
100 Days
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10 | Selfless




Couldn't sleep due to the stuff toy's voice that keeps on ringing his mind, Yoong decided to leave his bedroom.


He was walking in the hallway, rubbing his hair that was already so mess when his two feet decided to stop just in front of his mother's room. He knew at midnight Seohyun still comes back and give her meds. 


Curiously, he pressed his right ear against the door, as if he can hear something inside. But to his dismay, there wasn't any even one. It's too quiet that one could tell there's no one inside? 


'She must be sleeping already.' Referring to his mother, he assumed so. And probably that silly girl too. Raising his hand to knock on the door, he changes his mind.


Shrugging off, he proceeds downstairs as he let out a huge yawn. He suddenly felt hungry, causing for him to change his mind and went straight to the kitchen.


However, as he made his way inside, he stopped when he saw the least girl he doesn't want to see at the moment, Seo Joohyun. Apparently, having some drink in a mug. 


"Looks like you can't also sleep with what you did to me." Yoong said as stepped inside, meeting her gazes immediately as she looked up lazily. He shot her a glare briefly, as he passes and went straight to the fridge.


"I thought you are sleeping already?"


Yoong creased her brows when he heard her voice. But something is off, it wasn't that cheerful. Well, she must really be tired now. "I can't sleep because of that bird that keeps on talking. How do you expect me to have a better sleep?" So he brushed that off and took a can of beer from the fridge.


"We're even though."


Pulling the chair across the lazy girl, Yoong made a soft chuckle. "Is it about the SeoTurtle? Or should I say, SeolowTurtle?" 


Seohyun isn't in the mood to play and only sip on her chocolate drink.


Yoong blinks twice, did not expect to see that response only. He expected for her to talk back but she ignores it. "Something wrong, Joohyun?" He curiously and worriedly asked.


"I'm just tired." Seohyun sighed, letting out a yawn. She crossed her arms on top of the table and rested her head on top of it. "Aren't you tired Yoongry?" Came her unusual lazy response again.


"Pfft. Tired indeed but has the guts to play back. Should I call you Seoturtle from now on too?" Yoong giggles. He doesn't know the cause of the younger girl's current mood, but he loved the new nickname, out of a sudden.


Seohyun close her eyes. "Do whatever you want." As much as she wanted to warn the doe-eyed with the nickname, she has really no mood ever since the talk with her boss. She thought it's not going to be easy now that she knows she has this crush for her son. She's bothered about it at the moment that she couldn't show her usual side.


Yoong is feeling weirder each seconds passes. If she was tired, the cheerful voice would still be there. "Are you sure you are just tired? I think something is bothering you?"


"Beer in the night just to have a good sleep is unhealthy Yoongry." Seohyun did not even open her eyes. Her eyes are tired enough for it.


"Yah! Open your eyes at least. You're not yet sleeping." Yoong opened his can at the same time. Yet, he regretted it when Seohyun surprised him by snatching his can of beer. 


"I said a can of beer is not good. Drink this rather." Seohyun explained and pushed her mug of chocolate.


Yoong chuckles. "You're obviously just ignoring my questions. But thanks for the concern." He never think of it twice and have a sip. It was unexpectedly still hot. "Did Mom took her medicine on time?" And speaking of concern he thought of asking about it.


Seohyun was a bit surprised with the question, but she reminded herself she told him about her already. "She's fine. In fact, she's cooperating nicely." She softly answers; glad to hear it from him. That actually means, he's now slowly opening to her.


"That's good. I don't want her giving you headaches. You know she's a witch."


Seohyun scoffs. "Are you really concern about her?" She almost thought her next sentence would be better. But turns out not.


Yoong had another sip before he replied. "I would never be concern for her."


"I can't believe you."


"I can't believe you too, caring for her."


"Ugh, it's my job you know." Seohyun rolled her eyes.


"Yeah, too bad." Yoong mumbles. "Anyway, what are you doing tomorrow?" and proceeds with another question.


"As usual, with your mother."


"Going somewhere?"


Seohyun mentally face-palmed. She just realized, she has never share everything she do with his mother. "I-I haven't mentioned, it's her 10th Chemo."


"Oh, so Hospital?"


"Where else?"


"So I'm missing you tomorrow." Yoong sadly pout his lips, sipping on his drink in the process.


Seohyun find the question has two meaning. But she decided to play with it. "You will miss annoying me or offending with me. I should have known. Tsk,tsk."


"Whatever. But you guys are going home after that, right?"


