Destiny (Part 2)

The Thing Called FOREVER
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“So where have you been?” Minghao asked, as soon as Jun and Joshua got back, Jun was ordering some drinks and Joshua said that he’ll pass and went back to their table.

“We just went to the bookstore.” Joshua said. “He’ll stay for the sleepover?”

“I dunno, if someone agrees then maybe he can.” Joshua looked at Hansol but Hansol is busy reading. “I am not talking to him, my apartment have two rooms and you really think that Hansol will sleep at the other one?”


“I am referring to you, are you alright with Jun sleeping with you?” Minghao said.


“I am not talking about that kind of sleep, I want you to know that my apartment is still , I don’t want it to smell .” Minghao said. “Since there is another room you two can use it.”

“Okay.” Joshua said.

“What’s okay?” Jun finally got back with four drinks on his tray. “I don’t know what to order for them so I ordered what I think they will both like, Americano?”

Minghao smiled. “Good thing you have guts, Joshua likes that the most.”

Jun smiled. “Then maybe I’ll keep on guessing his likes.”

Joshua accpeted the coffe that Jun offered to him. “Or maybe you can just ignore the fact that I like Americano and start studying.”

“Ah, about that, I need to go home, since my brothers will be really mad if I don’t go home.” Jun said, Minghao looked at him and felt like he threatened him but not really. Minghao just gave him a look that could kill many people.

“Fine, you can go home.” Minghao said.

“Thank you.” Jun said. “I’ll—“

“What are you not going to drink coffee with us?” Hansol asked.

“Ah, I am living at the other side, so I better get going or else, I’ll end up riding nothing.” Jun said then he left the coffee shop.

Joshua looked at Jun’s back while he went out of the cafe, Minghao is observing his bestfriend and smiled when he noticed that ‘lingering’ expression on Joshua’s face.

“Let’s get back.” Minghao said, making Joshua look at him.

“H-Huh... ye-yes...”




Minghao, Joshua and Hansol were running late, since Hansol turned off their alarm clock so that three of them are now running to their room, when they saw Soonyoung, Dokyeom and Woozi walking at the hallway.

“Wait! Are you all done with the exam?” Joshua asked.

Soonyoung, Dokyeom and Woozi looked at each other and laughed. “What are you saying Joshua, there is no exam until next week.”

“What? But we thought that—“

“Oh, it is because there is something going to happen tonight, they will move the exams next week, and the retreat will be after that so that we can relax after exams.” Hoshi said.

Joshua, Minghao and Hansol were left speechless after hearing Hoshi. Hoshi, Woozi and Dokyeom excused themselves, laughing at them, because they were really really red and exhausted.

“At least we still have time.” Hansol said and the three sighed.

“I stayed up all night, I’m tired, I’m going to the library, I’ll sleep until my next class.” Joshua said, then he left.

“Does he know that this is his only class for today?” Hansol asked.

“I think he is too tired to even think about it.” Minghao said then he noticed the sky turned gray. “I’m going to tell him it later, he is too tired to even think about checking his phone, let’s go home.”

Hansol smiled. “Sure.”




Joshua woke up when he heard his phone ringing, and the first thing he saw when he woke up is the librarian, she lectured him about putting his phone in silent mode and why is he sleeping in the library, it went for ten minutes and Joshua felt bad actually, but he can’t think of a better place to sleep. “Why am I so unlucky today, my exam was moved, I forgot I don’t have classes today except for that exam and now it is raining, how am I suppose to go home.” Joshua sighed.

Joshua looked around and noticed the yellow umbrella that was lying on the floor. He looked around first, then prayed that no one will going home soaking, then he grabbed the umbrella and opened it and ran under the rain. Joshua looked back to see if someone came back looking for the umbrella and luckily none, so he continued walking. But then, after peaceful minute of walking, someone suddenly grabbed his hand that was holding the umbrella and Joshua’s eyes grew larger as possible and looked at who was it.

“Can I share with you?”

Joshua was surprised to see Jun standing next to him. “Jun...”

