What about Baozhi?

The Boxer (A Yixing Series)
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A/N: I had quite a few people asking about Baozhi on my Tumblr blog so here you go. :D



His hands were shaking. He tightened his grip around his wallet that held the small square of plastic with a few simple words on it and a picture.

His school ID. Such an innocent looking piece of plastic that might seem trivial and meaningless to someone else but to him...to him it was everything.

It was tucked so tightly in between the picture he kept of his family and the cash he had saved up to pay for his first semester of tuition. The picture he’d snuck from Yixing's phone when he wasn't looking, discretely texting the picture to himself so he could get it printed out and keep it with him at all times. The happy little family shot Baozhi had taken at the park one morning with Yixing’s phone showed smiles all around. The two in love, the adorable little bundle of sunshine that came from that love, Mei-Xing who looked so much like her father one moment, and exactly like her mother another, it made his head spin and Baozhi with his arm held out far to hold the phone. The little close knit group who held on to each other tighter than any other family hed ever seen. They were his rock. His reason for each and every morning he woke up well rested and feeling a clarity in his mind that he hadn't even know was possible before...before. He tried not to think about before.

He woke up feeling especially complete this morning. If only his damn nerves would settle down enough for him to stop the trembling in his hands.

The line moved and Baozhi took one small step forward. Groups of students, obviously friends of each other, mingled around him. Greeting each other as if they'd just seen each other yesterday. So familiar and comfortable with each other that Baozhi watched on in amazement.

Could he really fit in here? Did he belong with these smart kids who had normal families and loving mothers waiting at home for them with hugs and questions about their first day of another semester. Dads who would come home with a bag of take out dinner for everyone, to give mom a break for once from cooking the meal, and sit down with a pat on the back and a sweet smile at the son or daughter that was already making him so proud.

He hadn't told Yixing about starting his first semester of college yet. Baozhi wanted to make sure he got in and got registered before he told his nagging, worrying brother.

He knew he would get nothing but overwhelming support from his brother. He also knew that the solid years of odd jobs and scrounging up every single cent he could to pay for this would be looked at with a raised eyebrow by his overly generous Hyung.

Yixing would insist on helping to pay. Baozhi needed a receipt before he told Yixing. The man had enough on his plate with the baby, the wedding, and the lawyer bills still coming in the mail. How many more high risk, high paying fights could the man take on before he lost. How long would Yixing’s winning streak last? What if he got hurt just because Baozhi had to buy some books for a class?

Baozhi could pay for this himself and he would do so before he told his brother about it.

The line advanced and Baozhi heard the short woman behind the counter call for the next in line.

His feet moved and his smile was wide. The disinterested woman hardly looked up when she asked for his ID and read him the balance he owed for enrolling in class.

Bills and bills of his hard work slid through the small opening and he watched as her fingers counted out the amount and slipped the money into her register. A loud printing sound and a perforated sheet of paper was ripped and Baozhi bowed his thanks as he retrieved his ID and the valuable little sheet of paper.

The air outside of the financial services building was fresh and crisp. Baozhi reached for his phone and snapped a quick picture of the receipt. The fancy sounding name of the university printed in block letters with a logo of the school's mascot next to it. His first semester's class schedule laid out below with promises of hard work, assignments and new friends was spelled out below.

He hit send on his phone and he sat d

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RParkSJ #1
Chapter 8: Rereading this in 2024. This story still has the power to move me to tears. You’re an amazing author. Thank you for so kindly sharing your talent with us.
abcd20 #2
Chapter 8: So good so good so good!!! At some point I thought she will end up prison like forever or something like that... thanks for sharing it!!