Too Much [MiChaeng]

Twice Gay Fest

Chaeyoung P.O.V.

The moon was shining as brightly as the sun, and the stars were twinkling. It was a beautiful night after our schedules for the day. To be honest, we were home for awhile, now but we were in the showers getting cleaned up. Now, we were all finally in our pajamas, and sitting around the dorm. Momo, Mina, Dahyun, and Jihyo were in the living room eating. Nayeon and Jeongyeon were playing cards, while Sana helped Tzuyu with her homework. I sat in my room doing my own homework- or at least I was. I opened my binder, only to find a few sheets of massive stickers a fan had given to me. I've always really liked stickers. 

So, I changed my agenda. No longer doing homework like I should've been, I started to decorate my things. My laptop recieved 3 decent size Hello Kitty stickers, and my closet got a flurry of butterflies and bunnies. I stuck some Pokemon stickers on my desk and dresser. Soon, my part of the room looked like a sticker book threw up on it- which it kind of did. 

"Chaengie~" I knew that voice anywhere. I turned, smiling brightly, to face her. Unfortunately, my beautiful girlfriend didn't seem too happy with the sticker explosion...even though it's not even her room. "What did you do?" Her hand was on her hip. 

"N-Nothing." I rubbed the back of my neck. "Too much?" 

"Way too much. Where did you even get all these stickers from?"


"That doesn't mean you have to put them everywhere. You can put them on papers, too, you know. Or give them to Jeongyeon to put on her saxophone case. You know she loves decorating her case with stickers."

"Yeah, but I like stickers, too..." I pouted, hoping for sympathy. With a sigh and a tilting downward of her head, I knew I won. 

"...Fine. Just don't go too crazy anymore with the stickers." 

"Of course I won't!" Even though I will. I definitely will. 

"Really?" She sighed again. "You always promise to listen to me, but you never do..."

"Minari unnie~" I skipped up to her, hugging her tightly. "Of course I won't listen to you. You're my girlfriend." I giggled into her chest. 

"Maybe I need a girl who will listen to me..." 

"No!" I yelped, jumping up to wrap my legs around her as well. She chuckled, kissing the top of my head.

"You're too cute...Of course I don't need my girlfriend to listen to me." She kissed my head again. "But don't blame me when Jihyo or your roommates give you an earful about this."

"I won't blame you. I'll blame them for having bad taste."

"Yeah, uh-huh. They're the ones with bad taste. Definitely not you." I could basically feel her rolling her eyes. 

"Yep!" I giggled, blatantly ignoring her sarcasm. 

"You're such a little kid...but I love you."

"I love you too, Mina unnie~" I nuzzled my face into her neck, absorbing all the love she had to give. 

"Mmm, sit down." She smiled gently, as I unwrapped myself from her, and plopped down on my bed. 

"How was your day? And how's the homework coming along?"

"Oh- umm..."

"Don't tell me you did this before finishing your homework." My angelic girlfriend suddenly turned into the devil, glaring at me with piercing eyes. 


"Chaeyoung." Her upper lip curled slightly. Oh no. "You cannot be serious."

"M-Mina unnie...I-I umm...I-"

"So you're serious." I could only nod meekly under her gaze. "Son Chaeyoung. I might just kill you...but...I have a better idea." I shrunk back, fearing what my girlfriend has on her mind. "No kisses." I whimpered. "No cuddles."

"W-Wait, what?" I whimpered again.

"No sitting on my lap."


"Most importantly, no ."

"Mina unnie!" This is way too harsh. 

"You get nothing from me."

"W-Why? Isn't this too harsh?"

"Nope." She stood up, turned around, and bent down. Her face was inches from mine, her elbows rested on my knees, while her hands held my face gently. "Babe, you need to take school more seriously."

"I have C's, though..."

"Which would be okay if you were doing your homework, but you're not. Do your homework every night, or you will continue to get absolutely nothing from me. Understand?"

"Y-Yes, Mina unnie..." I whimpered.

"Maybe I was a little too harsh...kisses and cuddles are back. But no makeout sessions, sitting on me, and definitely no ." I sighed in relief. At least I still get to kiss her...but is she really serious about no ? That's still way too harsh...

