to her! And she’s going with us, to our house? And most especially, you promised her to tour her here the next time she got here! Have the world near its end?!”


“Stop overreacting! Let’s just go.”


Even she is confused on what’s with her Taeyeonnie, Yoona leads their way to their car. Once they have settled their selves into the car, she started the engine and drive quietly knowing that she quite made her unnie mad. And she decided to leave the inquisition to her other unnie who was probably waiting for them.


For that twenty minutes ride, Tiffany never felt that silence before. She wants to ask but she knows not to agitate the girl beside her when she was evidently got pissed over the other girl she recalled Taeyeon calling her Yoong.


After parking on an empty lot, they headed to their destination, Taeyeon’s apartment. The establishment is smaller than where Tiffany is living at but it looks more comfortable here in Taeyeon’s. She simply like the atmosphere on the neighborhood but not including what’s in the apartment itself. And she was left in awe when she entered the unit. Taeyeon’s apartment has the feel of what’s she wants to feel in her own unit, the homey feeling. Relaxing is an understatement to describe it, there’s more to it once entered and she can fully explain it herself.


When they have entered the living room and Yoong goes somewhere, Taeyeon told Tiffany to stay in the room for a while as she will just change her clothes. She was wondering around the unit with her eyes, when suddenly someone interrupted her assessment.


“Oh~ hi, you must be the one Yoona told me a while ago who is with Taeng?”




“Taeyeon, I call her Taeng.”


“Ah… yeah, I’m with her. But for the record, I follow her behind. She didn’t ask me to come here.”


“As always, it’s typical of Taeng. Yeah, I understand. She’s like that and we’re accustomed to her behaviors towards other, even to us.”


“She doesn’t talk to you?”


“Yeah, that’s something going on with her for a long time now.”


“Did something happen to her before?”


“Let’s say, she thinks that she can’t let go of her past.”


“She thinks?”


“You know, like she has moved on from it but she still like to think that she still hasn’t. But as what I’ve seen on her this past week, she’s got over it but yet she unconsciously doesn’t recognize it yet. For an example, you, being in here with her, because she just doesn’t allow anyone to be with her for no longer ten minutes. ”


“I guess you’re right. It took me a long time to make her speak with me other than answering me with ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘okay’ or ‘thank you’ that sometimes a nod is enough for her.”


Then we burst into a fit of laughter that maybe Taeyeon heard and she dashed her way out to them. And Tiffany finds her cute with her oversize white t-shirt, a denim short shorts, and a cute black home slippers.


She really looks like a teenager in that outfit! So cute!


“Stop talking about me.”


“Oh we do, Taeng! We’re done talking about you. I guess.”


“Stop it Sunkyu!”


“Oh~ so your name is Sunkyu. It’s so nice to meet you.”


“It is Sunny. Don’t call me that Taeng. Get mad all you want, just don’t call me in that name! Jeez! You’re so childish! And I should be going to my room now as I wish to not see her anymore and her childish angst on anything for tonight Bye Tiffany, see you later. ”


“See you later, Sunny.”


“She’s Sunkyu! Don’t give her what she wants that easy, she will abuse it.”


“Taeng… stop that. I can relate to her, you know how I hate being called in my Korean name, right?”


“Fine, but I will still call her whatever I want to call her. And by the way, why did you called me Taeng?”


“`coz Sunny calls you that. So I just mimicked her and because I found it cute.”


“She calls me Taeng?”


“You didn’t know?”


“I don’t know about that. And I remember, your friends called me Taeng back in your family house.”


“See? Even they also found it cute.”


“Whatever, just don’t call me that.”


“What happened to ‘don’t give what she wants that easy, she will abuse it’?”


“It’s two different things!”


“Chill, I’m not your enemy here. Anyway, how will I know about you, without asking you, if you let the person I’m going to ask, go?”


“I didn’t ask her to go. She said she has to go.”


“But your action and words implied so.”


“You really want to know about me that much?” she said softly, like she’s giving up on being tough about the issue.


“Of course! But like I’ve said, if you don’t want to tell me, I’ll find it my way.”


“I got it. Sunkyu! Yoong! Come over here!”


“Hey, what are you doing Taeyeon?”


“Nothing, just talk to them.”




“What is it Taeyeonnie?”


“Accompany Tiffany here.”




“I’ll just buy our dinner.”


“Yes! It’s your treat, right?”


“Yup. Don’t make her bored.”


After telling what they wanted for their dinner, Taeyeon left them. And Tiffany found it so thoughtful of Taeyeon to give her that chance to ask her housemates about her. That she didn’t waste any time and ask what she wanted to ask. For the last thirty minutes of what Tiffany seems the longest time she has ever had, she felt a lot of different emotion while listening to what Sunny and Yoona have to say. Particularly when she heard the subtle request Sunny has said.


“She really needs someone to help her because she had obstructed us from doing that. The least we could do then is to live here with her to make sure she won’t do anything that will make all of us suffer.”


“Yeah, Taeyeonnie have had it before and we don’t want her to still linger on that.”


“Can you tell me if I am correct in what I am thinking?”


“And that is?”


“You want me to be that someone…?”


Tiffany saw those smiles that she can already understand their answer even if they haven’t saying anything. But nonetheless, she let them vocalize it to really confirm it to her.


