


They were walking leisurely on the street of Seoul when Minho suddenly reached out for Taemin's hand.

"Let me hold your hand," Minho said while trying to take Taemin's tiny hand into his.

Taemin looked at Minho ridiculously and whispered, "Not here, hyung."

It's not that Taemin didn't like to hold Minho's hand but they were in public and Taemin didn't want them to become an attention to people there. In fact, Taemin really when Minho is clasping their fingers together or just simply holding his hand but sometimes he just feel insecure when the public is eyeing them with that disgusting look. He cannot bear with it. But it's a different story with Minho. Minho really doesn't care about it. Taemin is his boyfriend and holding hand is normal between a couple whether in public or not, right? So, why he should feel embarrassed about it? Oh! Maybe because they are not like other couple but screw that! Minho still doesn't care.

"Come on Taemin, just give me your hand," Minho demanded.

"But there's a lot of people here, hyung." Taemin whined but Minho already clasped their fingers tightly.

"Gotcha! And I want you to know that I will never feel embarrassed to hold your hand, Lee Taemin," Minho said while smiling at Taemin cutely.


"Why do you like to hold my hand, hyung?" Taemin asked when they were preparing for their dinner at the kitchen.

"Well, because your hand is so tiny and small," Minho answered.

" Seriously, just because of that?" Taemin pouted and started to get annoyed.

Minho laughed at Taemin's cuteness.

" Actually, I don't want people take you away or kidnap you because you are so cute and adorable and no one can even resist it." Minho replied and pecked Taemin's lips.

" Yah! Minho-hyung."



a/n  cliche oh so cliche

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Chapter 1: Aww, they're adorable ☺
Chapter 1: My teeth gonna hurt... yes this so simple but cute as well...:)
Chapter 1: So cute and really cute ~