
Song: Honobono Log Op- morning

 Yuki groaned. Why? Because of this guy.She sighed and finally looked up from her book that she was reading.

" Is there anything on my face?"

She looked at Jackson questioningly.Jackson laughed shyly after he got caught staring at Youngji.He smiled and said,


Youngji lifted her eyebrow.

"Then why are you looking at me like that?"

Jackson opened his book and mumble

,"All right,all right.I'll study."

Youngji shook her head,amused with Jackson's childish manner.She continued with her reading.Then,she felt it again.She lifted her eyes from her book and realised Jackson was staring at her,again.Jackson noticed Youngji's stare and quickly avoid his eyes from hers.Yuki chuckled.

"I knew you would do that again.Now,talk.What do you want to tell me?"

Jackson looked hesitated for awhile and said,

"Okay,okay.I'll tell you."

He stared at Youngji's eyes.Yongji was ready to listen then Jackson suddenly shook his head while chuckled.

"I'm sorry...You'll laugh at me.Besides,it's not important.Just continue with your study."

Jackson looked at Youngji and smiled when he saw the glare Youngji gave.


Jackson chuckled and he softly caressed Youngji soft,auburn hair.

"Okay,okay.But,promise that you won't laugh" 

Yongji nodded.Jackson took a deep breath and looked at Youngji.His heart skipped beat and he smiled again.

"Come closer"said Jackson.

Yuki obliged and came near to Jackson.Jackson leaned to Youngji's ear and whispered gently,

"I love you,Youngji."

Yuki instantly blushed as soon he uttered it and leaned back to her chair.She quickly took her book and hid her red face from Jackson.

"What is that? You idiot.."

Jackson smiled wider and chuckled.All the time,Jackson stared at Youngji's face with adoreness as she focused with her study.Sadly,Youngji did not even noticed it.It's not like Jackson care and he liked it more. :-)


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