Him, Genius Myung

Project L.O.V.E

  Naeun stirred, held her head with her hand and groaned. Feeling bloated, she forcefully tried to open her eyes but a sharp pain that penetrated through made her shut it right back again. She sighed. Exactly where was she?

  After what felt like ages, a thud was heard before footsteps followed. In a moment of shock, Naeun gasped and sat up straight on the bed. Soft chuckles were heard before a deep gentle voice took over.

  "Miss Son, please calm down, I'm not a bad guy. So...you're finally awake?" That voice rang through the room.

  Naeun relaxed her tensed up shoulders and stuttered,"Who...Who are you? Where am I? What am I doing here? Where's my brother?"

  "You're in the hospital, Miss Son, and I'm your doctor, Kim Myung Soo, nice to meet you. As regards to why you're here...don't you have a clue, Miss Son?"

  Naeun hesitated for a while but still shook her head. No, she don't know why she was in this sterile heaven, she can't remember at all.

  "Ah...then Miss Son, I'm afraid telling you won't do you any good, I suggest you find it out yourself. By the way, in case you were just wondering, you can't see because you have a bandage over you eye but no worries, I'm be taking it off you in a weeks' time. For the time being, please adapt to living in the dark." The doctor remarked before chuckling happily again.

  Well, there's a saying that laughter is contagious and apparently it happens to Naeun too. The usually shy and demure Naeun unexpectedly burst out into laughter which surprised Myungsoo, but he continued laughing along as well. After a while, both of them finally stopped and they "exchanged" friendly smiles.

  "Miss Son, feel free to call me MyungSoo."

  "And please feel free to call me Naeun, Sir Myungsoo."

  Myungsoo hid his laughter when he heard the word "Sir". How old did she think he was?

  "Naeun, I'm only twenty, so please don't call me sir. I feel so...so old!"

  hung agape.

  "Twenty?" She mouthed the word. Is this doctor a genius?

  "Yes, I am a genius! Graduated the medicine school at 18. I broke the record of being the youngest in Korea, I guess?" He gloated.

  Naeun, still unable to overcome her shock, signalled for Myungsoo to come to her. Then, she stuck her hand out.

  "Can I shake hands with you?  I'm honoured to meet you Genius Myung, you're officially my idol."

  Myungsoo, amused with this girl, shook her hand and grinned. That's quite a nickname for him, but he liked it. He liked the way she says it.

  "Doctor Kim," a nurse interrupted, "a patient's looking for you now."

  Myungsoo snapped out of their world and took a step back. He politely said goodbye to Naeun before leaving the room.

  However, once he was out of the ward, his once radiant smile slipped off his face. Yes, Naeun was a sweet girl but she not remembering her predicament was worrying for him.  Myungsoo sighed as he walked to his next room, feeling strong pity for Naeun. An ugly mark left on a beautiful and sincere girl,  scarring her life forever.

~ ~ ~ 

A/N: Hi! I re-edited this chapter because I felt it was not up to standard. Yeah and I changed the storyline a teeny weeny little bit. Hope you guys enjoy~ ~ ~

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plsssss like seriously!!! Update!!!
I need more MyungEun fics T.T
Chapter 3: update soon ! ^____^ ♡
KHJ123 #3
Chapter 2: Update soon~~~ o.O...dongwoo so evil !!!! N myungsoo's soo nice n sweet towards naeun ~^^~ hope they end up together ^^^
xiaobae #4
aaaaaa~ please update soon! really like it! <3
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww, Myungsoo calls her an angel c: cuuuute~~~~~~~~~~~! <3333<br />
He cares about her so much although she's only a patient. ;w; <3 Well, that is what it seems like XD<br />
so she has amnesia OwwwwO half-amnesia or full? o:
yuichan17 #7
finally you update!!! thank you very much....<br />
naeun must be very sad when she know what happened to her face...<br />
and the most important is that her own brother is the one who did it... :(
shiningeffect13 #8
@ yuichan17: Thanks for the comment! I'll really really update on the 2nd of Jan latest! XDDDDDD<br />
@ HYEAxoxo_ : HEY! :D Thanks for the comment, I read your stories btw! :D
hyeamazing #9
Wtf that was creepy e________________________e GTFO DONGWOON =w= You jealous creep D8<br />
Also. MYUNGEUN<3 Akjskjkajkkajkjakjkaja 8DD i love them c: totheextendofwritingaboutthemlolol<br />
anyways update soon or else D:<<br />
<br />
yuichan17 #10
hi, new reader here... <br />
OMG Dongwoon, what did you do???<br />
poor naeun....<br />
update soon!!!<br />