Farewell Party Part 1



Taeyeon's POV
We were on our way to the van when a people started gathering around us, fans, reporters, paparazzi, it was chaotic, and the worst part about it was the fact that some of them were throwing insults at Tiffany, saying horrible things about her and the reporters were asking questions if she was finally out of the group. These people are so inconsiderate of other people's feelings, I liked worriedly at Tiffany and she seemed okay since she was fully cover with a mask and a pair of thick sunglasses, but I know she was hurt, I grabbed her shoulders and led her faster to the van. When we finally got to the van, I sat beside her and slowly took of her mask and sunglasses to see if she was really ok, and it wasnt a shock when I saw her with tears in her eyes, my heart broke seeing her this way, she hated crying but for the past few days that's what she did. I don't even know where she gets the water to cry that long since she hardly ever ate at all. I pulled her closer to me and put her head on my shoulder and patted her head. The ride was peaceful and to be honest I don't want it to end, 'cause I still can't accept the fact that Tiffany, My Tiffany is out of the group, I won't get to see her every morning before the hectic schedule starts and when I get home from a very tiring day she'll always be there to greet me "Welcome home Boo~" with her aegyo. Unfortunately we got to the dorm and Tiffany and I went up stairs and entered the dorm when suddenly the girls came right at us all of them were all hyped but there was still sadness in their eyes, some of the crew and stylist Unnies were also there with them. The girls texted me awhile ago about their plan and I was touched by what they were doing for Tiffany, a few days ago, we convinced our manager to tell us what's gonna happen, what was the company up to and sure enough he gave in, he told us about Tiffany's possible removal from the group, or our permanent disbandment, but it wasn't sure since I was still going to decide since I'm the leader, all of us decided to disband but our manager stopped us saying that all our hardwork would be for nothing and he had a point. Knowing Tiffany she wouldn't want that at all, she would want us to continue on the dream that we all started even if it means she wouldn't be a part of it anymore. We were lost at that time and we started to get depressed, when Sooyoung suddenly suggest we do a Thankyou and farewell party for Tiffany since we never got to do a proper goodbye to Sica, and we don't want to repeat that with Tiffany, and sure enough we contacted some of our close friends from the company, a few crew members to help and the stylist unnies as well. Even thought I knew of the possible outcome it still hurt when Tiffany said it herself and when the CEO asked me personally of the decision I couldn't process it properly, maybe because I'm still denying it and refuse to accept it but last night made me realize it wasn't going to change and that Tiffany is really leaving. When Tiffany looked at me shocked and dumbfounded, I just smiled at her and reassured her while the girls led us to the living room.


Tiffany's POV
Today was starting out to be worse than I thought, first my official removal from SNSD then when we get out of the company we were mobbed by a horde of people, saying insults and rude things about me and asking if I was finally kicked out of the group, it was a good thing I was prepared and chose to wear a face mask and my thick sunglasses today. Tae grabbed my shoulders and pulled me faster into the van. When we were inside I looked down and just sat quietly on my seat, Tae was right beside me, I felt her move and she slowly took off my mask and sunglasses maybe to check if I was crying and sure enough I was a crying mess, she just hugged me tight and put my head on her shoulders. The journey back was nice, I can feel Tae's calm heartbeat and lying there on her shoulders brought back a lot of memories, from way back during training days to the present date when during the SMTown Tokyo. It felt like forever when suddenly I was brought back to reality when the car stopped and we arrived at the dorm. I walked right behind Tae and as we walked to the dorm I looked at Tae's back and I noticed she was wearing the Navy blue jacket I recently brought her in Japan. I smiled and stared at her back, she's still short and her hair were beginning to grow which is great cause irreversible her long hair, her presence is so comforting, I can't help but smile when I remember the times she would do dorky stuff to make me laugh or to just simply have fun. I unconsciously grabbed her hand and intertwined them, she was surprised by my sudden gesture but she squeezed my hand and looked back at me with her signature dorky smile. I'm really gonna miss her smile, her dorkiness, if that's even a word and just her company enough makes my day a whole lot better. When we arrived at the door the girls surprised us and also some crew members and stylist unnies were there. I looked at Tae and she just reassured me and gave me a smile while the girls dragged us inside to the living room.


