제 17 회

At Your Service

              Taehyun was in a piss poor mood. After receiving the go signal for their feature film, everything concerning it seemed to go haywire, and in the complete opposite direction she wanted it to go. The supporting cast kept getting shifted around due to conflicting schedules, her magic man at home was uncooperative due to his reoccurring mood swings, and bad luck seemed to gravitate to her as to how the planets are gravitated to the Sun. And as we have established, Taehyun was the all-star of misfortune; the Minnesota Misfortunes MVP.

Every little thing coagulated together and wound her up into one very sour peach.

“Jjong,” she said, impatiently, “You said you’d be here. We’re all waiting for you.” On the other line, Jonghyun sniffled loudly, she could hear him shuffle around in bed, presumably pulling the covers back over.

“I’m just don’t feel it today,” Jonghyun bawled, in between hiccups, “Just go without me.”

Not feeling it?” Taehyun huffed, “Jonghyun, we literally cannot leave without you. You volunteered for everything, remember? Our ride? Our props? Our location? You said you ‘got it’.”

“Did I?” Jonghyun asked. Taehyun sighed, grumpily tapping her foot against the ground. She could almost feel her head heat up from her pent-up frustration.

She turned around to check on the cast and crew, who were casually lounging around, fanning themselves with makeshift fans. Any longer in the unusual heat wave, and they would’ve been panting like dogs. Additionally, they knew better than to hover around Taehyun while she wore that exceptionally displeased look on her face.

“Please,” Taehyun begged, “I wish you’d just come already.”

“You can’t wish my will away,” Jonghyun stated, suddenly sounding ten times better, “But since I’m such a er for you, fine. I’ll be there. Just give me a second.”

And all before Taehyun could mutter the ‘thank you’ she’d meant to say; there he was in a snap. Jonghyun rolled in in a bright yellow convertible, with the top folded down. Closely behind him, two black vans followed along. Jonghyun was going for that HEY, I’M A HUGE BALLER look today, but decided to tone it down to the HEY, I’M A HUGE BALLER, BUT I’M LIKE SO DOWN TO EARTH Y’KNOW look. The complete attire sported a naturally woven, 100% silk shirt—not one but two seasons ahead—which was custom made for him by Karl Lagerfeld to match his limited edition, priceless studded sneakers, shined to perfection and brighter than your future. A pair of vintage Aviators tied the whole look together.

Jonghyun grinned as he waved at Taehyun, who stared at him incredulously.

“My cousin!” he yelled happily. Without even bothering to open the doors, he jumped out of his convertible with ease and ran over to her, practically skipping merrily as if he hadn’t been a sobbing mess earlier. He stretched his arms out to hug her, but instead of returning it, she got on the tips of her toes and grabbed a good fistful of hair from his head in her hands.

Ya,” she warned, eyes wide and full of threat, “You don’t plan on being stubborn today, right?” Jonghyun gulped nervously, shaking his head. The little voice in his head speculated that if he hadn’t shown up, she would’ve killed him in his sleep. Well, that is, if he could die.

“Great,” she said, letting go, “That’s my magic man.” She smiled as she lightly pat at the area where she’d tugged at. Jonghyun felt his heart flutter again, which he found a little absurd after being violently threatened by her just moments ago. The fluttering in his chest was becoming so frequent, that he considered making a visit to the doctor.

The two joined the rest of the group, and with that, they made their way to their location.

Despite her best efforts, Taehyun ended up riding shotgun in Jonghyun’s (painfully) brightly colored convertible.

“I’m loving the suave factor of this ride, Jjong,” she commented, wiping away at the sweat on her face, “But I think I prefer the vans instead. Plus, the driver in the second car looked pretty cute.” Jonghyun frowned.

“But you’re the director,” he reasoned, “You should be the one leading the way. Plus, the driver in this car is way cuter.” He stole a glance at her, practically beaming, as he tipped his sunglasses. Taehyun sighed.

“I know,” she commented, “You don’t have to keep reminding me.”

