
Lost Feelings


How do I respond to that? The old man just told her what I didn't want her to know.

“ It's nothing really, I just wanted to talk to you,” I said.

“ About what?” Eunyoung asked.

“ Is it bad that I wanted to talk to you?” I asked.

She shook her head. The waitress came up with our drinks and set our lattes in front of us.

“ You guys are just so cute,” the waitress commented.

“ Oh, uh thanks.” I said.

I looked over at Eunyoung and she just drank her latte. The waitress left with a smile.

“ It's a good thing I have a common face, or else a scandal would've been started by now.” I said.

I looked at myself with my phone and noticed Eunyoung looking at me.

“ I don't think your face is common,” she said.

“ Are you trying to flatter me?” I asked.

She shrugged and took a sip of her coffee. Her phone suddenly rang and she stood up to take the call. I watched her go outside through the window. 


“ Really? Yes, thank you. I'll be there tomorrow, bye.” I said.

I put my phone back in my pocket and pulled my hair back. I hastily texted uncle and Kibum that I got the job. Then went back inside and noticed Soojung staring at me like the usual.

“ Even though you looked expressionless, I can tell you were happy.” She said.

“ I just got a new job,” I said.

“ Congratulations, but I'm kind of sad because I won't be seeing you in the bar anymore,” Soojung said.

“ I'll be there once in awhile,” I said.

She smiled and fixed her bangs. Our food came and we silently ate. I paid for the breakfast even though Soojung insisted that she should. I ignored her though and paid for it.

We walked out of the restaurant and strolled a nearby park. It was cold, but not freezing like previous days.

“ Remember when we met in the SM building?” She asked.

I nodded.

“ I've been wondering, but how did you get in? I thought only employees could enter,” Soojung said.

“ I came in with my friend Kim Kibum,” I said.

“ Oh I'm friends with him too. He's such a fashion critic,” Soojung said.

I nodded and silence filled the air once again.

“ Do you have any plans today?” I asked.

“ I don't think so, I think I'm free all day.” She said.

“ Do you want to come with me to meet my parents?” I asked.

She stopped walking and looked at me.
“ You want to introduce me to your parents?” Soojung asked.

I nodded and continued walking. I didn't know why she was making such a big deal out of it.

“ Yah! Stop acting like this isn't a serious matter Eunyoung!” She yelled.

This girl. 

“ Then bye,” I said.

“ Who said I wasn't coming? Stupid.” Soojung said.

She ran and followed me. We got on a taxi and headed to the location. We got off at a hill and started walking up it.

“ Are we meeting them here?” Soojung asked.

“ They're already here,” I said.

We got to the top of the hill and Soojung stood there confused. Then she noticed the tombstones on the ground and slowly approached it with me.

“ Mom, dad, I'm back.” I said.

“ Eunyoung…” Soojung said.

“ This is Soojung. She's my new friend,” I said.

I silently looked at the tombstones as if my parents really were there.

“ I got the job I told you about when I was here last time. I'm sorry I didn't bring any flowers either. I will for sure next time.” I said.

I touched the tombstone and silently prayed. Soojung knelt down next to me and prayed also. I looked up and took another look at the tombstones. Then stood up and brushed my pants.

“ I love you guys, I hope you're watching from afar. I can't stay long though because I have to take Soojung home,” I said.

I turned around and started walking down the hill. I realized that Soojung wasn't following me and turned around. She looked like she was saying something to my parents. Then touched the tombstones and picked up a flower nearby. She placed it between their tombstones and smiled.

I stared at her as she did that. I was so touched that I think I felt my heartbeat but shook it off. Soojung noticed me looking at her and smiled at me. 

I gulped and couldn't help it, I smiled at her. For the first time in months, I've smiled because of her.




I felt my face feel hot even though it was freezing on top of the hill. I covered my mouth to hide my smile and looked away. 

“ Come on Soojung,” she said.

I followed her, making sure to keep a distance. The image of her smiling was burned into my brain and I wanted to see more of it. 

As we stood on the sidewalk to wait for a taxi to pass, I couldn't help but look at Eunyoung. She was back to her usual blank face, and I giggled. She looked at me and raised her brow. 

“ You look better when you smile,” I said.

“ I've heard,” she said.

“ You spoke a lot today,” I said.

“ Today's been the first good day since-” she said.

A taxi passed by and she motioned for it. It stopped and we entered the empty taxi together. I told the taxi the address nearby my house and he drove us there.

I looked over and saw Eunyoung texting. I took out my phone also and looked at it. I realized that I still didn't have her number. I cleared my throat and she looked over at me.

“ Let's exchange numbers,” I said.

“ Why?” She asked.

I rolled my eyes and took her phone. I put in my number and texten it. Then I gave it back to her. The taxi stopped and Eunyoung paid for the fare, even though I wanted to.

“ Good luck to you two,” the driver said with a smile.

Why does everyone think we're a couple?

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Chapter 22: Wow. I’m still waiting.
Chapter 22: Bout a year now.
babySavie #3
Chapter 22: Wow ,is it a tease ? Cmon author..
JusT_k1m #4
Chapter 22: Gosh... Where is the next button!!
Chapter 22: Fufufufufufu~ y time, y time, y time, y time!:)))
Chapter 21: Cliff hangeeeeeer!!!
This story....God!im speechless...its Amazing...awesome...Great!i dunno what else i could describe to this story...but Good job author-nim! *two thumbs up*

Its so rare to found Amber with different characteristic....i mean...Amber usually always the dorky...playful and funny one...but u put her character here as a cool...quiet and experessionless.

Im looking forward for this story....so keep up the hard work author....

Stay healthy and good luck with school.Thx for the update...
And ohh...update soon please...
Chapter 21: I love how Krystal seems so lovely at one sec and then feisty on the next. Goodjob authornim! I'm looking forward for more.
Chapter 21: Hahahaha dang cliff hanger! Update faaast!:D
Yellowjacket #9
Chapter 21: Finally that wort came out from krystal.
Chapter 21: So many interruptions hahahaha