
Once Upon a Time

Once upon a Time



    “Mommy, can you read me a bed time story?” Tiffany smiled at her 6 year old daughter, obvious to the fact that she could barely make out her words behind Wendy’s slurring. “Sweetie, you know of course I would. It gives me a break from deterring your mother to go all out on her assistants.” Tiffany sighed, relieved to finally sit down after today’s adventure of going to Central Park.


     Irene’s parents called earlier this morning, asking if they wanted to spend the day together, well really Irene was asking to see Wendy. Those little girls couldn’t go through a single day without some interaction, most days they would call each at random moments in the afternoon after spending nutrition and lunch together at private school.  They weren’t in the same grade with Irene being a year older but that didn’t stop them from being around each other. 

    Well, today was like any other day at the park. Little kids screaming, playing, and crying at the jungle gym while parents looked on, exchanging gossip and news. Fallen autumn leaves were made into piles by kids for them to jump in and their short little breaths were seen in the cold but sunny day. Taeyeon and Tiffany talked about their most recent news about them and their wives while Irene and Wendy walked a little ahead of them, swinging their attached hands in the air.

    They all finally arrived at their destination and the little girls took off for the playground while Taeyeon and Tiffany took to the nearest bench. Taeyeon continued her story when they sat down. “I was telling Sunny to take the opportunity. This could really put her company on top but then she told me, she already had all she wanted and I just couldn’t help myself.” Tiffany smiled at Taeyeon’s dreamy sigh and replied. “Well, it is her call to see if she really wants to go to the UK to really cement her company, but it’s sweet that she’s willing to stay home with Irene and Seulgi and well, we all know that you aren’t the one to make the tough decisions at home.” Taeyeon huffed at that last jab, and Tiffany couldn’t help but laugh.

    Tiffany finally calmed down and looked ahead at the girls on the swings. Wendy was right there behind Irene, laughing at her when Irene wanted to go faster but looked concerned and scared when Irene looked like she was about to fall. Tiffany knew that Wendy would be willing to be there to catch her. She was momentarily catch off guard when Taeyeon starting talking. “Sunny was scared at first when she heard that I knew that Irene had a crush on Wendy. With her being our first child, she can get really overprotective but she knew that Wendy wouldn’t hurt her.”

“I know Wendy, and she is absolutely smitten with her.” Tiffany reassured her. “Wonder why Seulgi and Joy can’t be like them. While Wendy and Irene are always shy with each other, the other two put loud into a whole new meaning.”

    Tiffany has always observed how Wendy and Irene interacted with each other, together they would forget the world around them and create a new one. Sure, Irene has other friends in her grade that she talks to, always inviting her to sleepovers and lunch dates but it’s times like these where Irene would confine in Seulgi to cover for her.

    She watched how Irene’s beanie fell off and Wendy caught it before it hit the ground. She payed close attention when Wendy offered to put it back on her head and blushed when Irene kissed her cheek in return. Oh how innocent their crushes were. They had all the time in the world to connect and experience their first crush, yet they were lucky to find it with their best friend. Tiffany was lucky enough herself to find her love in her best friend. 

    Tiffany was brought back to reality when she heard a small cry, and looked up to find Irene on the dirt, covering her leg with her hands to stop to bleeding from the cut that she gave herself. Taeyeon got up and ran with Tiffany behind her. “oh sweetie, are you alright? How did it happen?”

“Mommy I’m fine, it’s just that I was chasing Wendy and I guess I didn’t see that root from the tree...” said Irene though hiding the pain, but that didn’t go unnoticed from Tiffany.

    Wendy stood to the side with a concern but guilty look as tried to quickly apologize. “I’m sorry Irene! It’s all my fault and I promise to make you feel better, I should have never poke you in the stomach an-” Irene cut her off before she would continue to talk her heart out.”It’s fine Wendy, it’s just a little cut”

    Tiffany took matters into her hands. “Well, that little cut is going to be infected if we don’t clean it, we’ll all go to our apartment since it’s closer. I bet Prince is already fussing through our stuff.” Tiffany picked up Irene in her arms, being careful with her cut. Irene looked at Wendy, who felt the ground was more interesting to look at while still sporting the guilty look, then back to Tiffany.

    Together, they walked to Tiffany’s and Jessica’s apartment, where they were greeted by Prince, who had just woken up from his nap. Tiffany moved Irene to the bathroom with Wendy following them while asking if Taeyeon could grab the hydrogen peroxide and some band-Aids from the medicine cabinet. Irene sat on the covered toilet, biting her lower lip nervously waiting for the upcoming pain while Wendy stood next her offering comfort.

    Taeyeon came back with the peroxide and some princess band-aides along with wipes and gave them to Tiffany who also grabbed a small spray bottle. “Okay honey, this might hurt but I have to clean the cut first before disinfecting it.” Instructed Tiffany before she opened the wipes and cleaned the blood from around the cut. Irene flinched from the pain, unconsciously grabbing Wendy’s hand and squeezing them to the point where Wendy wrapped an arm around her, kissing her hair for comfort.

