August 24, 2012

Of Photobooks and Novels
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He was looking at the box he was holding in his hands. He has to man up, give this to Yesung tonight, and maybe, if everything goes well, confess his feelings for the guy. His heart was beating fastly just at the thought of what he has to do. Just then the door of the comfort room opened, with Heechul coming inside. Kyuhyun quickly hid the box back to the pocket of his coat. But it was a bit too late for Heechul's eyes.   "Too late. Saw it." Heechul chanted. "Is that your gift for Yesung? Was that a watch?"   He opted not to answer, hoping the other would just stop pestering him and just go do whatever he has to do in he rest room. His hopes though aren't coming true.   "Hmm a bracelet? Oooh it is a bracelet! Whoa... Are you going all Gui Xian in here? Just like when that character confessed to Yeri, with a bracelet?" Kyuhyun took a look at the other now. Silently asking what the hell he was blabbering about, but of course he knew exactly what Heechul was blabbering about.   "You know that I am a fan ---"   "You're my fan, sure"   "Haha, you wish. I am a fan of your works. I read your novels and I am pretty sure that your character Gui Xian is based on you and Yeri is based on Yesung"   "Whatever floats your boat Heechul." He said with a shrug. He cannot deny the truth, so why bother. Those two characters from his new novel is indeed based on Yesung and him. A part of him wanted Yesung to know his feelings through those characters. The problem was Yesung never really bothered to read his works. Well, to be fair, he doesn't like reading fiction. Yesung likes movies. He watches an unhealthy amount of movies. He isn't the novels-type.   "But come to think of it, why do you actually hate me?" Kyuhyun continued.   "Hate is a strong word. I just am so annoyed with all this, all this unlabelled thing you have going on with Yesung" his hands flaying around, to clearly manifest his annoyance.    "What do you mean unlabelled? We're close friends ---"   "Ughh there. There it is. When both of you are in constant denial"   "So you're saying that he has feelings for me? Did he mention that to you?"   "He doesn't have to mention anything. I can see through him. I'm sure that there was a moment before that he was into you."   "Really now..." Kyuhyun was never sure. That was one of the many reasons why he never confessed to Yesung. He was scared of rejection. What if Yesung really just sees him as a close friend? Kyuhyun has never been rejected before. It's always him who is confessed to. It's him that girls chase. It's him that guys invite. He was never the one to make a move. And he was never going to make an exception for anyone... That is, until now.    "I know about that drunken night in our apartment you know." Heechul continued, seeing that Kyuhyun was kinda lost in thoughts. "And then you barraged the cafe with different dates with other people right after. move..."   It was a move, now that he's thinking about it. What was he thinking again that time? To make Yesung jealous until he cracks and confess first? That didn't happen though.   "...and you aren't less obvious either. You definitely are into my bestfriend, but you never made a clear move."    Kyuhyun just let out a sigh. He knew all of this now. His hand went subconsciously to his pocket where his gift for Yesung was.   "That's why I feel frustrated when I look at the two of you fools. Does that answer your question as to why I'm not a fan of you as a person?" Heechul said, while chuckling. Heechul then proceeded to the urinal to go do his business. Kyuhyun started to speak, wanting to ask something when the other cut him off. "Are you trying to open up or have a heart to heart talk or something? Because this is a bad time, I have to pee"   Kyuhyun chuckled light-heartedly and walked towards the door right then. He heard Heechul saying, "Goodluck with your bracelet. I hope it's not too late"   He came out of the door and saw Yesung and Siwon on the side of the hallway. Yesung was the one facing him, while Siwon has his back towards Kyuhyun. They were standing so close to each other. It's too close, and Kyuhyun didn't like it. They look like they were holding hands as well but Yesung quickly removed his when he saw Kyuhyun... but Kyuhyun was not sure. The lights are dimmed, so he cannot be sure of the holding hands thing. Why would they be holding each other's hands anyway?   "Kyu!" Yesung said, looking right at him. He observed that tiny backward move Yesung did, away from Siwon.    Siwon turned to him with his mega-watt smile, "Hey".   He greeted the other two back. Then he asked why they were outside the singing room (noraebang).    "We're just discussing something" Siwon replied.   "Oh uhm, Kyu, Seohyun's already inside by the way"    "Mwo?! I didn't invite her"   "I was the one who invited her actually", Yesung said with a smile.   Probably because of Kyuhyun's questioning look, Siwon proceeded to explain, albeit teasingly, "Because you're the only one without a date"   "Huh. Who's your date then?" Kyuhyun asked. I haven't seen Seohyun is weeks now, this will definitely be awkward. Why do I need a date? I'm pretty sure these two doesn't have dates with them either.   "Hahaha you'll see later!" Siwon answered, snickering, like he knows some inside joke that Kyuhyun was not getting. Yesung though seemed agitated.    "Hmm fine..." He just let Siwon be. "Are you guys still aren't going in?" He asked as he walked pass by them.   "We'll just follow you, Kyu" Said Yesung.   