Game 012 : Seungwan,I...I...

The Last Game

No One’s POV


Hoseok purpose,Hoseok embarrassed after thinking of it,Hoseok frustrated after thinking that after the particularly so call ‘purposing’ ,Seungwan still didn’t get what does he meant.Only friend that Seungwan look at Hoseok.

Litte did Hoseok realized from eavesdropping his friends,Jimin and Mina chattering at the class,he recognized of himself for being obsessing towards winning over Seungwan or otherwise that he slowly obsessed of Seungwan in order to draw her attention.He felt pathetically for being address as ‘annoying’ as a guy who obsessed of getting girl dying of him yet the meaning is opposite.

Hoseok skipped class for the first time to confirm as if he had slowly obsessed towards Seungwan?

No One’s POV

Seungwan is alone having her lunch box under the shady tree around the university compound,while unpacking her lunch box ;humming happily while cupping her hand together before start to dig in to her food.It is silence for a while before a head bulge out behind the tree and a familiar voice of mocking Seungwan-

“You’re alone eating again?”Hoseok mocks while seeing her to be alone,I can’t bear to watch it again.Approaching towards Seungwan and sit next to her on the bench.

“Why are you appearing from nowhere and saying something rude?”Seungwan intently gaze at Hoseok who being shameless to sit next to her after saying something rude.What’s the problem of eating alone?Is it forbidden?

“Anyway,where is Joy?Isn’t she is your friend?Why does she eat with you?”Hoseok concerns of how Seungwan is being alone under the shady tree eating her lunch box on the bench alone.The cold breeze blew as it is seasonal change from autumn to winter just begin.There’s still dry leaves that fallen from the tree.The cold breeze blew through the two making Hoseok to sneeze-


“Here,have some hot tea,”Seungwan notices of how Hoseok sneeze and handed some hot tea that she brought for him.He takes a gulp of it first.

“She is busy of preparing for her presentation after this,”Seungwan replied.

Hoseok gives an intend gaze from the side at Seungwan while holding on the hot tea on his hand,””You should at least come to me for lunch.I can treat you,you know that,”Hoseok try to convince Seungwan to at with him instead with her alone in this cold whether and having the lunch box.

“Uhm?But why?”Seungwan cluelessly ask while chewing the food in .That clueless look that always beat Hoseok of how to answer her,why?How could she be so clueless?Hoseok unsure of how he should explain it to Seungwan.Hoseok only hope that Seungwan can see him as ‘more’ than just a friend who can accompany her during lunch time instead of her being alone with her lunch box.

“Ah!Hoseok oppa,”suddenly a girl walk to them who younger than them ,calling Hoseok as oppa .Saving Hoseok from further explain to the clueless Seungwan.

“You-you are the girl from the club,right?”Hoseok unsures of who is the girl as he constantly meet of many girls,what’s her name again..?

“Ne,it’s me Nayeon.Such a surprise!Long time no see ever since oppa you leave the club.By the way,are you going to the party for tomorrow night?”the girls with pale skin and jutted out her two bunny teeth and petite sized girl ask Hoseok who get a little bit confuse as he doesn’t really remember any girl who she met before other than Seungwan who is the only girl in his mind.

“Party?Tomorrow night?”

“Yes,”the girl namely Nayeon nods in pleasant ,hoping the Mr.Mighty Hoseok would go too,”Don’t forget!Everyone misses you since you are not around in the club anymore.Come over to have fun,”she insists and her eyes adjust to the one who sit next to Hoseok,Seungwan busily eating her lunch box.

“Who is that?Is she your girlfriend?”noticing as how Hoseok and Seungwan sitting close to each other.

Hoseok had a frozen expression as Nayeon mentions of girlfriend,he nervously stutters but he doesn’t know why too,””why am I become nervous?

“Ani!We are just friend!”Seungwan claims clearly that Hoseok and her are just friends,nothing more than that or likewise how Nayeon thinks it is.

Bwo?!Why so straightforward?!Hoseok doesn’t expect Seungwan to be as straightforward as that as he is hoping that Seungwan would say something else like admit it and helping him out from the situation of being asking out.

“Ah,I thought so,”Nayeon reassures by the fact that Seungwan isn’t Hoseok’s girlfriend,”Anyway,see you tomorrow,oppa.”

In the circumstances that Hoseok feels everything became gloomy when Seungwan straightforward to the girl,Nayeon who clarify herself as one of the Hoseok’s same club member-mate.By facepalming himself yet still not being notice by Seungwan who clueless of it,”Don’t you eat your lunch?”Seungwan concerns of Hoseok’s stomach instead of his feeling right now,getting an indirect rejection from Seungwan who acknowledge him as a friend only.

