Let me know

My troublemaker boy

 alarm ringing......

you had be going to bed too late the previous day and you were really tired.

Y/n pov: ugh!!! argh!!! shut up!!! ** take the alarm and crashed it on the floor**

mon: what was that sound, honey?

Y/n: nothng mon .....

Y/n: oh no.... don't want to go to school!!! **annoyed**

**suddently thinking of V**

Y/n: haha .. hihi i think my life will be more fun with him ** blush and fall on the bed**

You were so exicted to go to school so you prepared yourself very quickly and eat your breakfast with a delight smile. After being all set up, you reach to the door but suddenly the bell ring. You were a bit suspicious. You told your mom that you will see who it is and she agree. You opened the door and see....him

Y/n: what the hell are you doing here!!???

????: i am here to go to school with you babe  **smirks**

Y/n: V!! i told you to not come to my house!! ** embarrassed while being angry**

V: oh y/n-ah!!! i wanted to go with you!! it's so annoying going to school alone! ** pouts **

Y/n: arraseo.... i will go with you but  don't show infront of my mom because she will think that you are my boyfriend.. ** serious**

V: wae> ? you are mine now and i am your boyfriend. ** grinning**

Y/n: wae!! you didn't take my permission and you are saying that i am already your girlfriend! **confused**

mom: oh y/n, you forgot to take your lunch. Hajima! i am coming to give it to you ** yelling from the kitchen**

V: your mother is so sweet...** cute smile**

Y/n: argh V!! go and hid somewhere !! ** pushing him out of the entrance**

V: wae?? It's ok if she thinks that i am your boyfriend!! ** smirks**

Y/n: **thinking** ouf controle yourself Y/n.... why is my heart beating too fast?! ** go and take your lunch**

V: **thinking** i want to know what is she thinking about me.

Y/n: ok let's go and remember don't come close or else people will think that we are dating. ** waking on the pavement**

V: aigoo.. at least let's hold hand for now... ** hold your hand**

Y/n: n-.. ** thinking** that feeling... it's so warm!**

You two hold your hands until you arrive at school. 

Y/n: ok let it g-- ** embarrased**

When you were looking at V, he was looking at you with his smooth eyes and smiling. You were blushing hard and trying to let go of your hand but he hold it more tighter. 

V: i don't want to... i want you to stay by my side... ** smile while glancing at your tomato face**

V: omo... you are all red.. do you have a fever? ** touching your forehead**

Y/n: no i don't... let's hurry... ** pushing gently his hand off your forehead**

when you were about to enter the class, a bucket of water fall on your head... you were all weat and you heard laughting from the diva group.  

fangirll tae: Don't you dare approch Tae once again!!!

another girl: yeah that's what you get ... you ***** ! 

V: ** looking at you with worried and anger** YOU ****GO TO HELLL!! I AM NOT GOING TO FORGIVE ANY OF YOU! ** dash to the girls and try to get a hand on them but you stop him**

Y/n: V .. please don't! ** crying**

V: but y/n .... they behave you ... wae? ** pity and worried** 

Y/n: let it be... i am think they were right... i don't have to be in your life.. i am not popular as them and i don't deserve you... ** crying hard**

V: you just drive me crazy... ** hold your wrist and pulled you out of the class angrly**'

Y/n: V-ah... are you mad? ** with a tear-fillled face**

V: ** saying nothing but just dragging you in a room and closed the door**

V: ** pulling off his shirt** wear this..

You were now looking at his shirtless chest and get embarrased.

Y/n:  thanks but you will stay like this.... at least but some clothes.. ** while puting the shirt on your weat shirt but suddenly you were stopped by V**

V: hey, you want to get a cold!? don't but it on your weat clothe! pull off the weat one then you put the dry one pabo...

Y/n: i can't .... not infront of you... 

V: why... it's not like i will eat you... **coming closer seductively**

Y/n: argh... why are you always like that? such a playboy! ** rushing to the door and coming out quickly**

V: haha... i like her... ** going out**

All of sudden, the girls are watching V with amazement and try not fall....

V: bwo... why are they looking at me? wait.... OPPPSS!! MYSHIRT!! ** shocked**

V: but no worry... i have abs so that's not a pain to walk shirtless... 

???: how many times do you want me to fall for you? ** serious**

V: ah.. yeri-na..... long time no see....

Yeri: i bet that you didn't forget me... ** touching V's lips**

V:  ** stoping her touches** no.. I didn't forget you but i forget you forever... and i already have a woman. 

Yeri: bwo?

V: ya.. you will meet her soon...

Y/n: ** thinking** why my heart is feeling so smooth?  V-ah... i think i love you ....



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Chapter 7: Wowwwww
Hello guys!
I will upgrate on 17th december like my co-author already mentioned it.... And yes don't worry i already have a lot ideas for your guys .... i thought about it *__* ..... And don't hesitate to look my stories and Squira, my co-author .... so look forward to it ! I won' t tell you more~~~~ :)
Chapter 5: Hello dear viewers,
thank you for your views, i really appreciate that... that means a lot for me thanks once again :)
And yes... i wanted to ask if you are okay with my style of writing or do you want me to make it more longer and describe it more?
please reply fast and thank you once again :)
thanks and yes i will upgrade soon when i have free time ^__^
Chapter 5: Ah i want more! It's so interesting!!!!
lemondrop99 #6
nice. seems cool.
Chapter 4: Wahhhhhh AMAZING!!!!! Omg~ And it's ok we all understand
Chapter 3: i am sorry for not updating quick cause i have school and it's not that east and once again i am sorry
Chapter 2: Awww! More!
Chapter 1: God it's seems so exciting!!!