
White and Gold

White and gold. Everything is white and gold, and the light's blinding, Woohyun thinks.

The color of his suit is white with a mixture of black and gold. He is nervous. He's still waiting in the waiting room, but he can hear a faint soft music playing in the ballroom.

Where the wedding is held.

The wedding, his wedding, his wedding with Kim Sunggyu, the one he has loved for years. He feels a little out of breath, but in a good way. 

He's going to walk on the aisle soon, with his mom instead of his dad. Towards his future husband, who'll be waiting on the stage. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. It's seems surreal. Suddenly there's a knock on the door, and someone came in.


He openes his eyes to see the man standing in an all black suit, looking as handsome as ever. "Oh, Myungsoo-yah."

"You need to go out in a bit. Are you nervous?"

He lets out a breathy laugh. "I am."

Myungsoo gives him his dimple smile. "Oh, that's the cue! Where's your mom? Ah there she is!"

He tuned out all the voices by now. He just grabs his mom's arm and then he is being led outside.

White, gold, silk, flower petals, people. Lots of people, he noticed, are standing up and clapping a bit, smiling towards him.

His eyes travels to the front. Towards the stage where his soon to be husband is standing with a shy soft smile playing on his lips. Woohyun thinks he can't wait to hear the 'now kiss' phrase by the priest, because honestly, he really wants to kiss him right now. He lets out a soft smile, too, and finally he reached the stage.

A hand is held in front of him, and he takes it. Suddenly, he's face to face with Sunggyu, and they're holding hand. The priest starts the question one by one which he vaguely answered, and then they're told to exchange the rings. The ring fits him perfectly, and it's making his smile grew wider.

He's about to put the ring on Sunggyu when suddenly it slips. It slips from his grasp and fell to the floor, rolling down the stage to somewhere. He gasped, cursing his clumsy self and about to reach for the ring when he hears Sunggyu's voice calling him.

"Woohyun...! Woohyun!"

He wakes up with a start while softly shouting "The ring!" He looks around disorientedly, slowly realising what just happened.

"Woohyun?" Here comes the voice that woke him up, which belong to Kim Sunggyu.

He turns his head to see the leader standing beside his bed, looking confuse.

"Yes, hyung?"

"What did you dream about? What's with 'the ring'?"

"Uh... nothing hyung."

Sunggyu usually lets it go if it's with other people, but it's Woohyun, and with Woohyun, his curiosity cell usually acts a little more hyper. "Aw, come on, is it a nightmare?"

Woohyun falls face first to his pillow. "No, it's not, hyung, come on stop it!" He grabs Sunggyu's hand which was jabbing his side nonstop, and he almost regrets it the second he did.

The images that were still fresh from his dream came rushing in his mind. The blinding lights, Sunggyu waiting for him, Sunggyu's smile, the warmth of his hand, the priest talking, the ring falling. He groans into the pillow.

"What's wrong, Woohyun-ah?" He mumbles something Sunggyu couldn't quite catch. "What is it?"

"I dreamt of a wedding."

"A wedding? Whose wedding?"


"What?!" Sunggyu almost shouted. His eyes widened comically it's almost funny, Woohyun might laugh, if only he doesn't feel as miserable as he does now.

"Well, I don't know why I had that kind of dream—"

"Really?" Sunggyu cuts in. "You really don't know?"

Sunggyu is slowly inching towards him and he can only stare, because they way Sunggyu looks at him is hipnotizing at this point.

"Do you really... don't know?" Sunggyu's voice is barely a whisper now that they're so close their nose are almost touching. "Tell me, Woohyun."

The way Sunggyu whispers his name finally breaks all of his walls. His eyes drops to the other's lips for a second before he cursed slowly under his breath and decided to it and gives in to the temptation that is Sunggyu's lips.

He closed his eyes so hard but then he wants to see Sunggyu, so he opened his eyes and he saw the way Sunggyu's eyes are closed and he's kissing back so good and he even went as far as sitting on Woohyun's lap. He can't help but closes his eyes, too, at the end, because the kiss is making his head spins.

The need of air makes them breaks the kiss, and Woohyun slowly opened his eyes, afraid of how the other's reaction will be, but when he finally did, he felt like he needs to shield his eyes, because Sunggyu's smiling face is blinding. Sunggyu gave him another peck before laughing softly.

"So... will there be any wedding held in the future?" Sunggyu asked with a smile.

It took Woohyun a few seconds to answer, feeling like he's still out of breath. "In the future... yes... there will be... definitely."

Sunggyu gave him another y smile before diving in for another kiss.


—The End—

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Chapter 1: Cute dream,cute woogyu!

I hope I could dream of them too:) xD
Chapter 1: I'm squealing
Chapter 1: Waaa!!! >`< so cute!!!!! ♡♡♡
Chapter 1: Wow!! Wedding of the year at busan please... Remember both do bad dnce in ts3..
That was nice!! Nice dream what we all want a woogyu wedding whahahaa.... kodus!
burgersteak #6
Chapter 1: it was short but it was also so very very cute!!
Chapter 1: Awwww dream comes true