민혁 2탄

The One Who Got Away

"I feel honored" He said smiling, she smiled back laughing a little, "You're my best bro, you're always there for me" She said sincerely, as she lit her second cigeratte. She started to walk closer to the light, the tip of her nose was flush red, eyelids so puffy it surprised him her eyes were still so large. "I'm buying soju and beer, We both need a drink.." "Oh your boyfriend?" "Yeah..he doesn't want to end it either But, it's been in the talks for a while now in his family..they don't think we will last together so we should just end it now" She hickered, he could see how it made her angry to mention. "Well they haven't been treating you fairly if I have to be honest.." Minhyuk crumbled and looked around if any of s were awake. "In my opinion its for the better you need to take care of yourself too not just sacrifice yourself for them" She just nodded as the lights danced on her face and cap as she walked. "Ill call you when I go out again..we'll probably talk some more.." Her voice weak But, her smile was even weaker as she waved goodbye and ended the call.

The day after Minhyuk shot her a message asking her how she felt, It was hard to understand but, they decided not to give up on their relationship yet and she would do everything right and make his family happy and accept her. He was angry, frustrated and saddend. It was wrong, he wanted her to be his, yes. But, she didn't do wrong, THEY did. They didn't try to understand her, they put her down and pushed rules on her and made her feel unwanted and expect her to respect everything she does as wrong? He couldn't agree with that, he might be Korean but,  they were acting selfishly and only wanted their compromise and didn't listen to anything she had to say or what she wanted.

She had lost so much weight from stress, living with them had made things hard for her and he wish he could've hung out with her just once in a while to take her away from them just for a few hours. He made a deal with himself that he wouldn't interfere and he wouldn't tell her to break up for him even if it was for her own good. They love each other but, she kept repeating - "I just met the right person at the wrong time and place". Maybe she was right but, couldn't let go because of her love for him. As time went by she said things were fine and she felt better emotionally, although it seemed like she was lying to herself, her monitored all her messages and clearly even though her mental state 'seemed' better her body still acted in extreme matters of stress, it worried him and he just wanted her to get away. And she did, she was going to travel for 10 days to see her family in South East Asia for a family reunion and she was so excited to go although she voiced the fact, she felt guilty accepting money from her mother inlaw for the trip.

He wish he could go with her but, he had a concert the day after she went that weekend he couldn't go. It saddened her she couldn't attend their concert either, she really wanted to go - it would've been her first concert in Korea too. When she came back she had to tutor 2 times a week so she was in Seoul a lot more than usual and tonight was one of those times.

"Hey.." Minhyuk said quietly, she looked up at him and jumped up. Her eyes all over him, "Why are you drenched, Minhyuk..." She pulled the umbrella out of his grip and opened it holding it over him, he bit his lip. "What did he do to you this time?" Trying to stay calm, he shook his head and tried to take the umbrella out her hand so he could get her under it. As soon as he mentioned him, her eyes got glassy. She shook him away and kept him at a distance, he had never seen her cry up close before and she knew that. "..." She couldn't talk anymore, she threw her head back and closed her eyes as the rain dropped down, he knew her tears were already running down her face along  with the raindrops. Minhyuk stepped closer and wrapped his arms around her fast and tight, a quite sob escaped her lips and he felt how she tightened her closed eyes harder with her face buried into his neck. 

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- From Weiiss.