HS: 14

Hot Shot

There are two knocks on the door but Tiffany barely hears them.

“Sunny Wash and Dry laundry service at your service,” Sunny announces in a sing-song voice as she enters the room. “Most unfortunately, today is the last day of this company’s existence. At the of twelve, the magical Sunny laundry service will disappear and you’ll be left with a pile of dirty, stinky clothes if you don’t do your own laundry.”


“Whatcha doing?”


Sunny’s nose pokes over Tiffany’s shoulder. “You’re editing her pictures again?”




“Stop mmm-ing me.”

“Mmm.” Tiffany is totally focused on finding the best balance for the picture when her mouse is snatched from her. “Hey! Give it back!”

“Not until you explain what you’re doing.”

Tiffany nods at the screen. “I’m editing.”

“Whose pictures are you editing?”



Tiffany frowns and tries to snatch her mouse back but Sunny has ninja-like reflexes and is quick moving the mouse away.

“Just look at yourself, T.”


“Listen to yourself mmm-ing away. Look at how you’re treating me.”

“How am I treating you?”

“Like a stranger.”

Tiffany scoffs. “I’m not treating you like a stranger.”

“Then stop mmm-ing me.”

“Sunny, I’m really busy.”

“You’re not busy.”

“I am. Can’t you see I’m editing?”

“But you’re editing Taeyeon’s pictures. Are you telling me I can’t compare to Taeyeon?”

“What are you talking about? Just one more picture. One more picture and I can upload the whole batch on Smiling Petals. Then you can talk to me about whatever is bugging you, okay?”

“You like Taeyeon, right?”

“What are you talking about? I don’t like Taeyeon. You know that.”

“When did you stop calling her Shortae and all the other names you made up to call her?”

Tiffany pauses to think. “I don’t remember.”

“Up till last week, I distinctly remember you calling her Shortae.”

“Taeyeon is nicer.”

Sunny’s face scrounges up and she shakes her head slowly, looking as though someone has died. “The end . . .”

“Sunny, seriously. Give it back.”

“Tell me where you went this whole week and I’ll give it back.”

“Why must I?” Tiffany questions as patiently as she can. Her supply of patience is about to run out.

“Humour me.”

That’s it. The needle is pointing to the red zone. The light is flashing. Out of patience. Out of patien—Tiffany pounces on Sunny, knocking her onto the bed and the element of surprise enables Tiffany to wrestle the mouse out of her hand.

“What has she done to the Tiffany that I know?”

“You’re being too dramatic.”

“Dramatic she says . . .”

Tiffany ignores Sunny and refocuses on the picture. The contrasts seems a little off . . . she doesn’t hear the sigh. Neither does she hear the door closing, leaving in her room, undisturbed for the rest of the afternoon.


It isn’t until the next morning that Tiffany is questioned again, over breakfast.

“Where are you going today?”

“The musical then the radio station.”

“There’s another radio show today?”

Tiffany nods.

“Ho Un Dung?”



“Uh huh.”

“Tell me very honestly.” Sunny puts her spoon down and straightens up. “Do you still like Ho Un Dung?”

“Of course,” Tiffany replies without hesitation.

“Then why aren’t you going to his schedules?”

“Shining Dung is on hiatus, remember?”

“When are you going off-hiatus?”

“It’s not a hiatus if you don’t have plans to return.”

“I will return. I just haven’t decided when yet.”

“So your hiatus is indefinite.”

“I suppose you could say that.”



“I hate to say this but—but . . .”


“You’ll probably disagree but I have to tell you that you’re turning into Taeyeon’s fan.”

“I disagree.”

“I knew you’d say that.”

“That’s because it’s not true.”

“Including the musical and radio show later, how many times would you have seen Taeyeon this week?”

“About five?”

“And Ho Un Dung?”

“I haven’t seen him at all, but he’ll be at the musical anyway.”

“Taeyeon, five, Ho Un Dung, one. And that’s only because he happens to be in the musical too.” Then Sunny, with the air of a nonchalant victor, says “I rest my case.”

“I told you Shining Dung is on hiatus. I’ll see him lot more when I’m off-hiatus.”

“How about right now. Do you want to see him? Do you miss seeing him?”

Tiffany frowns. “Not really. I mean, I get to see him I in the musical so it’s okay if I don’t see him at the other schedules.”

“T, you would never have said that if you still like him. Remember the time when you went for his fansign and almost missed the deadline to submit your paper?”

Tiffany nods.

“Would you have said the same thing back then?”

Tiffany shakes her head slowly. Her eyes widen with each shake as the message finally dawns on her. “Oh my God,” she says. But it is already too late.


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czankx #1
Chapter 8: Hahaha on that kiss scene, Tiffany should have shouted "Andwaeee"!!!! Instead of "noooo" I can imagine Taeyeon's face shouting Andwaeee when she acts it on that variety show and Tiffany was all shy and speechless hahahah
Chapter 16: Nice story... 👍
maemae08 #3
Chapter 16: I read it again! So just a friend huh? More pleaseee
anatawowasurenai #4
Chapter 16: I was rereading this. I did not remember that's this is how it ends. haha
poka_dots #5
Chapter 16: Really enjoy reading this story. Made me laugh a lot while reading. It was fun to see Tiffany's attitude change towards Taeyeon. I would love to find out what their friendship will lead to later on.
Chapter 16: hello 2020 and here I am rereading this cute story uwu... still hoping for a sequel tho hehe
KimiTippa #7
Chapter 16: Dear Akay,

Reread this story for like 4 times now and I feel like praying you will have a sequel for this. Your writing is always so fun.and interesting and I hope you will write more taeny stories to quench our thirst ??Thank you for giving us fun! your fan!
Chapter 16: Please continue this awesome story
taeyeonlovers91 #9
Chapter 16: i want more... i thought they will be dating and get cauught by media ???
I want moreeee... I read this story without checking the last chapter number first so its kinda shocked me for awhile.. lol