The Love Letter - Chapter Six

The Love Letter

“….e…..Se..hun..?” Timidly, Tao stepped upto the bed where Sehun was lying, his face buried in the pillow.

dammit aahhhrgh this!!!


But I really have to….


“Sehun….?” Drawing a deep breath, he crouched down, so his chin was level with the bed, in line with the back of Sehun’s unmoving head. “…..lo..ok…I’m really sorry, okay? I di- …. I didn’t…mean to, I-”

“You crazy sick freak!!!! Get away from me!!!!!!!!” Snapping about, Sehun threw the pillow viciously into his face, yelling – but Tao didn’t even realise, or pay the least attention coz –




…he’s…  His heart sank – no, not a gentle descent, more like it ing took a swan dive off a cliff, his stomach clenching…

His own eyes starting to burn as he saw the angry red staining Sehun’s cheeks, and the wet glisten clinging to his lashes.

“Oh….oh my god, Sehun, I’m so sorry, I – “Ah…crap…  Unconsciously, he’d reached out to him, reaching to pet him, reflexively at that moment, without thinking – but Sehun immediately flinched, pulling back.

Ignoring the fresh stab of hurt, Tao curled his fingers into his palm, pulling his hand back. “, Sehun, I – I’m sorry, okay, I’m really really really really sorry..I…. doing something like…that…” blushing as his unruly body remembered the feel of Sehun’s underneath him, on this very bed, Tao plunged on. “Doing something like that, I’m so sorry, I just…”

His eyes starting to brim too, he looked up squarely at Sehun. “I’m really sorry, okay? I didn’t know – I don’t know how else to make you see.. I’m not like that, okay? I’m not… into you…or guys at all, even; I’m not, nor have I ever been…ya know, with a guy, or wanted to. I’m not just saying this, kay….

That time, I really only thought you were, and if…
I thought it must’ve taken a whole lot of courage to come and give me the letter, right, I’m a guy, and straight.. so in the face of your guts – in the face of your honesty, the least I could do was properly take the letter and tell you properly that I wasn’t like that, to reject you properly… Reflecting on it, even I realised how it was wrong, and really rude, of me to just run away like that…  
Look, I  - well, right now, I don’t, but I’ve only had girlfriends, okay? I just broke up with Mio that’s why I’m not with anyone right now, but I – “

“………………………… ……………that…first year…?” sniffling, Sehun, who’d been quiet this whole time, steadfastly looking down at his hands that he’d clenched beside his knees, cut in.

“ – ah!” startled by the realisation he had actually been listening, Tao leaned forward eagerly, hopeful. “Yeah! We went out for like, three months, and before that too – I’ve only dated girls, okay? I like girls..”

“………………………. ……………………….” For a long moment, Sehun stared at him in silence.

“……Look, I – I’m really sorry, Sehun must’ve been so frightened right? I know I totally crossed the line, but…. I mean..” Blushing even harder, he gestured to the bed. “I just….. it was my bad, okay, I’m sorry… so….if possible, can we start over? Pretend none of this ever happened…. Can we be friends?”

Frightened????? Of COURSE I was ing frightened.. more like terrified out of my skull!!! Wouldn’t anyone be, if some GUY suddenly went and…and like…. Totally pushed them down…. And pretty much the only thought in their head was…”wow…”…and “don’t move”… and even… “more”…


“…………………….. …………………………………” For a long moment, Sehun just stared at him, his face starting to flush…

Then, still silent, he held his hand out imperiously, pointing to the pillow – that had swoormped onto the floor after he’d hit Tao with it.

“..Erh – ah! Here!”

Eagerly, Tao picked up the pillow and handed it to him – and Sehun took it, squeezing it between both hands for a moment –

Before THWACKING it into Tao’s face.
“You big idiot!!!! Can we be friends!!!!???? What’re you, in grade school???”

…..despite his harsh words, and the full strength of his arm he’d put into his strike, his voice laughing delightfully….. 


In utter relief, so concentrated he almost felt giddy, Tao burst into laughter too, as he pulled the pillow away. “…….so that’s a yes????”

“……….. ……. Uggh, whatever, honestly, how the hell do you say such embarrassing lines with that face!”