“I really thought it wasn’t you until you looked back, I really want to go home now so can I join you?” Jun asked and to be honest, if it not too obvious, Joshua will be still looking at Jun’s face but he realized how creepy it is so he decided not to.

“S-sure.” Joshua said, he looked at Jun’s hand holding his and the umbrella. “M-my hand...”

Jun realized it also, he decided not to let go of the umbrella as Joshua swiftly pulled his hand away. “I guess, I’ll hold this for the two of us since I am taller?”

Joshua gave him a knowing looking. “Really? Few centimeters is nothing to be proud of.”

Jun laughed. “Yeah, yeah.”

The two of them walked under the rain, talking about how bad that day to Joshua and how awesome Jun today. Joshua will casually laugh at Jun’s jokes and sometimes he is turning into somehow savage making Jun laugh because of his sudden change. The two of them didn’t notice that they were already in front of the station where they will separate.

“You get this umbrella, you’re in the other side right?” Joshua said as he gave the umbrella to Jun.

“Really, this is mine?” Jun asked.

Joshua nodded. “Yep.” Joshua smiled.

As Jun walked away, Joshua turned around to go to the entrance but because it is few steps away, he needs to be under the rain again but now without any umbrella, he was about to step into the rain when he suddenly felt that there is no raindrops falling, he looked around and there he saw Jun, holding the umbrella for him so that he will not get wet.

“Since this is already mine, I will do anything I want, and I want you to use this.” Jun said then he grabbed Joshua hand and gave him the umbrella.




“He did that?” the next day, Minghao was the only one who is with Joshua, Hansol is on his class and they’ll meet after.

Joshua told Minghao what happened yesterday and Minghao just gave him an arched eyebrow and rolling eyes. Minghao sighed and looked at his phone. “I never knew Jun could be something like that.”

“Like what?”

“Like that, you know the girl you told me you saw with him and slapped him? She’s the QUEEN, she’s Tzuyu, she’s genius, she’s tall, she’s beautiful and most importantly she speaks the same or not but still close to Jun’s language, she’s JUN’S IDEAL TYPE or the usual IDEAL TYPE.” Minghao said. “And the reason why they broke up? It is because JUN doesn’t want it anymore, that’s why most people don’t like him, he thinks himself as if he is someone so important.”

“He isn’t? I mean he ranks 2nd on your class, and first on his other classes.” Joshua said.

“But actually that is not enough to think so highly of yourself.” Minghao said. “And besides, I hate everyone except you and Hansol and my parents and maybe sometimes our other friends.”

“And your point is?”

“He’s a coward.”

“What do you mean?” Joshua asked.

“Why don’t you ask him?” Minghao said.




On the next day, Joshua was helping his organization, Theater Guild, for the stage performance that will happen after the exam. Minghao and Hansol are both nowhere to be found, they got into little fight when Minghao tried opening Hansol’s phone and saw that he got a password.

“Why sighing?” Joshua was surprised when someone suddenly talked next to him and he saw Jun standing there.

“Jun, why are you—“

“I am one of those who don’t want to participate but since the president got me, I need to participate already.” Jun said as he sat next to Joshua. “What are you doing?”

“I’m painting this stars...” Joshua looked at the moon above them. “I had hard time painting that one though.”

Jun looked above and smiled. “At least that one got great color combinations.”

Joshua is done with the star. “Hey Jun, can you give me some stars?” Joshua said and Jun grabbed the nearest stars that aren’t painted yet.


“Thanks.” Joshua said.




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Chapter 3: This is fantasticc!!!!!!
Chapter 13: Gaaaaah!!!! You are killing me!!!!
Chapter 12: Oh my gof oh my god OH MY GODDDDDD
xnamxhun #4
Chapter 12: awwwww very cute
Chapter 12: Omg that was adorable~ cute little Joshua hehe
Chapter 11: that was so cute~
Chapter 11: Fluffeeeeeeh
louiseret #8
Chapter 10: Cutiee!