Lucky Nothings: Take #3

Lucky Nothings



Unspoken Confessions

Walking into the building, a wave of nostalgia hits her as she notices that nothing much has changed over the past three years since she left. The directors still greet her in the same way - as though she never left - and even the accounts and maintenance staff say ‘hello’ just like they did in the past. She walks up to the receptionist and is met with a bubbly ‘hey!’ to which she just replies with a nod and a smile.
“What are you doing back here?” the receptionist asks. Before she can answer a familiar voice calls out to her. She turns around at the sound of her name and is caught off guard as he suddenly wraps his arms around her, momentarily lifting her off the ground.
“When’d you arrive?” he asks, his arms still tightly wrapped around her.
“This morning,” she replies simply, trying to keep her heart from pounding out of her chest and her cheeks flushing a bright red colour. She hadn’t realised how much she missed the warmth of his arms, the tone of his voice. Just, missed him.
“You’re really going?” he asked cautiously. He stood at the girl’s door to her room as he watched her rush around, chucking things into her various suitcases. “Look, if it’s my fa-”
“It’s not you,” she cut him off. “It was never you,” she stopped to look at him, “you know that. I’m going because I have to. I mean, I got in, I can’t pass this opportunity up,”
“I know…I just thought-”
“If I didn’t get in, I would’ve stayed, you know that.” Again, she cut his sentence short. He remained quiet, still watching the younger girl pack her suitcases. She was leaving tonight and he didn’t know when he was ever going to see her again.
“That’s not the only reason you’re leaving though,” he muttered to himself, but she didn’t fail to catch it. The tone of his voice sounded as though he wanted for her to hear it.
“You know that’s not true,” she snapped back.
“Isn’t it?” he replied back in the same manner.
They somehow made their way to the park they used to frequent to, and found themselves seated on their favourite bench. An uncomfortable silence ensues between the two.
“It was the day before Valentine’s you know,” he breaks the silence. She doesn’t reply. “I was,” he hesitates, “going to confess,” he nervously laughs, “even though you were practically with-”
“I was never with him,” she corrects him in a rather blunt tone. “It’s a bit clichéd though, don’t you think?” she attempts to change the topic.
“What is?”
“The whole Valentine’s set-up,” she leans her head back on the bench, “you couldn’t have thought of something more original?” she tries to lighten up the mood. She inwardly smiles when she notices the faint grin playing on his lips and the soft chuckle at her response.
“You haven’t changed at all,” he says to himself, but she as always, doesn’t fail to miss it.
“Did you expect me to change, when you haven’t either?” she teases back, earning a light push from the male.
“Don’t go,” his tone was soft, “please.” He walked away from the door and stood in front of her. “I…I love-”
“Don’t,” she cut him off. He held her hands to stop her from moving. “Don’t,” her gaze met his and she suddenly felt the need to breakdown into tears. “Please, don’t do this. Don’t make it harder than it already is.”
“I know what you want to say, and I don’t want to hear it,” she replied in a hard tone. “You and I…it just won’t - no, can’t work,” she tried to keep up a strong front, even though she was trembling inside as she said those words. “Besides, what would-”
“Don’t mention him,” he cut her off, his eyes beginning to burn with rage. “It was never about him. You just used him as an excuse because you were scared that if you were to get closer to me, you wouldn’t be able to let go,”
She swallowed hard at his harsh, yet true, statement. She hated how he knew her like the back of his hand. There was nothing that she could hide from him, he could see straight through her. No matter how she hid her emotions from people, he knew exactly what she was feeling, and she hated that.
Another silence plays as the sky turns darker while the sun sets. The occupants of the park have decreased save for the few runners and dog walkers making their rounds around the park. There is still a distinct gap between the two on the park bench and the air has turned awkward as they both think back to their last night together.
“You didn’t even say goodbye you know,” he states quietly.
“I know,” she pauses, “a fight’s not really the best way to farewell your best friend,” he nods in agreement.
A cold breeze brushes past the pair and they impulsively move closer to one another. Her gaze is met with his, and she doesn’t realise she is in his arms until her eyes move down his arms. She jumps back and he does the same.
“I,” they start at the same time. They share a laugh and look away awkwardly. She chews on her bottom lip nervously. She forgot how jumpy he made her feel.
“I missed you,” he suddenly says and it makes her heart skip a beat.
“Yeah,” her voice quietens and she turns to face him, “I missed you too.”
Just something I had to write for class. Hoped you enjoyed ^^
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lol found this in the random story lol

random story, rule!!
I liked it! I liked the way you told the story! Good job!
uwaaaa, lucky~~ <br />
*pauses dream high*<br />
both you and poptart updated at the same time, her poems and your... err... 'nothings'? <br />
melancholic... and sweet<br />
<br />
thanks for this ^_^<br />
weee ^_^ another one from lucky... i'm not familiar with these two groups, but.. yeah, i enjoyed reading ^_^
@kema yeah, she'd be lost as in New Zealand. Thanks, my dreams are... weird though. Hmm.. next chapter idk lol<br />
@kpopartory thank you ^^<br />
@ static yes. very, very weird combo. I have no idea how those two came together o.o
lololol. weird combo..but yeah...weird lol
I love it! Nice story!
Keke, all thanks to you two =D