“…….. ………..ehh…..what’s wrong with my face?”

“………………. ……………..” laughing whole heartedly now, Sehun grabbed the pillow to hit him again. “That’s so not the point – and everything~~ - eh…???” Snapping up Sehun turned towards the door.


A clanging sound resounded through the halls, metallic and sharp.


“…oh, that’s probably just the dinner bell.”


“…..” chuckling at his ignorance, Tao stood up, tugging at the knees of his jeans. “In these sort of dorms, they ring a bell like that to call people for meals… coz like, it’s not like they can keep making stuff over as and when people show up, ya know~”

“………eeeehhh…” drawing his breath out, Sehun stood up too, heading to the door with him. “How do you know that, have you been here before?”

“Hu? Ah, nope, not here, but for Wushu, ya know… we usually have loads of training camps during the holidays, so we always stay at places like this.”



“eh?” Sehun pulled up too, as Tao stopped short just before the door.

“…, like… we’re good, right, I mean, we’re friends, right?”

“……………….. ……………….. no way, you total freak~~~” Laughing – and blushing a little, Sehun strode on, sticking his tongue out at Tao’s totally embarrassing childishness.

“……………….. …………………… ehehehe~~ wait up~~~~ Seehuuunn~~~ Sehun Sehun Sehun~~~” Laughing, Tao danced up to him, linking his arm through his – making Sehun growl at him, calling him a grade schooler again, but not pulling away despite the settled shade of red the back of his neck had become. “Ah, you’re in the dance and music club, right?”

“…..ehehe, don’t look at me like that, it’s totally just a way to pass the time…we really don’t do anything, I mean, sure we dance around n stuff, but it’s not really… serious, or anything, ya know…” As they spoke, they headed down the corridor, past the wide, hall-like landing and down the stairs, all the way to the ground floor, making their way to the source of the bell that still rang out unabated, having to shout the closer they got.

“….wow, that sounds totally fun!!”

“….eeeehhhh what’re you saying, aren’t you Mr Pro-Wushu…ha, it’s troubling if the face of the Wushu club says that~~”

“Ahhhh shuttup!! ehehe~~~ well, yeah, I mean, I love it, but honestly, it IS a lot of work.. sometimes I think I’d just like something I can relax with, ya know?”

“Mmmhh….Then why did you even join?”

“ I’ve been doing Wushu since I was six, and this school had a Wushu club, so… just…. with the flow, I guess…”

“Since you were six????”

“Ehehehe, yup~~~ my parents made me~~” Tao pouted, making Sehun laugh. It was funny…walking beside him like this… he was a bit taller than him, just a teeny bit… if they weren’t walking together like this, he’d never have noticed…

And suddenly, somehow, it seemed like something really really really ….. special, that he’d found out the difference in their heights…




For something this small…. I’m WAY too happy!!


“Ah!!” Suddenly, he stopped short, turning to face Sehun with such a bright, strong smile, Sehun almost reached out to hug him. “But I really do love it, ya know!! Even though I complain sometimes~~”

“Hehehehe, yeah, yeah, I gettit, it-” “Ah! Tao, Sehun, come in, you’re the last ones, c’mon, c’mon!”

“….right, Sensei.” “comin’~”

As they entered the dining room, they found it was indeed true – all the others were there, including the girls who were rooming in the opposite wing from them. The dining room was open into the kitchen, where the cook was swilling something into a bowl, and Yuuna Sensei, who was lifting up a stack of plates, looked over and smiled as she saw them. “Ah, Sehun, Tao, come here and take these. Hana, sweetie, not that napkin, take some tissues for now….. and Jimin, if you drop that fish, we’re gonna fry and eat you instead….”

With her chivvying and Yixing Sensei helpfully hurrying about, they were all finally seated at the long low table. This building was one of the “guest” dorms in the college, and at this time of the year, they were the only ones staying there, so the table looked rather forlorn, with just the 12 of them, and the two teachers sitting at the head and foot. The cook was also the housekeeper and lived in a separate suite on the ground floor, but she said she always had a big tea and skipped dinner, and the caretaker gardener odd job guy who had picked them up from the parking lot way at the other end of the campus and brought them here, had already gone home, locking the gate at the end of the drive after ensuring none of them wanted to go out later.


