
Across the Universe

For the rest of the day, no one saw Iseul around the house. Jinyoung was told to get back to work or get fired. In fear that he would lose his job, which was technically his father’s job, he did what he had to do to get his paycheck. But he couldn’t focus on anything well enough with Iseul overriding his thoughts.

He was worried that she would starve to death or become dehydrated. He wanted the day to be over so that he could check on Iseul before heading home, but time would not pass by fast enough.

When he had some time between the little jobs he had to do, he tried to call and text her, but she didn’t reply to him. Jiho had tried to do the same, but with a lack a reply, he called Jinyoung to check of Iseul was at east talking to the younger male.

As the sun slowly drifted down and began to disappear into the horizon, Jinyoung grew more and more worried. Then, midnight rolled around and there was still no sign of Iseul. Jinyoung slung his backpack over his shoulder and quickly snuck into the house.

He stood in front of Iseul’s bedroom door and knocked gently. Unsurprisingly, there was no response. Jinyoung let out a concerned sigh, “Iseul, I just wanted to say goodnight before I left. I hope you feel better. Call me or text me whenever you want, even if it’s in the middle of the night. I’m going to go now. I’ll see you tomorrow. Sleep tight.”

Jinyoung hurriedly, left the house before anyone could see him. He swung his leg over his bicycle and peddled home as fast as he could. He had to get home to check on his father.

First dad, now Iseul. Everyone’s getting hurt somehow. Maybe I’m just bad luck. No, don’t think like that. Dad will heal up in no time and Iseul will feel better soon, too. You just have to be supportive and help them.

Jinyoung thought of what he had to do once he got home. He knew that his father would have eaten the dinner he cooked up before he left for work. And the laundry had been done a day ago. The house was cleaned a little the other night, so he didn’t have to worry about that. Now that he thought about it, he didn’t have to do much once he did get home.

When he saw the roof of his small home just around the bend, he slowed down. But when he was in front of his home, he stopped rolling his bike along. The lights were on and he could hear people laughing.

He began to think of who would be at his home this late at night, but he couldn’t think of anyone he and his father knew. Warily, he opened the rusting metal door and silently stepped into the dirt filled front yard.

He saw his father’s legs sticking out near the wall of the living room2, but he couldn’t see his father’s body. There was still someone laughing with his father. He noticed the television was on. Swiftly, he rushed into the living room. His lips parted a little and his eyes rounded.

“You’re late.” Jinyoung’s knees grew weak and he fell to the ground. He looked at his father who seemed overjoyed at the moment.

“Iseul, what are you doing here? How did you know where I lived?” Jinyoung scooted closer to Iseul who was sitting next to his father. He quickly examined her face and it seemed like she was okay now. Her eyes were a little red from crying so much in one day, but the twinkle was back.

“I have my ways. I didn’t want to stay home so I snuck out. And I really missed your dad, so I thought I would stay here. We’ve been eating and talking and playing games and, um, watching television. We’ve been having a blast without you.” Iseul giggled as she looped her arm through Mr. Park’s.

Jinyoung was speechless. He was worried for nothing. But then, he remembered why he was worried. “Are you okay now? And why haven’t you been answering your phone? Your brother and I were worried sick.” Iseul’s smile faltered as guilt washed over her.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to talk to anyone after that fight with my dad. And I left so quickly that I forgot my phone on my desk. I didn’t mean to worry you or Jiho oppa. I’m really sorry.” Jinyoung softened when he saw how repentant she seemed. He pulled her into a comforting hug, “I’m just glad you’re okay.”

He pulled away and cupped her face in his hands, “You do realize it’s past midnight, right? I’ll take you home.” Jinyoung began to stand up, but Iseul grasped his wrist, “I’m want to sleep over.” Jinyoung stared at Iseul as if she had asked for the impossible.

Jinyoung looked over his shoulder and saw Iseul giddily watching him lay down a cushiony blanket on his bedroom floor. He couldn’t believe she had persuaded him and his father to let her sleep at their home.

It was too late to send her back home, and Jiho wouldn’t answer his phone. So Jinyoung volunteered to sleep in his father’s bedroom while Iseul could sleep alone in Jinyoung’s room.

“If you want another blanket, there are more in the dresser. And if you need anything, I’ll be across the living room.” Jinyoung left Iseul to get ready for bed. He closed the door on his way out, but as he made his way to his father’s room, he glanced over his shoulder.

She’ll be okay. I’ll just wake up earlier and head over to her house. They won’t notice that she wasn’t in her room. Yeah…there’s nothing to worry about.

