
The Love Letter




Okay, just kidding, ehehhe, feel free to skip this, coz it’s not necessary to the story, but if you have time, please read through, coz I actually spent time on characterising even the unimportant sides! m(_ _)m

Ps. Sorry, by the time I was done with the first half of the story, I really didn’t know anymore Korean names, and since I don’t know how to “make-up” names in Korean/Chi, from the work-exp course onwards, everyone became Japanese~~ [it was really fun, the first time I”ve thought up even kanji for names, so I really hope you enjoy it!!]




  • Zhang Yixing – Homeroom teacher for First A, [Sehun’s old class], Language Teacher [I really don’t know what country this is anymore so whatever language]; Since the last coupla years he’s been pretty overworked, as he’s part of a program that goes around the affiliated high schools, taking coaching classes [entrance prep classes] for Third Years who are preparing for college entrance.
  • Kim Jongdae – Sehun’s current homeroom teacher, Math Teacher, Advisor to the Community Welfare Club
  • Do Kyungsoo – History Teacher, *reluctantly* Advisor to the Literature Club, after Yixing Sensei became part of the Coaching group.
  • Kim Junmyeon – Guidance Councillor, trained psychologist, currently working on a book (in secret) tentatively titled “The High School Mirage”, which attempts to delve into the psyche of the “Teenager”.
  • Niijima Yuuna  新島優奈 – [Niijima from “new” and “island”, Yuuna meaning “lithe” or “gentleness” [Irony, see|] English Teacher. Super cool, totally casual [only teacher who speaks in really casual/rough form], a bit cynical and can come off as “don’t care-ish”, but is kind of lowkey “favourite teacher in school”. President of the “go home” club, lol. The only reason she agreed to go for the work-exp course was coz the principal agreed to let her off morning assemblies. Forever. (She made sure to get a contract signed). The type who has more’n a couple of tattoos and whose fav line is “Aahh, there’s nothing like a cold beer after a hard day’s work!”


Class II A–

  • Oh Sehun
  • Kim Jongin – Sehun's best friend, member of the Literature Club
  • Park Chanyeol, Byun Baekhyun, Kim Minseok – Sehun’s friends, together with Sehun, all members of the Dance and Light Music Club
  • Huang Zitao- member of the Wushu club
  • Wu YiFan – Tao’s best friend, member of the “go home” club lol. Brilliant as f at basketball but refuses to officially join the team… Sometimes he can be cajoled into playing in a match though, and then their school’s victory is pretty much assured.
  • Ten, Jaehyun, Mark, WinWin, Haechan – Tao’s friends, Wushu club members


Class IIB  –

  • Furukawa Mai古川舞 - Sehun’s Childhood friend, has a crush on Tao [kanji note – “舞” Mai means “to dance”, if you’ve read my other stories, I think I’ve used her in pretty much every one, lol][surname is just the character for “old” and “river”, pretty generic]
  • Misaki Rina岬りな  - Sehun’s ex girlfriend [Written in this way, 岬 Misaki is a surname that means “cape”, but it’s also a really common really pretty/feminine first name if written in another way.. The first name, “Rina” is written in hiragana – ehehe, I just thought, ah, Sehun’s gf means that type, ne~~ Anyway, the overall effect is v feminine and stylish, right~][I’ve used her in other stories too, hehe]
  • Miyamoto Hana本花 – Had a crush on Sehun, confessed and was rejected, and now goes around telling people he’s impotent [among other things]. Became friends with Sara over their mutual hatred of “that gang” but ends up being dumped by her after the Work-Exp course. [very generic first and last name, istfg everytime I have to think of a name for a chara “hana” (flower) is the first one that comes to mind >//<]
  • Jimin – kinda noisy guy, says stuff without thinking it through, but friendly


Class I A -

  • Yoshida Mio吉田美桜- Tao’s ex girlfriend [Generic last name, “lucky paddyfield”, first name combines characters for “beautiful” and “cherry blossom”]
  • Matsuda Hirotaka 松田洋孝 – total geek, loves to collect anime figures, his “treasure/girlfriend” is a 5 foot tall bishoujo body pillow he calls Lola [Generic name, Last name “pine tree”+”paddyfield”, first name from “ocean” and like, “the respect to parents”….?]
  • Kinohara Sara 木原サラ – Chanyeol’s ex, feels like his friends are the reason they broke up and blames them for it. Secretly totally still in love with him. [O.o someone even more “stylish”, she writes her name in katakana~~ ehehe (Anyway, it was her parents who actually named her w katakana, so they’re the really annoying ones >//< lol) Surname from “tree” and “meadow”]