"Where does your mother stays?" Seohyun can't help and be sarcastic. She stood up and proceeds to the fridge, putting the beer back there, even though it was already opened.


Yoong also followed. But it was for him to put the mug to the sink. He was about to the faucet when Seohyun opened it for him.


"I'll take this. You go back to your room now." Seohyun said, pushing Yoong gently in the side.


"No, It's okay. I'm really not yet going to sleep yet." Yoong however doesn't want the young puffy cheek girl to have another reason to be tired. He gently pushed her in the side and snatched the mug.


Seohyun got the mug again. "It's my mug, for your information, young master." She showed it up, pointing to the cheery blossoms printed around. It has her name as well. "See?"


"Wow. I didn't realized that. But--"


"No buts! Go back to your room now!" Seohyun interrupted firmly, before she could lost her patience.


Taken aback, Yoong stepped back. "Fine. You win it, Seoturtle. I'm leaving now." And stepped back two more.


Seohyun chuckled a little. "Good." As she turned to the sink. She was ready to wash it when she felt a kiss on her left cheek. She tilt her head, only to see the culprit animatedly leaving the kitchen. She groans and smack her forehead almost with her mug. "Isn't he aware with his actions? How can he do stuffs like that again? Aish, Kwon Yoong. Kwon Yoong. I'm so going to rip your body apart once you do that to me again." She sighed in defeat, knowing that it just never fails to make his heart flutter. But another sigh left her nose when she was reminded by her boss words, 'You are working for me, so I suppose he's also your boss. I don't want to see you too attach with my family. We have that in your contract, am I right? The boss and the employee relationship should not go beyond. So as much as possible, crush that feeling before you could fall deep.'


"Well, I'm good at this. My first love wouldn't end if I am not. Fighting, Seoturtle! Ugh, what did I just did?”





Day 29: I thought she has change already, but it seems, her cold heart will always be there. Sigh.

At least I made the young master happy. Keke.


Just keep on going, Nurse Seo~








8:50am. One tall, dark and handsome stepped out of his car, wearing a black University jacket and black pants. He wears his infamous smile upon looking back to the mansion before him. He took that bouquet of flowers from the passenger seat and a basket of fruits before he went straight to the main door. His smile never leaves his young face.


Meanwhile, Yoong who woke up like a zombie was only greeted by a breakfast in the table. He thought his mother would like to have breakfast together again before going to her chemo. Yeah, he feels weird but he would glad to have breakfast with her now.


Shrugging that off, he noticed a folded paper in the side. He took it and curiously unfolded. Much to her surprised, a flash drive is inside and a letter can be read as;


I haven't give this back, but don't worry, I never opened it. Daeul found this from your old room. So I suppose, this is a long time ago.


Enjoy the breakfast and have a nice day, my little star <3


Yoong somehow had this blur memory about the flash drive. But with the star sticker, it's obviously, his. "Little star? Really?" But he couldn't miss also the sweet nickname in the letter.


"Where's everyone?"


Upon hearing a voice behind, he turned his head back and saw his father. "Oh, you are here. I thought only tonight?" He asked, as the latter approached the table.


"I thought I could also have breakfast together with everyone too. Unfortunately, they're gone?" Yul looked around briefly then back to his son.


"Yeah. They have an early schedule. But why are you holding flowers?" Yoong crossed his arms as he squint his eyes to his father. Who seems to have a brighter aura compared last night?


Yul smiled awkwardly to his son. "I... I was hoping I could give this to Seohyun-ssi." He lied lamely.


"What? For what?" Yoong exclaimed, did not expect to hear it.


"Wae? Is it wrong now to give flowers to someone, Yoong?"


"You just meet her last night! Yah! Don't tell me you like her, Appa! She's too young for you!" Yoong raged. As if his father likes his partner in crime.


Yul almost immediately laughs. "What am I? Too old for her? You're so funny Yoong. Hahaha."


The doe-eyed boy's eyes widened. "Do-Don't kid around Appa." As his arms are having goose bumps. Imagining it only made him want to vomit. 25 and 45, that sounds disgusting. "Please don't... She deserves a young and better guy not like you."


Yul stopped from laughing and turned serious. "Age doesn't matter, son." Although he find it funny how flustered his son and he looks like he want to eat him alive.


"Appa!!!" Yoong wails, earning more laughs from his father.


"So where is she now? I thought I could-Yah! I'm still your father!" Yul almost hit by an apple his son got from his basket, if he did not caught it on time. 


"You need some knock in your head, to put some sense in there!"


"What the. I don't need that. I know what I like!"


