[Minkey] Pretending Until We're Not

AnotherWriter's SHINee fic rec

Pretending Until We're Not 

LJ: http://i-am-stupid09.livejournal.com/14716.html

AFF: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/997900/pretending-until-we-re-not-key-minho-minkey-shinee

Pairing: Minkey
Genre: Romance, College!AU
Rating: PG
Word Count: 7K+
Disclaimer: Only the plot is mine.
Summary: In Kibum's defense, it was a moment of panic by being into an awkward position where Kibum is supposed to bring his boyfriend of three months to his grandmother's birthday party tomorrow. It's all ideal, really. Except for the fact that said boyfriend doesn't actually exist.

A/N: This one is a recent find. It says (1/3) so I assume it was planned to be a chaptered fic but i never found the 2/3 nor the 3/3. So its technically considered incomplete but it was still a good one. Got me smiling and all because the bickering is so realistic I can practically imagine it happening in MinKey's real life.

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Nahema #1
Chapter 2: Hi~ I want to thank you for your recommendations. I really enjoyed reading minkey's one (very sad that it's incomplete, it's really well written and funny) and now i'm occupied with your last jongkey^^ i'm gonna keep following your updates :)