Chapter 5: Getting ready

Slave to Girlfriend

 Few days has passed.. its finally Friday

Sana got up from her seat and walked over to Momo who was sitting in her chair with her hands under her chin, supporting her head.

"Since most of us have girlfriends now, why won't we go to the beach and celebrate?" Suggested the squirrel

"Nice idea but, what about you Sana? Concured her friend followed by a question

"Don't worry about me, we're only celebrating it for you couples!" 


"LISTEN UP GUYS! I AM PLANNING ON TAKING YOU GUYS TO THE BEACH!" Called out Sana getting every one of her friends attention

DahMo, MiChaeng, 2Yeon and Tzuyu flicked their heads towards the yelling girl (MiChaeng and 2Yeon were already couples for the past few months)

"What are you talking about all of a sudden?" the 2yeon couple asks

"We are going to the beach to celebrate for you couples." Explained Sana

"When should we go?" Wondered Chaeyoung

"On Saturday! 7:00 AM, So pack up your stuff after school!" Sana Demanded

"Don't forget to leave anything behind." Sana reminded to them

"YES!" Yelled out all of the couples


"Everyone go back to your desks, homeroom is starting!" Ordered the teacher to the students

All the students ran to their desks and sat where they are supposed to be. All the couples including Sana and Tzuyu were hyped, no one could stay focused on what the teacher was teaching them. Every one of them was excited to see their girlfriend wearing their swimming suit. Jeongyeon nose bled when she thought Nayeon in her swimming suit. There was blood covered ontop of her desk, slowly dripping onto the floor.

"Yoo Jeongyeon! Clean up that mess this instant." Demanded the teacher with a death glare on his face

Jeongyeon appologized "Y-Yes sir, sorry for that." 

She got up to find a tissue box. Jeongyeon picked up the box of tissues from the teachers table that was by the teachers book and walked back to her desk that was full of blood. Jeongyeon cursed under her breath, embarrassment was plastered on her face due to the people that was looking and gossiping about her. The girl wiped every nook and cranny at her desk followed by the floor, blood was surrounding her desk also. After cleaning the blood up thorougly she threw the tissue that was used to clean up her blood in the garbage can and placed the box of tissues back where it belonged. She faced the teacher and bowed 90 degrees for an apology. Jeongyeon felt uneasy while she was walking to her seat, she felt so embarrassed that she wanted to disappear. Nayeon threw a confused look at Jeongyeon.

The both of them sat at the back of the classroom. Nayeon took a tiny piece of paper out and wrote down "What did you think of? Why did you nosebleed? Did you think of a girl? >:O"After she finished writing the note she turned back behind her and gave Jeongyeon the note, finished reading the note, she took a pencil out of her desk, she flipped the paper over and wrote "I was thinking about you in your swimming suit, dayum it almost killed me! x)" The girl gave Nayeon the paper, as she read the paper she was feeling flustered.. Nayeon turned around to look at the girl and found her with a toothy grin on her face.

Lunch break

"Ahaha, why did you nosebleed during class?" Dahyun laughed, remembering what happened at their homeroom

"W-Well.. I.. was think about Nayeon in her... swimsuit." Jeongyeon had a hard time explaining

The couples filled the room wih laughter, Jeongyeon hid her face with her hands

"Heheh. I know how you feel.. don't worry about it, though I still wouldn't nosebleed during class." Momo jumped in

All of them were eating peacefully, devouring their food. Tzuyu butted in the silence

"Are we gonna stay at a hotel or what?" 

"We are going to borrow Chaeyoung's villa! Since she is rich asf." Responded Sana, feeling proud of what she said.

"HEY SINCE WHEN DID I AGREE TO THAT, YOU COULD'VE JUST ASKED!?" Chaeyoung reasoned yelling really loud

"I don't know, but can we use it for our trip?" She inquires

"Yes! That's even better." Chaeyoung relaxed a little

"Eww.. the food doesn't taste great. Not even close to how tasty jokbal is." Momo shook her body in disgust, she had a disgusted expression on her face

"I know but we have to eat or else we'll get a headache."  Nayeon insisted

Hmm... what would it look like if Mina was in her bathing suit. (Chaeyoung)

The thought of Mina in her bathing suit nearly made Chaeyoung scream in joy. Everyone at her table darted their eyes at her for the tears of happiness she was shedding



Their teacher was handing back their test papers. Tzuyu got an 87%, Sana got a 91%, Mina 100%, Chaeyoung 77%, Nayeon 84%, Jeongyeon 89%, Dahyun 93% and lastly Momo 65%... thats just sad...

"Ugh! School is such a pain in the !" Tzuyu does a little stretch, her bones are aching from sitting down for too long. It felt good for her when she bent from left to right, cracking her bones.

"Ow. My heart hurts! I got a low mark!" Momo's heart felt like it was squished and flattened

"At least you didn't get under 50!" Dahyun hugged Momo to cheer her up, her head resting on her shoulder and rubbing her back

"Yo guys! Wanna all walk back home together?" Sana broke their moment

Everyone happily nodded yes.