Class I B -

  • Tanaka Yua 田中結愛 – Jimin’s GF. Her boyfriend is her world. [Generic surname, first name from “yu” (to tie/ bind) and “a” (as in…”ai” as in “love”)]
  • Senri Akihiko千璃秋彦 – Honest, sincere, earnest guy who is in love with Yuuna Sensei [Senri is a very rare surname but I love it sooo much, if I ever write a non fan-fic, that soo gonna be my main!!I wrote it with the character for “thousand” and “lapis lazuli”, though it’s usually written as “thousand” and “league”.. so this means, like, “a thousand lapis lazuli”, ‘stead of the more usual “a thousand leagues”.. (it can also be written with “truth”, so it can be “a thousand truths”, which I also like a lot…aahhhh)  I also played around with the first name, usually it’s written as “明彦” meaning “bright prince”, but I used aki for autumn “秋”, so it means “autumn prince”] [0.o ommmgg looking back this is such an extravagant name!!orz]


Class III A -

  • Student council president Ishihara Takumi 石原巧 – very very serious, strict, obnoxiously diligent. Likes finding faults in other people and taking them to task, but actually very good at his post. Secretly in love with Hiroyuki. [Name – Surname “Ishihara - Stony meadow”, and Takumi meaning “very skillful” (as in, adept or very competent) (lol, that was a bit on the nose, wasn't it…..I kinda ran out of ideas after the great senriakihiko, lol, so I went with ishihara for a feeling of “austerity” or “strictness”, and “takumi” for “capable”)]
  • Student Council Vice President Itoh Hiroyuki  伊都裕之 – very quiet, almost invisible. Secretly loves video games and hangs out at arcades after school, but never gets into trouble because of said invisible-ness. [Itoh…erm… doesn’t especially have much meaning other than as a name, kanji for “that guy” and “capital”..? Hiroyuki from “abundant” and ….”over there”….ehehe, see, sensible/old fashioned parents, who don’t blight their kids w weird names, tend to just pick nondescript kanji that fit the pronunciation….^^ Anyway, it gives a feeling of “invisible-ness”, right, since it’s really plain, on writing.. but speaking it sounds cool, so this guy might be unexpectedly “cool”?? o.o] [ps. There’s an actual video game maker guy with this name, lol, though the writing is different^^]

Class III B -

  • Discipline Committee Member Suwa Fumie諏訪文恵 – also head of the Calligraphy Club. Elegant, refined, graceful, “girl who is loved by girls” type, has a group of “maidens” who follow her. [“Suwa” is a really old world, like, upper crust family name, originally, at least, and “Fumie” which is…also an old fashioned name.. The kanji itself is unostentatious, “Suwa” from “consult” and “to call upon”, “Fumie”, “文” meaning “literary” or “art”, (coz calligraphy, lol) and then I used a kinda rarer “恵”, meaning “grace”][All in all, think, old-world, one of those traditional families, an elegant, refined beauty]
  • Discipline Committee Member Ogawa Yuudai小川雄大  - HUGE wrestling fan, his room is plastered with posters of pro-wrestling champions, secretly wants to change his name to “Omega”[“Ogawa” meaning “Little river”, Yuudai from kanji for….like, “hero” and “big”, basically net meaning is “grandeur”, or “great hero” and “hero” as in, real masculinity sort of thing]




  • Lu  Han – Sehun’s elder brother [3 y older], was in third year of high school when Sehun entered First, currently in first year of college. Moved out as soon as he got into college, and lives in an apartment by himself about 2 stations from his campus, but comes home more often than not with laundry, empty food containers, etc. Has a little bit of a brother complex about his precious “perfect”, “beautiful”, basically “flawless” (acc to him) little brother, Sehun. LOVES soccer, which is why he went to the college he did (which has a really good soccer team, and contributes most of the members of a national league team), opting out of the “escalator” college . with his high school.




Work Experience Course Rooming Arrangement

  • Boys’ Wing

Room 1 – Yixing Sensei

Room 2 – Jimin, Senri

Room 3 – Ogawa, Matsuda

Room 4 – Ishihara, Itoh

Room 5 – Sehun, Tao

  • Girls’ Wing

Room 1 – Yuuna Sensei

Room 2 – Fumie

Room 3 – Yua

Room 4 – Sara, Hana

Room 5 – [empty]

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mylovelytaohun #1
Chapter 10: How come i just found out this amazing fic?!..the story is so awesome..as usual you always make great story of taohun..im a big fans of your fics..so glad that you will finish your ongoing fic..please update soon..cant wait to read the next chapter..
ps..taohun isnt dead..theyre just walking in different path..lets hope they will together again..
Chapter 10: Please update soon!
I love this!!!
Taohun isn't dead. Just open your eyes (widely) and catch subtle... Things ;) ps. I'm referring to real world, not the "fictional" world babe x')
Chapter 5: i kinda agree w u abt this ship...ppl write less n less taohun ff these days tht it just make it feel more dead :/ i guess a lot of ppl just gave up on them

taohun has been n will always be a ship tht i strongly believe in n its hard for me to just forget so the only way for me to feed on my taohun feels is ff haha so im glad u're still writing abt them :)