“By the way,” she added, “You… were crying again. What happened?” The glow on Jonghyun’s face remained; his bright aura hadn’t dampened at all.

“I can’t really remember,” he said, “I get depressed easily.” Taehyun furrowed her brows; she was curious, but she decided to let the topic rest. They fell silent for a while.

“I’m not the most patient person in the world,” Taehyun spoke up, “You could say I’m impatient. That’s probably the only thing me and my brothers have in common.” Jonghyun said nothing, allowing for her to finish. His eyes were on the road, but everything else was with her.

“Y’know,” she went on, “I was a waitress for a while. Then I got fired. It was my fault anyway. Some guy was taking forever to order; he just couldn’t decide, and it was getting on my nerves—granted, I was in a terrible mood, which isn’t an excuse but y’know—so I interrupted him and offered him the house special. Turns out he was allergic to peanuts. Well, peanut sauce just isn’t for everyone.

“I can’t wait in long lines either. And I didn’t wait for my friend to calm down before dragging him out to wherever, just so I could boss him around. I’m sorry.” The traffic light turned red, and the car slowed down. Jonghyun took his sunglasses off, placing them aside, and looked at Taehyun.

“Did I worry you?” Jonghyun inquired, to which he received a slight nod from her. He pursed his lips.

“Then you’re not the one who should be apologizing,” he stated, “You know you’re not just anyone to me, Taehyun. You’re my person. I’m your magic man. I’d follow you anywhere, so don’t worry about me; I’m always available when it comes to you, my Cho Taehyun. You’re impatient and I never make anyone wait; we’re a match made in Heaven.” Taehyun rose a brow.

“Except for this morning,” Jonghyun quickly added, “That was an exception.”

Taehyun shook her head, biting back a smile. She crossed her arms and fixated on the road once again.

“Light’s green,” she noted.

“I know,” he replied, “I’m the one who changed it.”

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Chapter 20: OMG... did jinki just die? omg omg 8") please i'm looking for more Jonghyun Taehyun moment 8")
Chapter 20: B L E S S
I'm seriously so thankful for all these updates! I'm really excited to see what Taehyun is going to do. And ugh that pesky time constraint, it makes me nervous to see what happens! Ahhh can't wait for the next update.
Chapter 19: Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope
Lee Jinki how could you!? I feel so bad for Taehyun but at the same time feel a bit bad for Jinki. Oh god we all know things will go wrong if this wish comes true all I'm already worrying. Man I'm so nervous for the next chapter!
Chapter 18: Yesss an update! I'm so excited to see what happens in the next chapter. How did they really meet?? Hmmmm??? And will Jonghyun come in between them again?? I love this story so much so I can't wait to see how ends.
You always seem to update when I log in! Is this fate? Hahaha! My soul mate is your beautiful story. I'M getting really excited to see what happens next. I love all the details you use and just everything. I know I repeat myself a lot but I hope I can motivate you keep it up!
it's been a long time since i read a shinee fanfic. yours seems so interesting! i'll read it soon ^-^
btw your poster is soooo cute ;u; it's just my style - do you make your own posters or...?
Woke up at 2am because my alarm clock decided to be annoying and I decided to check AFF. All the sleep was gone once I noticed you had updated. I love the way you make the relationship with Jinki. Not super awkward like most people do when dealing with an ex but they still talk and get along and I love it.

Also once again your humor is hilarious. I can't help but smile and laugh when I read your updates. Thank you for updating twice and I hope you don't feel pressured to update.
Chapter 13: Two chapters omg! It's 6am I woke up and decided to check my phone and omg I'm so happy. I feel so sad reading about her family by super excited/nervous to see what Jonghyun has in mind with a time constraint! Thank you for all your hard work.
Chapter 11: Forgot to comment on chapter 10 but I'll comment for both haha!! I'm seriously so in love right now with this story. That jealous party though! I couldn't help but smIle so wide. I'm definitely leaning toward Jonghyun right now. Thank you for updating so soon!