🌻 🌻 🌻   Siwon asked Yesung if it was ok to tell their friends that they are dating now. This was because he was giving him a special gift. He'll probably need to explain why that was his gift, and if he does, it would be equal to telling the world that he loves Yesung. Yes he knows that he does, even if it's only been four months since they've met. But he didn't tell the other yet, of course. They've only been dating for three weeks. Saying those three words this early would be suicidal to the relationship. Plus, Yesung doesn't seem as committed as Siwon. Yesung asked him to keep their dating a secret first, so that's why they were there at the hallway now, outside the singing room.   "Now? Hmm..."   "It's perfect, because our closest friends are all here."    He looks at the birthday boy who was now biting a nail on his finger. Siwon got guilty. He doesn't want to burden Yesung. He took his hands, and moved much closer towards him, "But, it's fine if you aren't ready." Siwon said, making sure he gave his best smile so that Yesung will believe him. "Maybe next time, ok?"   Just then he felt Yesung stiffened at the sight of something, or someone, behind him. The small hands in his quickly removed its self from him, Siwon feeling empty for a moment right there.    It was Kyuhyun. Yesung further moved away from him but only by a bit. There were some small talks between the three. Yesung the told Kyuhyun that he invited someone that Kyuhyun was dating before. 'Was' because Siwon knew that Kyuhyun stopped meeting up with this girl already. But Yesung insisted, saying that of all of Kyuhyun's dates, it was this Seohyun who Yesung liked best. He just didn't contradict him, as it was his birthday party afterall.   Siwon proceeded to explain to his besfriend why Yesung invited her over, albeit teasingly, "Because you're the only one without a date"   Kyuhyun's face further crunched into confusion, "Huh. Who's your date then?"   Siwon cannot help but snicker, thinking how Yesung and him really managed to sneak around. Their closest friends didn't have an idea that they are officially seeing each other exclusively. It was pretty obvious that he was interested with Yesung. He never backed down in showing his interest since the first time they've met. He made sure that Yesung would see his efforts and would feel his sincerity.    "We'll just follow you, Kyu" Siwon heard the smaller guy in front of him say. When Kyuhyun was out off the view, he took Yesung's hands with him again and kissed both backs of Yesung's palms.    Siwon sees Yesung's face turn red even with the lights dimmed. The most adorable thing in the planet. "What are you thinking about, hmm?"   "Let's do it, later. Let's tell them. We aren't stopping this whole seeing-each-other soon now aren't we?"   "No not soon" Siwon said smiling like a goof. He took the birthday boy to his chest, overwhelmed with happiness, his hands snaking around the smaller's back. "...And I hope not ever, Yesungie". He felt Yesung's hands snake around his waist too. He didn't want to end their hugging position soon but the smaller guy's bestfriend came in view, being loud and blunt as usual.   "Yah! Keep it PG 13! Hey you giant, you're suffocating my bestfriend! Can't you wait 'til the night is over?!"   Yesung wriggled away from his embrace, and snapped back at the other. "We aren't doing anything you !"    Heechul dragged Yesung inside their rented room, "Really!? That's not what I saw though ---"   "Shut up shut up" Siwon heard Yesung chanted, as their voices were drowned by the music inside.   He followed the two inside the room. He can feel butterflies in his stomach. Yes he still feels it until now, like a highschool girl. He won't tell anyone about it of course. It's what Yesung brings to him. Sure, there's lust in there too. He cannot ignore the fact that Yesung is one y creature. And the best thing is that he doesn't even try to be one. He doesn't even seem to know that he is. That is why Siwon doesn't, for the life of him, understand how Yesung never had a boyfriend ever since he moved to the city. It's been more than two years. For a time, he wondered if Yesung was not yet over his ex who he left back in their province. But now of course, he knows that Yesung has already moved on from that.    Siwon made sure that he pulls through his shameless flirting. He doesn't want to be similar to all the other customers who flirts with the hot guy from the cafe, just because. He made it to a point that Yesung knows his intentions from the very start. He waited for his shifts to end. He brings him to the cinema, aside from those group movie trips that they do sometimes with Heechul and his girlfriend, and most times with Kyuhyun. He would go his way to pick him up when Yesung goes to an event alone as a photographer. It's on these moments that he was able t
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I'm halfway done with the next chapter. It's set in DaraHae's wedding, weeeeee


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394 streak #1
Chapter 7: You're still not here, I'm so sad 😭😭😭
394 streak #2
just a reminder to let you know that your fans (me me me!) are still waiting, hope someday, yeah someday, you will be back here <3
Liza_Blessedx2 #3
Chapter 6: Please author-nim we need you to come back to this heartstirring story ...please don't leave it unfinished, it doesn't deserve to be abandoned... please please please!!!
Chapter 7: I really like this story.. I would love to know the ending..
394 streak #5
Chapter 7: I miss this fic, I hope you will come back soon author-nim~ don't do this to meeee~ T_T I love this story so much
394 streak #6
Chapter 2: OMG, finally I found this fic!!! I believe I read this years ago, but then got lost!
Hi. Im not dead. I am reviewing for the bar exams. Im pretty sure I will continue this when the exams are over and I wait for the results.

Please dont hate me? TT
jongwoontrash #8
Chapter 4: I fckin died at the cute
mayosh #9
Chapter 7: Babo Kyu~!! They should just talked it out and confessed to each other. Why even brought a girl to that cafe Kyu >w<
Aww.. wookie fighting~!! Cone back safely, ELF will be waiting~ also Happy Birthday to Henry hehehe