“So, are your rooms alright?”

“Yes, of course, Sensei, they are most satisfactory.” Ishihara, the student council president replied, pushing his spectacles up his nose.

Cheerfully, Yuuna Sensei leaned in - “Aaahhh, our rooms are so cute, too!! There’s- “

“Eeehhhh, isn’t that just coz you girls got the wing with the bigger rooms, I still say we should’ve at least played janken for ‘em or-”

“Jimin!” Yixing Sensei snapped. “You’re being rude! Of course the girls should have that wing, that’s- “

“Yes, it is the gentlemanly thing to do.”

“Eeehhh – it’s not that!’ Senri cut in as Ishihara was just about to expound. ‘Of course Yuuna Sensei should have a beautiful room, the best one, the-”

“Yes, Jimin, listen to your president.” Totally ignoring Senri, Yixing Sensei continued, before turning to Ishihara. “Ah, President-kun, you and thr vice –president kun are in the last room, right? Isn’t that –”

“No, no, we’re in the fourth room… those two are in the last.”

“………. ……………”

Sehun nudged Tao with an elbow, plastering a smile on his face as he bowed. “Yup, we’re in the last room…” digging into his side as hard as he could as the idiot kept on glaring at senpai for being referred to as “those two”

“Eeeehhh… that one doesn’t have a window, right, isn’t it tough-”

“Oh, no, no, Sensei, we’re fine~~~” “…….Um! It’s okay, the air cons good, so-”

“Well, it’s fine, right~~” shrugging, Yuuna Sensei passed the chicken towards Fumie. “We’re not going to spend too much time in here, anyway~~”


“Ahh~~ What, did you guys think this was gonna be part of your vacation~~~” laughing wickedly, Yuuna Sensei narrowed her eyes. “It’s going to be dawn to dusk, hard work for you lot~~~”

“….ehhhh what do you mean, Sensei, we’re just gonna be hanging around some shops, right~~~” Hana pouted, making Ishihara-san snap his chopsticks together. “Hang around some shops!? Are you-”

“Well, you’ll see tomorrow~” Yixing Sensei cut in, before a storm could brew. “It’s not just going to be hanging around shops though, Hana, you’ll have to work…. But of course, they will take into consideration you’re just high schoolers, so don’t worry about it”

“Yeah! It’s work  - but it just might be fun~~” Yuuna Sensei added. “So eat up, c’mon, make sure you build up your strength~~ Ah! And after this, go right to bed, okay? I know it must be exciting to have a stay over trip, but no shenanigans at night!!”

“……Why are you looking at me, Sensei, I didn’t – “

“Ho ho ho, was I~~ Oh, is this what they call a guilty conscience~~”

“Senseiii!!!” As Jimin yelled and the others laughed, Tao suddenly reached over to push his batter-fried shrimp into Sehun’s plate.


“You like it, right? When the cafeteria has it, it’s the only day you skip the store to eat in there… “

“…………. …………… ah….erm….yeah…” Feeling the heat rise on his cheeks again, Sehun quickly snapped down, defensively shoving the shrimp into his mouth. Dammnit…what’s with him acting so cool suddenly, the idiot!!!

“Don’t you want it though? Or do you not like it?” Swallowing down, Sehun cleared his throat to ask, keeping his voice low as Tao unconsciously had. “Hmm? No, I don’t, like, dislike it; I just don’t care much either way…”


“Ah! But if it’s like, fried chicken, you’d have to fight me for it~~~”

“…eeehhh….” Laughing, Sehun forgot about his earlier inexplicable shyness to grin at him. “Fried chicken is my absolute favourite too, so you’d get a damn fight!”

“………eehhh….” Suddenly looking worried, Tao looked down at his chopsticks. “….If it’s Sehun, I’ll probably lose, right….”


………………………. Eh? What do you - ………………………….. , dammit, omg what the was that supposed to mean, like you’re – , did he just say he’s like,…  kyuuuaaaaaaahhhhnnn omg

-  that he’s ‘WEAK’ against me!???????


 crazy wtf you stupid STUPID stupid –


“gruhm – hrrnm – What..erm.. what’s that supposed to mean..” Sehun asked gruffly, hurriedly starting to stuff his face again.