"Thank you, Mina unnie!" I leaned forward quickly, capturing her lips in mine. She giggled into the kiss, before pulling away.

"Do your homework, now, Chaengie." She smiled. "If you need help, you know Dahyun did this stuff literally just last year. She's the best person to ask. Unless you need help in your Japanese class. Then, ask me."

"Actually, I'm doing really well in Japanese." I smiled brightly. I always did really well in that class, because I wanted to impress my girlfriend with her native language.

"Good." She said in Japanese. She kissed my lips gently, and I held her hands as we melted into each other.

"I love you." I said in Japanese as well. I earned another gentle kiss from her.

"I love you." She responded in my native language this time.

A few moments later, she was sitting behind me, her knees on either side of my hips, massaging my shoulders while I did my homework. Occasionally, she'd rest and rest her chin on my shoulder. Whenever she did, I'd kiss her cheek quickly before continuing my work.

"You're reallly good at this..." She complimented my chemistry work. "I didn't do very well in school..."

"You didn't?" I was surprised. Jihyo always complimented her on her smart she was. Grades really don't necessarily equal intelligence, do they?

"Haha, yeah... I was always focused on secretly dating boys instead. The company never found out." She chuckled. "It was really dumb, especially considering I have a girlfriend now. And having good grades probably would've helped out my future a bit..." Her face fell slightly, and I grabbed her hand, gently mssaging it with my thumb to soothe her. "I mean, we're gonna outgrow being idols. When we're forty, do you really think we'll still be performing?"

Damn, she's right. I always considered not making it as an idol, but since we got popular, I never considered us flopping...and I definitely never considered life twenty years from now. She must have a lot on her mind...or maybe she's just worried about me. Either way...I gotta admit, she's scaring me a bit. 

"Mina something wrong?" I pressed my face into her neck, leaving gentle kisses.

"Not really, just worried. I don't know what's gonna happen in twenty years, is all. But you...You should be prepared." She kissed the top of my head. "And good grades will help your future. I promise~" She rubbed my back, promising she was okay after I gave her a questioning look. "Keep going." She pointed to my homework. I sighed as I continued working.

"Mina unnie...are you worried about your life twenty years from now?"


"What about us? You're not worried about that, are you...?" I looked back, but seeing the sadness in her eyes, I had my answer. 

"A little...I mean, I just- I don't know. If we stay together, and want to get married...and we'll probably have to come out at some point if we really-"

"Relax." I kissed her neck, and closed my eyes, relaxing in her warmth. "I'm never gonna leave you, you know that right?" 

"How do you-"

"I just know. Mina, I need you." I kissed her neck again, and I felt her breath hitch. 

"I need you more, Chaeyoung...You don't even understand..." She laid down, pulling me on top of her. She squeezed me close as if I was a plushie. "You're my sunshine, Chaengie..."

"Mina..." I managed to wriggle up to her face in order to kiss her lips. The moment our lips met, she pushed my head closer, biting and pulling my lower lip. I giggled, pushing myself up and away from her. 

"Chaengie, babe, why'd you-"

"You said no making out." I giggled again, seeing her pout. "Unless you wanna take that back..."

"I take everything back. Especially the no thing." She winked, and I bent back down to tend to my lover.


A/N: Woohoo, I'm sick again. So, enjoy the MiChaeng! Thanks for reading! I'll hopefully update this again soon.


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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 22: so cute mimo 🥰🥰
Mimowhipped #2
yaaaasss more mimo
Chapter 3: This was cute~
Chapter 33: Awww....This is so cute
Chapter 3: SOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!
Chou_Sana #6
Chapter 6: I felt weird, Sana's on top, usually I read Tzuyu's on top . ot mote liked Dominant Tzuyu yhan dominant Sana. Haha
Wivern #7
Chapter 9: No Minayeon yet? :(
Chapter 42: i needa update
Lovelovebora #9
Chapter 37: Over-thinking, over-analyzing and over reacting. Lmao i would've kicked Tzuyu if i was Sana when she brought up the 'break up' XD Still, she's so cute ^^