“No,I’m not eating anything,”Hoseok states in frustration. Down to the memory lane for the past ten years,I’m just a friend for Seungwan after ten years?!

“I can go out with you,if you want?”

“Where to go?”


“Who are you?”

A slight flashback of all of the ten years memories that Hoseok had with Seungwan,Hoseok could only think of how had he treat Seungwan yet she seems like never realize about anything ,however, she only see him as a friend even though of how much they had go through.

No...why is it turn to be like this?

In embarrassment that Hoseok cover his face with his hand while thinking of the embarrassments for these ten years.Noticing as how weirdly Hoseok behaves all of the sudden,Seungwan is clueless of what to do,what’s wrong with him acting weird?

“You gonna go to the party she mentioned?”Seungwan attempt of changing the subject to  make Hoseok feels better than he acts weirdly while covering his own face – look like his confidence drop to zero.

“I got a party of a student group to go tomorrow as well..So..I was thinking that if you don’tgo tomorrow...”

“Wait..what group to you mean?”Hoseok reacts immediately when Seungwan tells him about the group she had just joinfor a few minutes ago before lunch break.A blankly face paste on Hoseok when Seungwan mention of it,”I thought you were not in any group.Since when did you...?”

“I just joined one just now,”Seungwan states.

“ what group?What is the name?”Hoseok insists to know about the club that Seungwan had join just now.

Why do I have to tell you of what club I have join?Is it necessary for a friend to know?”The astronomy club.”Seungwan assumes.

“Astronomy?!”where the hell is this coming from?Why didn’t heard about the club before?

“Is a club that Joy is in it.They are currently recruiting new members because of the university festivals that will be coming soon,”Seungwan explains yet she sighs,”However,I really not interested to it to be honest.I just trying it out.”

“Then,why did you turn me down when I invited you to join the tennis club with me last year?”Hoseok frowns of displease as Seungwan didn’t tell him about it and as well that she didn’t join the same club as him.

“I already told you that I’m not interested to join any club.I was planning to take more part time jobs and get  more certificates .I didn’t have time for those,”Seungwan said while packing up her lunch box ready to leave after the lunch break,”Besides,I wasn’t interested in tennis at all,”she adds as the point that she didn’t join the same club as Hoseok.

“Didn’t I tell you that I can teach you,”Hoseok retorts,you don’t have to be interested with tennis but you have to be interested in me!!

“Why are you being loud?”Seungwan get annoy of how Hoseok yell at her as she tells her that she doesn’t have time for club and not interested in tennis.

“I’m sorry but...”Hoseok suddenly being serious and stuttered of words ,heavy breathe as he speaks,” turned me down when I asked you.How could you say yes to anyone other than me?”Hoseok doesn’t want to think like that but he can’t help but to think like that as he cares so much of why Seungwan could be easy towards anyone but  to him,Seungwan just otherwise.Anyone,you go easy with them but why can’t you do the same for me?




Hoseok..did he just blush?Seungwan notices of unusual of Hoseok.

“Seungwan,I..”Hoseok reach his hand on Seungwan’s wrist before her hand gently ,thump,why does my heart racing just by holding on Seungwan’s hand,I wanna told you that I...


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Its been a while since i updated it, will be updating it soon


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Chapter 16: Ahhh poor hobi but heyy you know how clueless our seungwan is. huhu
jotwins_vms #2
Chapter 16: OMG I MISS THIS STORY SO MUCH SBAIJSHS im so happy when there's an update. Thank you authornim!!!! ♡♡♡

But why you you make poor hoseok. cries. He suffers enough. Come here my baby sunshine let me huggle you if wendy still not accepting you. ; ; ; ; ; and jin is sysjshsbsh why is jin being so mean too. you know jin, karma is on its way but i still love you too. : c and wendy, please just know hoseok cares for you only.

Thanks again for the update authornim. I can't wait to read more!!!
omfg was this inspired by the manga? rly excited hehe
Vtae84 #4
Chapter 16: Ahhh..jin ssi annoying..ㅋㅋㅋ..poor hoseok..aishh..
Chapter 16: I missed this story so much. Thank you for this update. And Hoseok don't give up yet!
Chapter 15: You better step up your game Hoseok! hahaha btw, "a coat land over Seungwan’s head and cover her up" that's a smooth move you got there boi!