I'll Call you Kim Taeyeon.

Love you More Than my Life
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The ring of the doorbell chimed throughout the house of Kim’s Residence. A pregnant lady scurried her way over to the front door and opened it.

“Minah,” the lady at the door greeted her. Kim Minah smiled and pulled her sister into a hug, “how are you doing?” the lady asked, placing a hand on Minah’s huge round stomach.

“I’m a bit tired but I’m still able to manage around a bit,” Minah answered, “come in Sooae unnie,” she moved to the side a bit for Sooae to enter before closing the front door.

“Is brother-in-law home?” Sooae asked as she followed Minah into the formal guest living room.

“He took Shinae out for some grocery shopping,” Minah answered. Sooae sat down on the white velvet sofa and placed the bag that she was carrying down beside her.

“Seems like brother-in-law has been hanging around Shinae a lot lately,” Sooae voiced, a bit upset that her only brother-in-law wasn’t paying enough attention to his first wife. Minah smiled warmly and patted Sooae’s hands.

“It’s not like I can say much,” Minah told her sister and then eyed the bag beside her, “what did you bring unnie?” she asked.

“Ah..,” Sooae yelped, remembering what her sole purpose was today. She grabbed the bag and hand it over to Minah, “I brought you some baby clothes and baby supplies,” she answered, “when you have your daughter, I won’t be in town to see her so I decided to bring the presents early.”

Minah smiled widely in delight and rummaged through the bag filled with baby clothes and supplies, “Thank you unnie,” she squealed. She reached out and gave Sooae a huge hug.

“I figured that brother-in-law won’t be buying you anything for the baby so I thought I buy some stuff,” Sooae said. She reached for her handbag and pulled out a small gold box, “here,” she then handed it over to Minah.

“Hm? What’s this?” Minah asked in surprised. She accepted the box from Sooae and opens it, “Unnie…,” she gasped loudly. Her eyes bulged widely at what was sitting inside the small box. She glanced away from the box and to Sooae, “I…I can’t accept this,” Minah stuttered and handed the gold box back to Sooae. Sooae chuckled and shook her head.

“It’s only a small gift for my niece,” Sooae said and pushed Minah’s hands away from her, “you and brother-in-law have not been able to conceive for so many years and so since this is your guys’ first child together, I thought about buying her that necklace,” she explained.

Minah sniffed and wiped away the tears that were threatening to run down her eyes, “Thank you unnie,” she said and pulled out the small silver necklace with a locket dangling from it, “it’s beautiful,” she exclaimed in awe.

“Anyways, I better get going,” Sooae chimed, looking at her wrist watch, “I have a meeting with our head sheriff in an hour therefore I need to prep,” she got up from the sofa with Minah following suit.

“Thank you for the presents unnie,” Minah thanked Sooae once more with a hug, “I’m sure my daughter will love it.”

Sooae smiled warmly at her younger sister and patted her on the head, “I’m sure she will too,” she repeated, “come, walk me to the front door,” she ordered and complied. After another heartfelt hug from both of the sisters, Minah waved bye to Sooae and shut the door.


Hours later after Sooae’s departure, Minhyuk and Shinae returned from their shopping.

“Here, go and put these groceries away,” Minhyuk ordered Shinae and handed her the bags. Shinae glanced at the bags and looked away.

“Have Minah do it,” she said and walked off. Minhyuk sighed and walked into the kitchen. Shinae wondered to the stairs and stopped when she saw Minah sitting at the sofa folding the baby clothes in her lap. She frowned and marched up to the older one, “Let me look at this,” Shinae called out and grabbed the bib from Minah’s hands. She gave the bib two flips before glaring at Minah, “who bought you this? Was it Minhyuk?” she asked.

“It’s none of your business,” Minah said calmly and grabbed for the bib but Shinae moved it out from her grasp, “give it back Shinae, I don’t to argue with you.”

“Tell me who bought you this first and I’ll give it back,” Shinae reasoned.

Minah heaved out an annoyed sigh and dropped her hands on her lap, “Why should I tell you? These presents that I have here has no business with you.”

“Oh if you say it like that then I know who bought these things for you, it was Minhyuk wasn’t it?” Shinae shouted. Just then Minhyuk walked into the living room seeing both of his wives arguing.

“What is going on?” Minhyuk asked, walking up to the two.

“Minhyuk, you love Minah so much that you secretly bought her these things behind my back,” Shinae shouted and threw the bib at Minhyuk. Minhyuk caught the bib and examined it.

“I didn’t buy Minah anything,” he confusingly said.

Minah frowned at the two and snatched the bib out of Minhyuk’s hands, “Minhyuk didn’t buy it for me,” she stated.

“If it wasn’t Minhyuk then was it one of your ex-boyfriends?” Shinae asked, instigating a bigger problem.

“That’s not it,” Minah argued.

“Since you refuse to tell the truth then it must have been that ex-boyfriend of yours who loved you so much,” Minhyuk said, siding with Shinae.

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Chapter 1: Please update on the next chapter >_<
Update plzzz, author-nim. I've been waitting to see their moments.