"Aish." Yoong took that orange and tried to hit his father's head again but the latter snatched it so fast and before he could gst another fruit, he put the basket down. He crossed his arms, pouts his lips and sends his father his infamous angry look. In which, his brows will meet in the middle.


"One more fruit and I will smack your head a few times!" Yul threatened.


"You can't like her." Yoong mutters, as he continuously glaring.


"And why not?"


"It's because I like her!" Yoong yelled bitterly.


Stunned, Yul's lips slightly opened. "You-You did not just mean it, Did you?"


Realizing his split of the tongue, Yoong made a couple of blinks as he slowly looked down. He bit his lip and fiddle with his fingers. "I'm starting to feel weird every time she's near. So it must be because... I like her, more than just friend. What is this actually, Appa?"


Going back to his sense, Yul somehow liked what he is seeing. An innocent son, talking about his crush. Never did he saw this back when he's still in school. It's fluttering as a father that he is hearing this from his son. He thought it was really a good thing. "Can you elaborate me what is this weird you are talking about?" A huge smile painted his face as he asks him.


Slowly, Yoong's head lifted up, meeting his father's curious eyes towards him. It seems he wouldn't mind hearing it. "Um, well, It's just... About this... Smile I couldn't help but also copy. Like, she has this effect on me I barely could understand... And... She made me like a fool, every time my heart is skipping. She's like making me sick... In a good way, generally." He smiled foolishly as he says it.


"Aigoo, he's innocently falling." Yul mutters that didn't reach his son's ears.




Yul giggles. "Do you think that's a good feeling son?"


"Yes." Yoong nodded. "So? Can you explain this Appa?"


Yul felt like heart is going to explode from fluttering. He so wanted to stand up and squeeze the hell out of him for being so adorable. He almost thought he is not his trouble maker back in Chicago. This must be the love effect. "Have you ever feel that with someone in Chicago?"


Yoong shook his head slowly and honestly. "They're all just friends. I thought it isn't the same with this."


"Well, you must be caught by a cupid."




Yul chuckled. His son is never been into cheesy things. "You know cupid. That little angel and has this bow, with an arrow. They hit you with a love arrow, which will make you feel for someone."


"Ahh... Love. I'm in love now?" Yoong exclaimed. He slammed his two hands on top of the table. "With Seoturtle?"


Yul was startled. He eventually pushed his son back to his seat and also did to himself. "Pretty much. Hmm, can I also ask you one thing?"


"Wha-What?" Yoong felt a little anxious.


"Aside from what you've said, is there something like... You want to be with her always? Because that was Appa's feelings when he realizes he's in love with your mother. That's like the same as... You want her to be yours -- you know asking her to be your girlfriend so no one will ever be bothering her?"


Yoong blink and blink... And blink, until he thought about the last thing he saw Seohyun with a guy. He definitely had this something inside him that he wanted to be with his side that time. So that guy from the witch's company will not bother her. Then, he was also reminded by his late friend that has a huge crush on him. He thought about 'dating'. Now it seems it's the same as asking someone to be his girlfriend. "You mean dating, Appa? Yes, I feel like I wanted to date... Her? But a Seoturtle? The one who got me nightmares last night? Ugh, I'm stupid." He groaned couldn't believe all of these he is experiencing is because he is in love.


"Stupid in love. You look like a rose even now." Yul said, smiling in amusement.


"What should I do then?" Yoong face-palmed. "I don't even know she likes me back. You know, she always pick on me. As if I'm really such a bad person. She even gifted me a stuff toy. An ugly stuff toy that I feel like burning it. But since it came from her, I always finds myself changing my mind. It's her first gift after all." A huge foolish smile appeared in his face.


"She did? Wow, there must be really something on her too. But think about negativity yet, Son. You know what you should do that always succeeded?"




Yul smirk. "Court her."


"Court her? Like bringing her to a court? Basketball court or-"


"Babo! Courting! Don't you even know what is courting?"


Yoong's innocent face appeared as he shakes his head.


'Ugh, He's not really a romantic guy or even goes to romantic movies. Well, he's always busy with friends and work.' Yul can't believe it. "You did not heard it from your friends? Lay, he has a girlfriend, right? What did Lay told you before he dated her?"


"Nothing. He just confessed." Yoong stated as a fact. "Maybe because it's in America Appa. There's no such thing as courting. But what is it, really?"


"Heol. Whatever. But yeah, Courting is like a way to win someone's heart or a way also for you to show your love. That you have this sincere heart."


