Chapter 3



    I wasn't prepared for the house. He pulls into a driveway that has oak trees arching over it. The driveway is close to half a mile long. When we stopped talking we were on the outskirts of the city, and after another 2 hours of driving we are in all out country. The other driveways that I could see from the road were miles away, the sense of isolation begins to set in as I get my first glimpse of the house. It looks ancient, but you can tell the beauty of the house has never faded. It is white with two ethereal columns on either side of the large front doors.

    "It was built in the eighteen hundreds." Sehun says  breaking the heavy silence.

    "It's beautiful." I say

    "Thank you." He pauses." I hope that you will feel at home here." I can tell that he is trying to get me to say something.

    I don't say anything, I just  remain facing away until he pulls the car to a stop.

     "Are you just not going to talk to me?"  He says.

     I let out a sigh. "I said what I have to say to you."

     "I already said I was sorry, what else do you want me to do?"

     "I don't know, I just don't know what to tell you."

     "Just talk to me, that takes less effort" He flashes one of those annoyingly perfect smiles. I roll my eyes at him. He then surprises me and grabs my hand. I instinctively pull away. He doesn't let go. I finally turn towards him.

     "Let go." I say as emotionally detached as I can.

     "No." Sehun mimics my tone.

    "Please." My voice starts to get a wine to it. I start to shake. I always get this reaction when someone grabs my left hand,they will inevitably feel the long scar that runs from under my palm to halfway down my forearm . He finally lets my hand go. I quickly look away and put it in my lap.

    "Where is that scar from?"

    "It’s nothing." I say, trying to get him to drop it.

    "That doesn’t answer my question."Sehun says it in a voice dripping with concern, it does nothing to stifle my annoyance.

    “I didn’t live in the best part of town.” My tone was getting short.

    “It was definitely not stitched up right.” He sounded like he was talking more to himself, than to me.

    "My mother wanted to take me to the doctor, but since the government took away benefits for singles we had to choose between food or a house, so medical care was definitely not at the top of the list."

    "Please don't harbor resentment towards me about a stupid decision that my father made."

    "I don't, I have never blamed you, seeing as I didn't know your name until this morning, I was just saying..." I stop myself, realizing a little too late what I was about to say and who I was about to say it to. To my surprise Sehun finishes my sentence for me.

    "You were saying you hated my Dad."

    "Yeah" I say guiltily

    "Don't worry" he says gently "I have for a long time."

    "Really?" I say "because for most people that statement will get you killed."

    "I'm not most people." Sehun says "I can get away with anything, now, I guess you can too."I notice his eyes flick towards the house, I turn around to see Walt walking toward the car.

    "Ready to see the inside." He says while reaching for the door handle. I nod my head and reach for mine, but before I have a chance Walt reaches us and pulls it open for me.

    "Your things have arrived, but I suppose you should get to see the place before you decide where anything goes." He says.

    " How is that possible? Did we not drive directly here?" I hear the bewilderment in my voice.

    "Actually, it's because we drove" Sehun says "this is about a three minute trip from where you landed with the jet, but I wanted to talk more so we drove. "

    "Oh" is all I can say as I get out of the car. Sehun digs around in his pocket for his keys as he walks slightly in front of me to the ornate large front doors and inserts his old brass key. The doors open into a breathtaking staircase.

    "It's not the most modest place, but it's my home, hopefully you will like it as much as I do." He looks nervous, but I could see how much work was put into into it.

    "It's beautiful." As I say it Sehun lets out a sigh of relief. I look up at him, I realize he may be just as scared as I was.

    There is a beautiful grand staircase that fills the foyer, he leads me to the side of it. "Here is the kitchen and the living room." There is one huge window overlooking beautiful mountains in the living room. The mountains appear a hazy blue as the early morning fog tries to lift.

    "The mountains look beautiful." I say mystified.

    "That's one of the reasons why I live all the way out here, so I can wake up to that every morning."

    "You can see them in your room?" I ask.

    "Yeah, do you want to go see?" Sehun says it with a little bit of excitement in his voice. We walk up the gorgeous grand staircase, there is a catwalk that overlooks the two story window.

    "To the left are the spare bedrooms, the library, my office and the game room. To the right is my bed and bathroom." Sehun says as the guides me toward his bedroom. We walk in through french doors. The room is the opposite of the traditional style of the outside of the house. It has giant windows from the floor to the ceiling at the back of the room. The floor is a slate colored stone and the large bed has a modern black frame. The whole feel of the room is extremely masculine and cold. There are very few personalized touches, save for a picture that is face down on one of the night stands and my boxes that were to the right of the bed.

    "Will you need help unpacking your things?" Sehun said motioning to the boxes.

    "I don't know where to put anything..."

   "Well, we can start with your clothes, I bought another dresser for you. The closet should also accommodate most of what you need to hang up."

   I walk over to my boxes and look down at my mother's handwriting marking each one and I feel my eyes starting to burn as tears threaten to fall. I miss her so much, but I blink them away and say "My clothes box is this one" and gesture to the medium sized box in front of me.

    “Oh.” he says “That’s shocking. My little sister probably has enough to fill this house…” he trails off when he sees my face. He shakes his head “I wasn’t- I didn’t mean that, I’m sorry, what’s wrong?

    I feel my bottom lip quivering as I try to prevent a full on cry fest, but just couldn’t hold out. The tears flood my eyes and I turn away and bury my face in my hands. He reaches out and puts his hand on my shoulder. I stiffen and shrug away from him.

    “It isn't your fault.” I manage to choke out. “I think I just need to be alone.”

    He shakes his head. “No. Just tell me what’s wrong.”

    I just sink to the floor and bring my knees to my chest and rest my head on them. To my surprise he comes and sits next to me. He tentatively puts his hand on my back. I don’t try to move away from him this time.

    “If you never tell me what happened, then how will I know how to make it better?” With this he scoots closer to me until our legs touch, and he starts moving the hand on my back in little circles. I just keep crying. I am finally realizing what really happened today. I was matched, with a stranger. I will never see Max again. I had to move to a new city. I have no friends here. God knows when I will see my mother again. Jesus, this guy is the son of the president, how the hell am I supposed to even act now!?! I just want to curl up under my covers in my bedroom and wake up from this. Then I feel his hand, softly rubbing my back. It is warm and comforting. All I want to do is lean into him, but before I can entertain that thought for more than a few seconds he pulls me onto his lap.





Author's Note:

I am so flattered that so many of you bothered to read and subscribe to my fic! I cannot express how thankful I am to you guys! I would love some comments on your thoughts about the story!



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Observance #1

you're da bomb <3 probably my only complaint is that you could increase the linespacing some more? Like, make it double-spaced or 1.5-spaced, so it's a little bit easier to read.
SongPanda91 #2
Authornim, your story got my attention and when i read it i fall in love with your plot