
Beautiful Disaster

You stand still on the small platform as your arms reach up. You can see yourself in the full length mirror right infront of you as well as the lady who's measuring every single part of your body. The room is coated in cream colored paint, decorated with elegant furnitures and a huge chandelier hanging in the middle of the room. There are mannequins in white gowns, ranging from the most simple one until the ones with long tails and crystals. You sigh as you take a glance at those dresses. "They're beautiful aren't they?" the lady suddenly says. "Yes." you gaze back and nod slowly in response. "They say your wedding gown can indicate more than just your fashion style. It reflects you." the lady replies with a smile.Your lips part slightly as you lower your gaze. Having to choose your wedding dress for your wedding party is every girl's dream and happiest moment in their life but it's definitely not yours. You're inside a Bridals Boutique, having your body sized for your custom made engagement dress for your unwanted engagement party. The worst part is you don't even know your soon to be fiance as he's literally a stranger to you. All you know is he's your father's friend's only son. Sometimes you wonder how it feels to be able to choose your own path and say no to your parents since you're not allowed to do so. You have it all; money, education, everything you need to survive on this world but all you're lacking is freedom. You're only 20 and you're now going to get engaged with someone you don't know or love just because your father needs to save his company from getting bankrupt. You don't even have the desire to cry and be mad at him since you know exactly what's going to happen when you do that. All the stupid threats your father always say makes you sick. "Alright miss we're done. We'll make the perfect dress for your perfect day." the lady finishes writing some details on her notebook and gives a warm smile. "Thank you." you let out a small smile and bow slightly. 

You find yourself walking down the street with your gaze low on the ground. You refuse to have the driver pick you up and you want to spend some alone time instead. You have so much things going on inside your head and your heart clenches everytime you remember the fact that your father is an ugly rotten person to you who doesn't treat you as his daughter. Now he even sold you to his friend to prevent his business going bankrupt. "This is so unfair." you say to yourself as you bite your lower lip in frustration. You in a deep breath as you continue to stroll down the street towards the crossing road. With your mind packed with all those messy thoughts, your feet carry your body across the street without you even knowing. The sound of a car honking and the tires abruptly stopping makes you jump in surprise and realize that you're in the middle of the street without even noticing the color of the stoplight. Your eyes widen in surprise as you look around in panic. "Ya! Are you crazy?! Do you have a death wish?!" suddenly someone yells out, making your spin around abruptly only to see a guy wearing a pair of sunglasses in his red ferrari. "A-ah I'm sorry!" you quickly bow and run towards the sidewalk. Your heart is beating rapidly and your body is pretty much trembling. "Tsk. People these days." the guy scoffs and looks at you from the distance as he starts to drive away. A relieved sigh escapes your lips as you bite your bottom lip. "Damn. That was close." you say to yourself in embarrassement. "Get it together ____-ah." you mumble to yourself as you in a breath.


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