"Chincha? How can I do that?" Yoong grinned as he finds it interesting.


Yul rolled his eyes and pointed to the flowers he bought supposedly for his ex-wife. "What is this?"


"Flowers - W-Wait! Yah! Don't court her!"


"Shut up! This isn't even for that! I'm just giving her this because she's such a good company. I want to thank her for that." Yul said a bit lie since the flowers are for Jessica, but he also have realized he hasn't thanked Seohyun enough with her idea of bringing him back to Seoul.


Yoong sighed in relief. "That's good to know."


"Aish, Look at his face. From mad to a happy deer. Tsk, tsk." Yul mutters. "Anyway, I'll give you some tips on courting only if you agree to me."


Yoong suspiciously looked at his father. "If it's not about Mom, then I'm with it."


"But it's about your Mom."




Yul was about to continue but his son beats him.


"Better be that good."


"It's for your own good because it's about mending your heart for her. You know..." Yul couldn't continue his words anymore when his son stood up and walked out. "Seriously?" He scoffed.








Seohyun rolled her eyes when she saw who is calling her phone. She's in the middle of preparing the syringes that truly disturbs her. 


She was about to cancel it when she heard a voice.


"Answer it. I will continue that." It came from Doctor Kim, who was preparing for medicines for the chemo.


Bowing, she casually exited the lab and answered the phone call outside.


"What's up, Momo?" She nonchalantly answered.


[I did not disturb you, did I?]


"Oh yes, you did. I'm in the hospital, preparing for the chemo when you called. But it's okay, Doctor Kim doesn't mind." Seohyun sarcastically answered.


[Great! Because I am calling if you are still alive. Hehe.]


"Yah! I am not in the mood for Hi and Hello, Momo! So please refrain calling me something like this only." Seohyun hate it always if the call is just random, not an important one.


[I knew you would react like that. But really... seriously now... have you thought of confessing?]


With the word confess' being mentioned, Seohyun got herself quiet. Her tongue has suddenly frozen and her mind was blank. True, she had shared her crush over

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yoonalim__ #1
Chapter 7: nah it's been discovered that yoong is very fascinated by Seohyun's beauty tsk tsk who's the first to confess love eh.. it's crazy how bad they slept together for the first time well even though they just hugged but at least yoon felt something different hehe maybe they have started to fall in love. the three of them went fishing and hopefully there is progress between the mother and daughter wow yuri came to jessica's office
yoonalim__ #2
Chapter 6: Seohyun is really afraid of heights eh haha ​​funny.. wow Seohyun was drunk and told everything including about Jessica who was sick whether yoong would believe it or not?
yoonalim__ #3
Chapter 5: so that's the reason yoong hates his mother because jessica sleeps with other men in the bedroom and that's also the reason yuri divorced jessica. yeah Seohyun unite the mother and child again so that you always don't get pressure anymore hahaha.. wow it's the first time they do skinship and it looks so sweet hehe and it seems yoong has started to be interested in Seohyun eh
yoonalim__ #4
Chapter 4: ciee yoong who was fascinated with Seohyun for the first time called Seohyun an angel she is a goddess, yoong you should call Seohyun a goddess
yoonalim__ #5
Chapter 3: it looks like jessica made mistakes in the past that's why her husband and child left her. Seohyun is really great eh melted jessica jung's ice with soft words hahaha... their first meeting again yoong made Seohyun annoyed eh haha ​​but it's funny and now yoong is teasing Seohyun be careful, you both fall in love. aww Seohyun you are so baper eh with yoong's actions earlier.. they swear their first meeting was really crazy okay they are like children on the street like tom end Jerry
yoonalim__ #6
Chapter 2: Are yuri and jessica divorced? and yoong went with his father. yoong angry with jessica? what's the real problem? yoong seems to have a lot of problems in other people's countries, aka making trouble. first meeting yoonhyun by phone, yes later when yoona returns to Seoul they will meet again hehe
yoonalim__ #7
Chapter 1: here the story is jessica is sick with stage 4 cancer and Seohyun is her nurse for 100 days.. soon yoonhyun will meet in the next chapter
yoonalim__ #8
from the teaser it looks like the story is interesting
seojoohyun_lim #9
Chapter 2: in this story here jesica has a disease and yoona goes with her father abroad
seojoohyun_lim #10
Chapter 1: wow the story is here Seohyun as a nurse, may I ask one thing Author-nim can Seohyun be made the next story as the president's daughter and hire a bodyguard and yoona is suitable to be a bodyguard and can be included in action, romantic