new member


A/N: hey guys! if you were thinking this was going to be another NCT fanfic with Lee Taeyong in it, you were wrong! surprise! BUT DON'T EXIT THIS PAGE M8. not yet. this is a fanfic about the group DOB. They're a korean street performing group. this is a fanfic about Park Jin and Lee Taeyeong. notice the name guys. anyways, even if you don't stan DOB, you can still read this fanfic. I'd like to say it'll be pretty nice. it's a hate-->love kind of fanfic, hope you enjoy! 



i headed over towards the studio to where our group practices. i had on my regular breathing mask that said "PARK JN" on it and a large black hoodie with black skinny jeans. people passing by started to whisper at my height and how good looking i was. 

"look at him. omo, he might be 190 cm tall!"

no sorry. i'm 185cm tall

"omo omo omo, look look! he's so attractive!"

thanks but not really hah. 

"he looks pretty wealthy. and he looks fit. and he's attractive."

well the money is provided by my job and the body is provided by my work. thanks to my parents for giving me a decent face. 

it was the same comments everyday. i was used to it. it was always the same routine. nothing different, nothing strange, nothing out of the ordinary. and that's how i liked it. 

i neared the studio and sighed in relief. the studio was the only place where i felt truly happy. it was filled with people i was comfortable with and respected and it was where i could let out my feelings through dance. i walked into the first floor and nodded my head at the lady at front desk who returned the action. i walked into the elevator and hit 6th floor. once i reached the 6th floor, i walked out and opened the door to our studio. seungyeol, taeyu, and bonggeun were already in there, stretching and warming up. 

"sup." i said, nodding in their direction.

"hey." seungyeol replied, more focused on his stretching. "have you seen jinho? he was supposed to be here at around 3pm but it's already 3:45pm." he asked. 

i furrowed my eyebrows. as a leader of this dance group, i was less tolerant than the others when it came to being on time and being able to be contacted quickly. 

"have you called him from each of your phones?" i asked, pulling my phone out to call him. bonggeun and taeyu nodded. i frowned under my mask. "usually jinho picks up after the third ring..." i said, confused as to why he wouldn't reply. 

suddenly the door bursted open and i almost dropped my phone. i swung my head to the direction of the door and there stood jinho holding a short boy by the arm. jinho was out of breath and his hair was a little messed up. my eyes drifted towards the boy in the oversized pink hoodie and i cocked my head to the side. 

who was he?

"aah perfect! you guys are all here already. guys! meet lee taeyeong. he just moved here and he's in my class. i saw him dancing in the empty gym after school and i dragged him here!" jinho said with excited eyes and a large grin painted onto his face. all eyes turned to 'taeyeong' and observed his reaction.

'taeyeong' ducked his head and rubbed his neck. i swear i heard an 'aish' come from him but it was so quite i couldn't be sure. he bowed deeply, keeping his hands at his waist as if he was greeting a customer. he raised his head and for the first time we saw his face clearly. he cleared his throat and smiled sheepishly, like he was nervous to meet us. 

"hello. i'm lee taeyeong, i just moved here. i'm 19 years old. nice to meet you." he said. his voice was soft and was higher than usual. he had somewhat big eyes and a small face. he was sporting an all black haircut with the bangs ending shortly above his eyes. he had a pretty sharp jawline and a bright smile. his skin wasn't perfect, but it was on the clear side. 

if i wasn't lying, he was pretty cute. he had an adorable face and his smile was really attractive. and of course, he had the legs of a dancer, firm and muscular but also lean. 

"can he be part of our group? he's really good i promise." and that's when i looked back at jinho. i furrowed my eyebrows, not agreeing with this idea. 

jinho i get that you're friendly but you literally just met this kid. our group has known eachother for years, you can't just bring some random person into this. 

i turned around to look at the other member's reactions, expecting the same reaction as i had. my eyes narrowed when i saw their faces. seungyeol seemed like he was okay with the idea. bonggeun as well. taeyu actually looked excited to have a new member. i looked back at jinho who was looking at me with pleading eyes. 

"i mean... of course we need to see him dance first." i said, traces of unwillingness threaded in between my voice. 

"uhhh... jinho-sshi, i don't think this is the best idea. i mean i just met you, a dance group is really close-knit. i'm not even that good at dancing..." taeyeong suggested, tugging at his sleeves and glancing around the room nervously. 

"nonsense. who said dance groups need to be super close, we can just hang out a lot. also you seem like a better dancer than me haha." jinho laughed. "come on, just dance to a song? please?" he asks, holding taeyeong's hand. taeyeong slowly retracts his hand. i note that he obviously doesn't like skinship but didn't want to hurt jinho's feelings. 

"okay..." taeyeong mumbled, rolling up his sleeves. "can you play NICE by Seventeen?" he asks, looking at seungyeol. seungyeol nods before typing in the song on youtube and taeyeong takes a deep breath before standing in front of the mirrors. the song starts and when he turns around, any trace of nervousness is gone. he seemed like a completely different person, matching the choreography with certain facial expressions perfectly and dancing on beat with precision. he was an amazing dancer, despite what he had said before, but a small voice in the back of my head told me not to let him join, that he wouldn't fit in here. 


despite what i had said on that day, the rest had agreed on letting him join or group. he was a good member, he had always come in on time, but for some reason my heart wouldn't let him come any closer than aquaintances. i kept him distant from me and everytime we had to talk, it was short and not exceeding a few sentences. 

one day we had practiced really far into the night. the rest had left at around 1 am but i stayed back to dance a couple minutes afterwards. i finished dancing and reached into my bag to check the time. 

