Chapter one

Murder Seventy-Four

November, 2014


Running, he was running. The sky above him was slowly darkening as he pushed himself to run faster, until his last breath. His ears were red, the cold was slowly seeping into his body, his thin blouse and dirty pants weren’t providing him warmth. Baekhyun clutched the papers he was holding against his chest as he ran to get out of there. It had been far past nine pm, Baekhyun had been socializing at a bar earlier. He wouldn’t drink anything with alcoholic substance, he still had work to do at home.


Baekhyun was afraid to look back, footsteps sounded behind him, the man running behind him was catching up with his pace if he didn’t give a little bit more of power. He turned left at the end of the street, into a dark alley, the lights were turned off as if the few lanterns positioned in the alley were all broken. Baekhyun swallowed noisily, catching his breath as he had no way to leave. He turned around quickly, afraid the man was one step behind him. He was briefly happy that the man was still a decent distance away from him. It didn’t end there though, the man was laughing wickedly, showing his teeth as he approached Baekhyun slowly, his hands baled into fists, his reddening eyes were seeking his every move, he was drastically drunk. A whimper escaped Baekhyun’s mouth, he was planning on screaming but the thought of the man getting full on irritated halted Baekhyun’s plans. Baekhyun eyes frantically darted around the alley, searching for a weapon, anything to take the man out with. His search seemed to be hopeless though, he diverted his eyes back to the man who was seemingly still very far from Baekhyun’s spot against the brick wall.


Baekhyun decided he could try to scream, he would pray whoever would still be walking out on the street on this very cold evening would be very gracious and help him out. The moment he opened his mouth to try his hardest was the moment the man grunted in pain, another man came jumping from above, he seemed to be holding something in his right hand, something sharp. The perpetrator who was after Baekhyun stumbled forward as the sharp weapon hit his back, he was holding a pocketknife in his left hand which fell out of his hand and onto the ground. Baekhyun screeched as he pushed himself even more against the wall, still clutching his papers. The man who wasn’t very visible due to the darkness in the alley had quickly grabbed the pocket knife lying on the ground. Baekhyun was able to make out his form in the dark, he seemed to be tall, very tall. Baekhyun panted, perspiration dripping off his forehead, strands of brown hair plastered against his face. He kept an eye on the stranger who was crouched down, pocket knife held against the throat of the perpetrator. Baekhyun gasped, he couldn’t kill him. Baekhyun held out his hand, although he knew it must’ve been too dark for the man to see anything.


“Wait, no!” Baekhyun screamed, eyes bulging out as he witnessed the extremely dangerous situation before his very own eyes. The man holding the pocket knife halted his moves suddenly, his head stayed lowered and his eyes stayed focused on the man lying on the ground. Baekhyun swallowed, as he bit his lip, wondering how he even got himself in this life or death situation.


“Don’t- Don’t kill- hurt him.” Baekhyun panted, stuttering in between. The man grasped the pocket knife even harder, Baekhyun thought he should run, this man might’ve saved him but he could kill him after he was done with the scrawny human on the ground. Baekhyun was trying to think positively as he tried to speak once more.


“Y-You shouldn’t hurt him, he has wronged. But-But I need to declare this to the police.” A sound of a body part cracking was heard throughout the silent alley, Baekhyun jumped unconsciously before shutting his mouth.


“A good boy, I would’ve never thought.” The words raked through Baekhyun’s head after they were pronounced clearly, he blinked his eyes rapidly. A malicious laugh followed, disappearing into the sky with the blinding moon. Baekhyun screamed internally, as his eyes sought out the man who was crouched on the ground a second before, his eyes were looking into the deep darkness, in the distance the yellow lights of the lanterns shone onto the slightly brighter street. The man who had ran after him was lying unconscious on the ground, only his head was visible to Baekhyun. Baekhyun held his hand over his heard, as his panting decreased, and his breathing was slowly getting back to normal. He eyed the body lying on the floor before he counted till three to sprint out of the alley and get back to his residence.






November, 2016


“You’re on duty, Baekhyun.” Baekhyun massaged his temple, as he scanned over the schedule pinned against the board.


“Kim Jongdae, great.” Baekhyun muttered, carelessly. He picked up his cup of coffee and drowned it quickly. He checked if he had everything on him, handcuffs, hand phone, radio, pepper spray, baton, tear-gas, ticket forms and his service weapon. After checking it all twice to be certain, he walked into the corridor where his colleague, Jongdae had been waiting for him.


“That took you long enough,” Baekhyun disregarded Jongdae’s whiny as he entered the elevator with Jongdae behind him.


“Anything specific this afternoon?”


“We’ll be visiting Seocho, order from Junmyeon.”


“What’s happening over there?” Baekhyun questioned.


“We’ve been requested to keep order, two hours minimal. There’s been unrest detected, the residents have been fearful for days. We’ve received several complaints regarding loiterers who disregard several warnings.” Baekhyun heaved a sigh as they exited the building, this afternoon would be spent in a black Audi, as they weren’t allowed to drive in the police vehicle’s.




The remaining hour of the afternoon had been calmly, as the skies were slowly losing their brightness, the evening arrived. The men had been alert as they were seated in their vehicle, boys were walking around the neighborhood with sagged jeans and white shirts with holes in it. Baekhyun inspected the bunch of boys as they walked by, cellphone screens lightened. Baekhyun observed each every one of them, they’d worn hats as if they wouldn’t want to be recognized. Baekhyun wasn’t sure if these particular boys actually lived in this neighborhood or if they just like terrorizing it.


“Nothing corrupt has happened yet,” Jongdae stated, sleepily.


“Keep your eyes open, Jongdae.” Baekhyun ordered as he leaned forward, trying to be as discreet as possible. The men stopped nearby a bar located near an alley. Baekhyun duck his head immediately when he noted one of the boys glancing in their direction. He slapped Jongdae on his thigh, gesturing him to be as subtle as possible, but to specifically stay alert. Jongdae hissed, as he directed his gaze towards a couple walking on a dirt road on his left.


“You better got a good reason for that little stunt you just pulled out of nowhere,”


“Are you even a legal cop,” Baekhyun gritted through his teeth, keeping his voice low.


“Are you literally-“


“Stop bickering, . Keep your eyes on the in’ bar in the distance,” Baekhyun mumbled quickly, patience running thin. Noises suddenly emerged from a distance, Baekhyun tilted his head back up as he returned his gaze back in the direction of the bar. The boys who were previously stood in front of the entrance of the bar were suddenly nowhere to be seen. Baekhyun diverted his eyes to Jongdae, raising his eyebrows.


“, I don’t in’ know where they went, alright.” Baekhyun clutched his temple, shaking his head.


“Start the engine, before I blow your head off.” Jongdae bit his lip, preventing himself from talking back as they were still on a job. He started the engine quickly and drove out of the parking lot and onto the road leading to the corner where the bar was located.  


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Chapter 1: It has a very captivating and mysterious feel to it. I am really looking forward to the next chapter.