"Wait.. where did Momo go?" One of them asked

Meanwhile...  Momo sprinted to the teacher who was about to walk out of their class. The teacher flicked her head around only to see someone running up to her. Momo put her hand on the teachers shoulder, asking her to stop for a moment.

"Aye teach! Can I redo my essay? I want to try to get a better mark on it." Requested Momo, desperation was in her eyes. How could the teacher say nope to that? She was feeling motivated

"Fine, you can redo it on Monday, don't forget to study!" The teacher declares

"Thank you so much!"


"Come on guys! Lets go home now so we can pack up our stuff tomorrow!" Yelled out Sana who was getting hyped up

The couples, and Tzuyu headed outside. The sun was setting,  it was getting darker and darker. They all walked for a couple of blocks, after they reached an intersection they all parted ways and bid their goodbyes, except for Sana and Tzuyu. The both of them silently continued down the sidewalk. Tzuyu tried to come up with a conversation for them so they wouldn't feel awkward but no words came out of . Sana thank gosh she came with something.

"T-Tzuyu-ah, what would you like to have for dinner today?" Sana asked, feeling awkward

"Anything is fine." Tzuyu almost lost her cool

"Is an egg omellete alright?" Asked Sana

She nodded her head yes as a reply

"WE'RE HOME!" Sana hollered, exhausted from the schoolwork she had to do

"While I make some dinner why won't you go take a shower?" Suggested the older girl who went to the kitchen and started prepare some food for the both of them

 "Ah sure, thank you." Tzuyu accepted, she took some clothes from the closet and went to the bathroom.

It took twenty minutes for Tzuyu to take a shower, the food was prepared by then. The latter sits at the dinner table with Sana. The taller girl looked at the food and it looked delicious, she took the spoon and put some food on it. After doing that she took a bite and loved it

"OMG so delicious! I didn't know you could cook that good." She teased the older girl who was silently eating

"Yaah! What do you think I'm capable of. Just because im clumsy it doesn't mean!" The girl pouted

Tzuyu devoured the food that Sana made her, it tasted so good that it felt like rainbows were dancing in . Afterward, Sana took a shower but it was longer than Tzuyu's, for her it took thirty minutes..  Once she got out of the bathroom she remembered something important

"I almost forgot, we have to pack our stuff up!" She remembered, telling Tzuyu what they had to do

"I forgot about that also. Hehehe." Tzuyu giggled, looking for the stuff she needed

"Shirts? Check... Pants? Check.. ? Check.. Bra? Check.. Swim suit? Check.. Tzuyu? Check." The squirrel checked the things she needed.

"Sorry, could you repeat the last one?" Tzuyu asked

"Did you grab the things you need for tomorrow?" Sana checks on Tzuyu just incase she forgets something

Tzuyu made an "mhm" noise for a reply to her.. 


It was already nine pm, they all had to be early for tomorrow, the both of them brushed their teeth together in the bathroom and got ready for bed.


Bed time for the both of them. Sana dove into the covers, it felt cold but satisfying to her skin that felt hot. She wanted to stay longer in that one position but Tzuyu came in. She told her to move over, the older girl pouted at her statement since it was her house and it was her room, nevertheless she moved over anyway. Tzuyu shut the light that was on the nightstand since Sana was on the right hand side of the bed and the nightstand was on the left. The both of the girls said goodnight to each other..

Several hours has passed. It was 12 AM, apparently Sana was still wide awake. She was too amped up to even have a blink of sleep, the latter was turning and tossing around in her bed, trying to get the right position to make her comfortable, not long after Tzuyu woke up. The younger girl blinked her eyes a few times to remove the sleepyness. 

"Can't sleep?" Asked the latter

"Yup, I can't.. I'm too excited." The girl replies with a slight frown on her face with a hint of excitment

Tzuyu grabs Sana's hand and intertwines it with hers, she pulls her closer and embraces her with the warmth that she had. Sana gave in her hug, she was feeling at ease and less tense. A few seconds later, the both of them fall asleep. Sana slept with a smile on her face that Tzuyu gave her.


Ugh, I know this ! Sorry!


I still have to make corrections.. 




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11 streak #1
Chapter 19: That 'doki-doki' part tho xD.

Btw this story is so good. Good job authornim!
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #2
Chapter 19: This story is sooooo cute!!
kellyl #3
I saw this story in wattpad and they said it's not theirs but i'm curious if they ever ask for permission for posting it
DuskGlade #4
Chapter 19: Good story. Very lovely!
toogayforminamyoui #5
Chapter 8: Dat wooden sword. Is dat from Yuru Yuri? XDD
Fangire #6
Chapter 9: Wait... YOU ARE IN GRADE 7?!? SO YOU ARE LIKE, 13 OR 14?!

Chapter 19: THANK YOU FOR YOUR HARD WORK!!! I really appreciate reading this story ^^
Chapter 19: When Chewy was confessing,, when she said my heart go doki doki ,,, it's similarto the lyrics/song of thr anime K-on!.. or it me and my imagination? Mehh.. nays story bts daebak x)