1:30 am

i grabbed my bag and slung it onto my shoulder. i slid my mask back onto my face to keep my face from getting cold. the dim street lights were the only source of light, keeping only a section of the road alight before it got dark again for a few feet only to meet another street light. i started walking towards the bus station before a small squeal caught my attention. 

"please stop" someone mewed, voice soft and light and strangely familiar. "no stop. stop. please please please." the voice said, a little bit louder now. 

"come on little boy, let's go have fun." a sickeningly disgusting voive slurred, obvious traces of alcohol in his body due to his voice. 

i stopped in front of the street light to look into the dark alley where the voices came from. my eyes adjusted to the darkness and saw pink. a pink sweater. my eyebrows furrowed as i realized who the victim was. 

"taeyeong?" i asked quietly to myself. well maybe a little too loud since two heads turned to me. 

my eyes focused onto taeyeong's face to see tears spilling out of his eyes and a blossoming bruise on his right cheek. 

"jin-sshi" he said quietly, eyes wide with fear and voice filled with sadness. the drunkard turned around fully and started walking towards me. taeyeong's eyes widened in surprise before quietly mouthing the words 'go'. 

and a part of me wanted to. a part of me wanted to leave taeyeong here, fending for himself against a larger and older ert. a part of me just wanted to escape taeyeong and leave and pretend nothing had happened. 

but that part of me stopped when i saw taeyeong's face. filled with fear for himself, fear for me, and sadness. the streaks of tears had streamed down his face and his cheeks were red due to the cold. his outer jacket was lying on the ground and his arms held his own body, as if trying to protect it from his attacker. 

my fists clenched as i looked back to the approaching drunkard. my face grew hotter as i clenched my teeth in anger. 

he's drunk. calm down. he doesn't need to be hit. 

"who are you. you trying to steal my toy? i saw hm first. leave." the drunkard said with a smug smile on his face. and at that i completely released my restraints. 

i pulled my arm back to punch him in the gut. he doubled over in pain and while he was in that position i grabbed his hair and kneed him in the same place. 

"don't. call. him. a. ing. toy." i said in between hits. the drunkard dropped to the ground and groaned. i quickly walked over to taeyeong and picked him up without saying a word. then i walked out of the alleyway and headed towards the bus station. it wasn't hard to carry him, despite all of his muscle mass he was creepily light. 

quiet sobs could be heard while i carried him in my arms, one arm beneath the knees and one protectively curled around his shoulers. he kept apologizing to me and everyone for being an inconvenience and how he really shouldn't be in the group and how much of a burden he is. he clung onto my hoodie and dug his face into my chest, shaking in trauma and fear. 

"hold on." i said quietly. i sat him down onto the ground and stood up. he immediately curled in on himself and brought his knees up to hide his face. he repeated his apology like a mantra and his shoulders shook while he cried. 

a pang hit my heart when i saw him like this. he's usually bright and happy during practice, but when he acts like this, it felt like he wasn't the same taeyeong. i tore off my hoodie and crouched down. taeyeong looked up at me, wondering what i was doing. his eyes were rimmed with red and his eyelashes stuck together due to the tears. his face was pale except for his nose, whcih was red because of the cold and because of his runny nose. before i could admire his face for any longer, i took my hoodie and put it on him, helping him thread his arms through the arm holes and help his head through the head hole. 

the sleeves went way past his hands and the bottom reached to his lower thigh. the hoodie was big on him even though he was still wearing his own hoodie underneath, and if one word could describe how he looked right now, it would have been 'adorable'. 

"wear this and return it during the next practice," i said, eyes still scanning taeyeong's body.

"oh no, then you'll be really cold jin-sshi, please take it." taeyeong said, attempting to roll up his sleeves so he could take the sweater off. my hands automatically reached over to his to stop him from taking it off. 

"no it's fine. i'm not cold." i said. taeyeong stopped trying to take it off as he cocked his eyebrow as if to say ' you sure?'. i nodded in response. "also, you can just call me hyung, you do it with the other members anyways," i said, scratching the back of my neck. taeyeong's face lit up and he flashed a bright smile. 

"okay hyung" he said, voice evidently happy and his eyes disappearing while he smiled. i fought the urge to grin at how cute he was and turned around. 

"come on i'll walk you home." i said, starting to walk. after a few steps i turned around to see taeyeong getting up and brushing off his . he looked back up to me and started jogging to reach where i was. he looked adorable in my sweater, his hands unable to be seen and the size of it looking cute on him. 

"okay hyung" 

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Dontellyou #1
It's been quite some time since the last commen but Taeyeong leaving also affected me a lot and I already see two fanfic with great plot being discontinued because of this...i sincerely hope you will continue the story and perhaps have a happy ending since I'm still nursing my bruised heartTT
Taorishunhanmarkson #2
Chapter 4: Please continue the story, I know Taeyeong leaving has also affected me but it would be great if you were able to continue this story, it's actually well written and seems like it'll have a good plot if you do proceed with this story
Chapter 4: please continue :(
Bluemoon195679 #4
I dont Know if your ever going to Update again but if you do ill be waiting for the Update. The story has great potential btw.
Gibbles #5
Chapter 3: This is so good! I do hope you'll continue since it has so much potential!
Amaya_Kuroski #6
Chapter 3: I hope you update soon. Its an interesting story
Chapter 3: This is soooooooo cUte ^^ I'm crying! Thank you for writing this story~ I just found out about DOB and I ship Jinyeong with my whole soul. I understand if you can't update but I would love you forever if you did. Khunnnie fighting!
Taorishunhanmarkson #8
Chapter 3: I'm honestly so happy that you've written a DOB fanfic. This is the only one that I know of! Hopefully you can update soon as I really love where this story is going!
Thank u so much for uploading! U made my whole....night hahaha:) i love ur story so much! Thx????❤❤❤❤