“If it’s not a big favor for you, yes, we want you to be that someone to help her. Come on! You are the only one who made her talk longer than five words. Though we live together with her, you look closer to her than us, no offense taken there, but it’s true. She seems comfortable being with you. And as much as I don’t think about this, I think you’re the only one who will she allow being that someone she will let in her life now.”


“If I agreed to that, what do you suggest to me to do?”


“It is up to you. I know that you’re a good person for making this far, so I don’t have any doubt that you will not help her.”


“Tiffany unnie, can you make her forget that dullest time of Taeyeonnie’s life?”


After knowing that things about Taeyeon, Tiffany contemplated the things she is willing to do be closer to the girl. And now that some of the people who love the girl are asking for her help, she thinks that maybe she can also do some sacrifices like this two in front of her to help that person that took her attention.


“I’ll try. No scratch that, I’ll do whatever I can do. Guess we have the same goal in regards to her.”


“Yes! Juhyun will be happy to know about this!”


“Who’s Juhyun?”


“She’s a cousin of Taeng, and she’s the most affected of what happened to her Taeyeon unnie. They were the closest before that incident happened. But Taeng shut everyone else including her and she took it by heart so she thought that she can’t come closer to her unnie anymore.”


“Aw… it’s been hard for her then.”


“But it will be okay now. Thank you Tiffany unnie! Thank you for helping us.”


“Don’t worry; I really have an intention to change that little brat from the first time I saw her.”


“So what do you intended to do?”




Their talk was interrupted by the sound of the opening door. And Taeyeon showed herself with the foods in her hands.


“Let’s eat now.”


“Aish! You really like to come on some important time…”


“I don’t get you Sunkyu.”


“Whatever Taeng! Anyway, Tiff, you were saying something before this little one came?”


“You’re also small.”


Before she can answer Sunny’s question, Tiffany can’t stop laughing because of Taeyeon’s snobbish mumble. The girl sure doesn’t talk that much but she’s saying anything in those short phrases. When the happy atmosphere has come to low, Tiffany decided to tell them what she has in mind. Though she knows it is a ridiculous idea, she still wants to pursue it.


“About that Sunny, I have thought an idea but I don’t know if Taeyeon will agree to that.” She started saying as they eat their dinner.


“What are you talking about Tiffany?”


“It is one of the ways I thought will help you.”


“Enlighten me then because right now, I can’t make any sense on what you’re saying.”


“I want to ask you if you want to live with me in my apartment.”




Tiffany was startled with the loud reaction; it just not came from Taeyeon but it was accompanied with Sunny’s and Yoona’s. And it came out more than a shout. She wonders if their neighbors were also startled with the shout.


“Hey, let me explain it first, okay? It’s just I found it convenient for Taeyeon. My apartment is nearer in our workplace than here, though I really like here, and she doesn’t have to take a long ride in the bus to work and back. And also, I can see and monitor her closer if she’s in the same vicinity as me. It’s a win-win idea I think.”


“You’re right, I think it is a good idea.”


“But unnie, Taeyeonnie will leave us that way.”


“Yoong… it’s okay. We can always visit her in Seoul. We still have the car.”




“Okay! Taeng! You’ll comeback to Seoul with Tiffany tonight, so please start packing your things. We will take the dishes for you.”


“I never agreed to that.”


“Yes, you are. Stop being stubborn and let us help you. Tiffany here is willing to do so. There’s nothing to lose here Taeng. Just try.”


“And Taeyeon, you remember your promise? You’ll let me in your life and that exactly I’m doing now.”




“No buts! You’re going with me. You’ve seen my apartment and there’s a vacant room there, don’t worry about where you’re going to sleep.”


“Can I still say no Tiffany?”


“No. Remember your promise.”


“Aish! Fine… I can’t win you in this. At least you also remember your promise.”


“I won’t ask you any question about you. I won’t forget that.”


When she heard a sigh from the girl, Tiffany took it as she admitted her defeat in the issue. Taeyeon has accepted her help. And she won’t waste this chance. She’s determined to do anything to help the girl.


But I will definitely know more about you, with my own ways.



Hey guys,sorry if it's a bit long... and please don't curse me because of the lack of information I have given about Taeyeon... It's in my story line... sorry... hope you still enjoyed it. Let me know what you think about the story if you want to... Thanks for reading anyway.... ^^

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Is there still a life who's waiting for an update on this story? Please bear with me... Just got caught up with work for the past months... But I'm starting to work for the next chapter... and I'm trying to make it longer this time... Please wait? Sorry guys for not updating for so long😔🙇🙇🙇🙇


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taeny2403 #1
Chapter 17: Its ok.. we will wait..take your time author;)
Keiko_ney #2
Chapter 17: Its ok... we will wait n patient..
Chapter 17: Don't rush yourself, we can wait for the updates :) try to retrieve your files first, it's more important. u.u
1129 streak #4
Chapter 17: Oh hope you retrieve your files and if not its ok we'll wait for you to update ^_^
1129 streak #5
Chapter 16: Oh so I think the tittle doesn't refer to those three closings but to that person who Taeng saw. JJ?
1129 streak #6
Chapter 15: Oh Jess is really coming soon hehehe can't wait for that ^_^
1129 streak #7
Chapter 14: Authourssi when will jess appears? I want to see a jelly Taeng hehe
taeny2403 #8
Chapter 13: Yeahh jelly taeng xD
1129 streak #9
Chapter 13: Haha yes you are jealous taeyeon ah ^_^
1129 streak #10
Chapter 12: Oh my hope Taeng will stay with Fany