No One's POV 

The girls led the two newcomers inside to the living room and they all sat together facing flat screen TV. The screen came to life and it played the ITNW ballad version, along with videos and pictures from way back during their training days, some.of the girls were already teary eyed and Tiffany was already a crying mess. After the video another one started playing and this time voices were heard it was Bora and some of the close friends of SNSD and Tiffany, "What does Tiffany mean to you?" asked by a crew member to them. The entire video was a Rollercoaster of emotions and Tiffany was crying so hard now. The girls were all huddled and so close together and their cries were heard throughout the room. When the last video played it was their Sailing song but it was the instrumental version, this time Yoona and Seohyun appeared on the screen. It was obvious that they just recently recorded it because of their clothes, the background was Sunny's room, a crew member asked them "How was Tiffany as an Unnie?" "Hmmm..Tiffany Unnie is a great unnie to be honest, even if I used to so much she would always take care of us and even now I call her pink piggy but she knows I mean well, and whenever we're tired during practice she would get us water and ask us if we're still okay." Yoona said while getting teary-eyed, "Tiffany Unnie is like the big sister I never had, she would always take care of me whenever we have TTS promotions, she treats me as her baby and even though I'm a control freak and perfectionist sometimes she would always make me understand why things are not going according to plan or she would listen to me. During interviews she would make things happy and fun so things wouldn't be so tense. I admire how humble she and how selfless she is and people might judge her harshly but that's because they don't know what she's been through, she studied so hard during training and debut to learn korean and to adapt here in Korea, she put so much effort in practice cause she always makes mistakes and she isn't satisfied with herself, she is always so hard on herself, she did all these for the fans because she loves all the fans, she is a workaholic, so when she gets sick she gets frustrated cause she has to stay at the dorm and do nothing. She is my role model and she is a very genuine person." Seohyun added still able to hold in the tears. The SHY unofficial subunit was up next "How was Tiffany as a friend." the three contemplated for a moment then Sooyoung started talking "Tiffany is someone you can never come to hate once you really get to know her, she's caring, compassionate, understanding, selfless, and she'll do anything for the people she loves." Sooyoung ended with a few tears in her eyes and Yuri nodded her head and also started talking "She really is someone special, you can only meet someone as selfless as her once in a lifetime, she truly is our happy pill, SNSD wouldn't be SNSD if there's no Tiffany, it just wouldn't be the same." Yuri said as she looked at the other two and they hugged each other. "Tiffany to be honest is most of the girl's favorite member, because she always has this happy video around her that makes everyone around her happy. She always helps me with my dancing, 'cause she always seems to notice my mistakes and corrects me, people might say she's the worst dancer but actually she's not, it's just that the camera always captures her, so she's so unlucky, but she's worked hard and she's improved so much since then. Tiffany really is special, she's a friend I'm blessed to have." Hyoyeon said as she cried and hug hugged Yuri and Sooyoung. Tiffany was teary-eyed abd was already having a hard time keeping it in. The girls were already crying and even the crew and stylist unnies were getting emotional. The next one was Sunny "How is it living together with Tiffany?" the crew asks, "Living in the same house as Tiffany is a handful, she's needy, she's loud and grumpy in the mornings, she's always cheery and she always has a smile on. But it's also the reason why it's always fun when she's around I'll miss her early morning greetings, her loud and husky voice, her annoying aegyo, her eyesmile and her happy personality, the dorm wouldn't be the same without her, no one will be there to handle Taengoo when she wakes up on the wrong side of the bed, and I'm not gonna be the one to do it 'cause only Tiffany can handle her. She's one of the reason SNSD is SNSD, she makes the group unique and we all get along better because of her, she's really special." Sunny ended her message as tears slowly roll down her cheeks. Everyone was really emotional at this point and as the group get into a tight group hug, Tiffany can't help but get excited to hear what her bestfriend has to say about her...

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Auzora221 #1
Chapter 5: And I've been stalking ur subscription stories too.. Lol
Auzora221 #2
Chapter 5: Anyway you should continue this story... Maybe you can use their current situation for it.. I really like your story and till now "Why Her" is my no. 1 Taeny fanfic.. I don't mind another angst story XD.. As a fan of sad stories, it is hard to find a good sad story like your story lately.. Keep it up.. Don't stop writing.. I'll be watching you.. ^_^
Auzora221 #3
Chapter 1: Tbh, word like 'kick out' is harsh and inappropriate to be used here.. I prefer use words like 'step down' 'excluded' or 'removed'.. Because you can see that Tiffany willingly accepts the ceo's decision without further objection..
Chapter 5: thank u for making me cry like a retard lol T^T pany
Chapter 5: hmmmn... its weird... i mean i like the part of taeny.. but the part of the other members it seems like 'you leaving snsd? okay fine' sounds like that.. yes they cried but this chapter it turns to 360° ..ooh well this story is all about taeny... hahahaha.. *bows 90°* sorry..
totoro1109 #6
Chapter 5: Except for chapter 5, i dont want any of your writing come truee..
MissKim520 #7
yuutoo #8
Chapter 2: I never want this to happend, if this happend soon i don't know maybe i will still keep support snsd if they didn't disbanded. But it will different without fany
No more energy pill for me anymore
And Kpop world just feel empty for me
And if snsd disbanded, i will leave kpop completely
Chapter 2: This is really sad >_< i dont hope that to happen .
This is so sad :'(