
BestFriend with Mr.Popular
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Lisa POV Im not going to lie, this pass few days have been pretty rough, I thought i would like this school and it'll be a great school year, but no it turn out wrong. It's like out of nowhere everyone in the school, turn against me, except for my four friends, Jisoo, Chaeyoung, Jennie, and Jungkook.  Every hours of the day, my phone is been blow up with lots of hate texts, I don't even know where they got my phone number from.    Everything wasn't as bad until just yesterday, when jihye and her crew once again make another ganging on me, this time they pour water on me as a prank, and I wasn't just going to sit and let her, and her minion embarrassed me in front of everyone in the library, so which made me blew up, and slap her across the face.   This is what all the chaos and hate toward me is coming from, even though she started it, everyone in the whole school literally pointed fingers at me, and blame me instead.   Today was worst then yesterday, since the indicent had happen when school was almost over yesterday, I went home right after it, but today I have to endure it from the beginning of school to the end.  The day went by really quickly, which made me feel so happy, and relieve, but then my smile turn to a frown when I remember that today I have to serve detention for my 'wrong doing' I've done yesterday.    I sigh as I walk out of my last period class when the last school bell ring, everyone was ready to go home, wishing i could just go straight home.  Walking to my locker, everyone around me stare at me, which I ignore and I punch my locker combo in, opening it I threw my things in the locker, I closed it really loud which made some of the people around me to jump. I more then pissed off right now, it wasn't fair for me to serve detention, just me but not jihye and her minion.   "Hey darling," I heard someone said as the person swung his arm around my shoulder. I stop and stare at the person, even more pissed off but my expression change to a friendly smile. "Yaa! Stop doing that, you're fangirls are going to attack me aswell, if they see you doing that," I said rolling my eyes when I saw jungkook tall self smiling at me. "Oh come on, I've told you before im not like those guys." He said, with a offended expression on his face. "Ready to get out of here?!" He ask while he tilt his head. "No, you go ahead. I have after school detention." I said, but jungkook then burst out of laughing. "Yaaa! Its not funny," I said walking away from him. "I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing at what happen yesterday. I can't believe you did that," he said as he catches up to me, with a smirk on his face. "Well it did, but jungkook seriously go right ahead" I said as we came to a stop when we reach the detention classroom. "No I'll wait, I'll wait outs.." He was interrupted when I spoke up, "Please jungkook, just go right ahead." I said as i face him. "Fine, but if you need anything then call me right away." Jungkook said in a make sure tone.  "I will, see you tomorrow then." I said as I wave bye to him and walk in the classroom.   As I head in the class, I found myself the only girl in the there, I sigh really loud, our detention teacher then saw me standing, "pleas have a sit, and follow the rules," she said making me look at the board. It was written RULES, 1.No
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good read
great story!
Chapter 23: W-W-WHAAAAT????!!!!
Chapter 23: LISKOOK
Chapter 21: Awwww i ship them since the beginner~~~~~
Now~~~~ about the 2 last chapter~~~ engagement party, wedding and honeymoon! ^-^
Chapter 21: I honestly don't know how this story is going to end anymore. The next two chapters are probably gonna be so unexpected for me, but I'm looking forward to this :)
keren_hmlm #7
Chapter 21: Gosh liskook til the end. I loved it *grins* hahaha. Tnx for the update Author-nim I really missed you. It's been awhile, how you doin Author-nim? Hope you update again soon lol. FIGHTING!!!♥
NomiKizuki #8
Chapter 21: I was hoping for bamlisa
JKLLS97 #9
Chapter 21: OMG !!!!!!!!!! I didn't aspect this but also i don't complain any of this ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 21: LizKook forever!!!!