“..Eh?” Suddenly realising he’d spoken aloud, Tao laughed sheepishly, waving his hand. “No no, no no nothing, ehehe, ehehe…aaaaahhh what did I say, I forgot..ehehehe, more importantly, I thought chocolate-anything was your absolute favourite?~~”

“…..” giggling, Sehun titled his head to look at him. “Yeah, but that doesn’t count, coz if chocolate is involved, I wouldn’t just fight you, I’d destroy you for ‘em”

“….Oh HO HO HO, is that so~~”

“Yup~~” Pursing his lips, Sehun struck a “hero” face. “Ah!! That’s right!!”


“Those senpais from your club!! They always come over at lunch to give you sweets, right???”

“..EHehehehheeeee ohhh yeeaaaahhhhh~~ all sorts of chocolate~~”

“AAAHHHH shuttup, so luucckkkkyy~~~~ ugghhh idiot! But why though…”

“Hmmm….. I guess…… “


“just coz….”


I’m so gosh darn adorable~~~” Winking and flashing a “V” at him, so Sehun burst out laughing, dropping his chopsticks to try and hit Tao over the head –

Before both of them stopped abruptly, turning to face the rest of the table, who were looking at them, roused by the sudden noise.

“Humph!” Ishihara pushed his spectacles up at them, the glasses catching the light to glint. “Really… please stop behaving like elementary school children, it’s absolutely ill-mannered at the dining table…Respect your food!”







Elementary school children, I’ll elementary school children his , the , the- “ Angrily, Sehun slammed the door of their room, while Tao went over to his bed, still chewing on the toffee they had had for dessert, but agreeing whole heartedly.  “He IS totally insufferable!!!! What the hell is his problem!!!”

“I know, right!!!???”

“Earlier too, when he said, those two… honestly Sehun, why’d you even stop me, I would have-”

“coz he’s the bloody student council president right!! Plus the senior… aaarghhhhh he pisses me off! Did you see the way he looked in the morning when we were waiting for the bus????”

“Yeah!!! What the hell was with that????”

“Haaa! Coz he thinks this is some sort of “elite” course for the “good” students, and we don’t qualify!!”

“……eehhhhh??? That’s so stupid!! It’s not even like we want to be here in the first place!!”

“I know right!!!?????? Goddamn …”




“If you become the Wushu captain next year, you’ll be in the student council, right? With them
Ehehehe, don’t look so shocked, everyone’s been saying you’re gonna be the next Captain, anyway…”

“…ohh….I see….. ……………. ………” his turn to blush, Tao looked away for a moment-  before turning back. “Ah, but Hunnie, they won’t be there, right… they’re third years, so they’ll leave..”

“Oh, yeah~~!! That’s right!!....wait…..erm…. Hunnie??”

“…eh…ehehehe, that’s my new nickname for you~~”

“………………… …………..” Prepared for it, Tao ducked, but not quite fast enough, so the pillow Sehun threw swooshed into his side. Laughing, he picked it up, straightening. “What, you don’t like it~~”

“Of course not!! Don’t go making up stupid stuff like that!!!”

“EEeeehhhh~~ Hunnies so mean~~~ Hunnie don’t be mean~~~ Hunnie- oucchhh!!!!!”









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mylovelytaohun #1
Chapter 10: How come i just found out this amazing fic?!..the story is so usual you always make great story of a big fans of your glad that you will finish your ongoing fic..please update soon..cant wait to read the next chapter..
ps..taohun isnt dead..theyre just walking in different path..lets hope they will together again..
Chapter 10: Please update soon!
I love this!!!
Taohun isn't dead. Just open your eyes (widely) and catch subtle... Things ;) ps. I'm referring to real world, not the "fictional" world babe x')
Chapter 5: i kinda agree w u abt this ship...ppl write less n less taohun ff these days tht it just make it feel more dead :/ i guess a lot of ppl just gave up on them

taohun has been n will always be a ship tht i strongly believe in n its hard for me to just forget so the only way for me to feed on my taohun feels is ff haha so im glad u're still writing abt them :)