Jinyoung saw his father with a pained expression on his face when he entered the room. He quickly grabbed the painkillers and handed his father two little pills. When they went down, Jinyoung relaxed, “Just take the pills. I know you think you’re Superman, but look at you.” Mr. Park chuckled, “I used to be Superman. Nothing could stop me back in the day.”

It grew quiet and for once they had nothing much to say. Maybe it was because there was someone else under their roof. Things were suddenly different and they weren’t used to change.

“So, what’s going on with you and Mr. Song’s daughter? She told me that you guys are dating…kind of. Jinyoung, is she the reason why you go to work so happy in the morning?” Jinyoung looked away sheepishly and cleared his throat, “I know that I shouldn’t have any feelings for her, but everything has been…okay. Not much has gone wrong. And on top of that Mr. Song’s son approves. It’s not the same as her parents’ approval, but it’s something. She really likes me and I really like her, too. But if you don’t want her and me to have this kind of relationship, I’ll end it. I don’t want to risk your job for my happiness.”

Mr. Park stared at his son who seemed so grown up at that moment. He was able to witness his son love for the first time in his life. And he got to see just how much Jinyoung had matured.

“I can always find another job. But you only get one first love. If you two really love each other, who am I, or anyone else for that matter, to get in the way?” Mr. Park ruffled his son’s hair with a fatherly smile, “I wouldn’t mind a daughter-in-law like Iseul. She’s a keeper. You be good to her.” Jinyoung nodded, “Thanks, dad.”  

Jinyoung stared at his father in the dark and an amused smile played on his face. He had forgotten that his father snored sometimes. And he had also forgotten how long it had been since he had time to talk to his father about personal things. His father had always been busy with work or too tired to stay awake. And even when he did have time, Jinyoung was either at school or busy studying.

Jinyoung stifled his laughter as his father snored loudly before turning his back to his son. It was almost three in the morning and he had to wake up at six if he wanted to get to work in time. But Jinyoung couldn’t sleep. He had woken up due to the noise he was not accustomed to.

He decided to get a cup of milk to help him sleep. Carefully, Jinyoung peeled the blanket off of him and walked out of the room. He crept into the kitchen and pulled out a small carton of milk. He made sure not to make any noise as he sipped on the drink.

“Got milk?” Jinyoung choked and almost spat out the milk. He turned his head and saw Iseul leaning against the bedroom doorway with a small smile on her face.

He quickly wiped away a stray droplet of milk on his bottom lip, “What are you doing up?”

“I should ask you the same thing,” Iseul walked over to Jinyoung and s her arms around his waist. He stared at the girl hugging him as if he were her source of heat on a cold winter day.

“I couldn’t sleep. What about you?” Jinyoung looked away and tried not to think about the physical contact. “My dad’s snores woke me up.” Iseul giggled quietly, “I didn’t know your dad snored. That’s so cute.” She pulled away and looked up at him, “Do you snore, too?”

Jinyoung raised an eyebrow, “Why would it matter if I snored? Did you want me to tuck you back into bed and sleep next to you or something?”

“I wouldn’t mind if you tucked me in and maybe sung me a lullaby.” Jinyoung stopped chuckling and stared at Iseul who seemed to be seriously considering his offer.

And before he knew it, he was in his room, lying next to Iseul, quietly singing to her. She stared him as he looked at her as he lied in his side, his head in his hand. “You have a really nice voice.” Jinyoung grinned softly, “Thanks, I got it from my mom.”

“Do you miss her a lot?” Iseul shifted and copied Jinyoung’s position.

“I do.” Iseul placed her hand over Jinyoung’s free hand, “She misses you, too.”

Jinyoung looked down at Iseul’s warm hand and grasped it, “Do you think she’s proud of me?”

Iseul sat up immediately, “Of she is. Why would you ask that?” Jinyoung sat up slowly and kept his gaze down, “I just feel like she wouldn’t be proud of the way my dad and I are living.”

“You and your father work harder than anyone I know. You’re both so kind and selfless. There isn’t anything you’ve done that your mother wouldn’t be proud of. You’re a great son and an even greater person.” Iseul cupped Jinyoung’s face and looked into his melancholy eyes, “She has to be proud of you.”

Jinyoung cracked a smile, “She would have loved you.” He gently grasped Iseul’s wrists, and naturally, she drew in closer to him. He met her in the middle and their lips came together. It was a more loving kiss compared to their first one. There were more emotions and passion. And there was no doubt that they had crossed the line of friendship that they had drawn a month ago.

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mijini #1
Chapter 7: Update soon
Nice story