    When the cut was clean enough, Tiffany opened the peroxide bottle, and poured it into the bottle. Gently she closed it. “okay now this might hurt a bit.” She squirted a bit onto the cut and wiped away the excess peroxide. Her heart broke a little, hearing the small whimpers from Irene but knowing Wendy was right there, helped a lot.

    Finally wiping away the liquid, Tiffany grabbed the princess Band-aide and tenderly managed to cover the cut. She kissed it and stood up. “There now all done, and I know that you guys must be hungry since I can hear little monsters in your stomachs .” Tiffany indicated right when Irene’s stomach growled a bit. “Mac & Cheese?”

    Irene smiled, wiping away her misty eyes with her free hand. “Yes, please.” Wendy was still quiet next to Irene, refusing to let go of her hand. She didn’t want her to leave knowing Irene was still in pain. She had promised her to make her feel better after the accident and she intended to keep it. Taeyeon finally spoke for them both. “I guess it’s now time for us to take our leave, Sunny must be worried sick.” Tiffany looked at her watch, it was now 6pm. Hm, time really went by fast, they were at the park at 2pm after their lunch break.

    Wendy reluctantly moved away but not without their hug and kiss. She kissed Irene on the cheek, smiling a bit when she blushed and whispered to her that she’ll see her tomorrow. Irene looked towards Taeyeon for permission, who just nodded her head in response and smirk when Wendy looked flustered after it was Irene’s turn to kiss her on the cheek.

    “Bye Tae, Bye Irene!” Tiffany waved as the two blondes left her apartment.



    Tiffany, recalling the events that took her to where she was now, was shaken to her current event. “Mommy? Are you alright? You kinda blanked out on me...” Tiffany smiled. “I’m all right sweetheart.” She slapped her hands on her lap and looked excited. “Are you ready for your story?”


“Okay now lay down, and get ready. Once upon a Time in a castle far, far way, there was princess who ready to become queen. Her mother and father wanted to find the princess a suitable husband that could protect her and love her. So all the brave men from all over their land came to ask the princess for her hand. But she felt no connection, no spark with any of the brave men. Her parents, the king and queen, of course were disappointed. Days had passed and no man was right for her, until one day a knight from a nearby kingdom came to visit the local food stands. That day, the princess was out, shopping and wondering around for what was interesting. The people greatly welcome the princess but there are always people who want money even going as far as to kidnap the princess-”

    “No!” Wendy interrupted. Tiffany nodded. “Yup, they wanted the money so out of nowhere came 5 thieves and surrounded the princess. The local people tried to intervene but the thieves were too strong! Finally the knight that was visiting, came out of nowhere and took on the 5 thieves by using a sword. After the intense fighting and when the dust settled, all the thieves were all the floor, defeated by this knight. The princess was injured during the fighting and couldn’t walk due to her injured leg so the knight offered to take her back to the castle. When they came back to the princess’s home, her parents were worried sick, and greatly thanked the knight for being there at the right moment. They were willing to offer anything to the knight as a gift; money, clothes, food, precious goods, but none were appealing to the knight, who turned down all the gifts. 

    Then the knight turned to leave, thanking the king and queen for their hostilities until the princess cried out. The knight stopped right near the door, waiting for the princess to continue. The princess had gotten up with the help of her servants and slowly limped to where the knight was. The princess only wanted one thing, and that was for the knight to take off their helmet in which the knight wore it all throughout the confrontation outside. The knight couldn’t say no to the princess and slowly took off the helmet that covered the identity of the princess’s savior. The people watching, including the king and queen, couldn’t believe who was under the helmet but the princess didn’t care, the moment their eyes met, they knew. Under the helmet came a young women, about the princess’s age, and in all that time, there was a women fighting in a knight’s armor.” 

“Did they care that she was a girl?” came Wendy tired response. Tiffany smiled knowingly, her daughter was gonna pass out any minute now but still replied. “nope, they didn’t. The princess’s parents were happy that she found the person that was willing to take their place alongside the princess. Together, the princess and her knight ruled the land after her parents and lived happily ever after.” Tiffany kissed her daughter’s forehead when she fell asleep. Wendy managed to say one more thing before passing out. “Mommy, will I ever find my princess?” Tiffany stopped at the door and whispered. “I’m pretty sure you already found her.” She turned the lights off and walked to her room where Jessica was still wide awake. That night Wendy dreamed of a great medieval fairy tale, and her princess? Well, a certain young blonde who was dreaming of her as well. 


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 2: Hahahahaha
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 2: Hahahahaha
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 1: Cute
Chapter 2: hahahahahahhahaah i love it xD <3 Jeti and Sunyeon <3
-WenRene15- #5
Chapter 2: So cute and funny. =) I wish it was a bit longer.
Iriseapril #6
Chapter 2: Dandyu couple corrupted wenrene mind.jeti is hilarious
Chapter 2: Dang! I really love Jeti and Wenrene interactions! So cute~~ ≧ω≦
I love how Wenrene are always their children and the interaction between them are wonderful <3
sone41 #9
garensuhanazono #10