It's a system, man

The Wolf's Boyfriend

Kim Taehyung didn’t know that today would change his life. If he did, maybe he wouldn’t have even got out of bed. Alas, Taehyung had woken up today, like he did every other. Don’t be like Kim Taehyung.

            The redhead rushed out of his house, ten minutes late as usual, a slice of toast held between his teeth and sleep still clouding his eyes. Half of his right arm was stuck into the jacket of his uniform, the other one hugging a half open backpack to his side. Yep, just a normal day.

            Yanking, Taehyung jerked the zipper up before any of his spare worksheets spilled out. He swung it over his shoulder and took off, sprinting to the school gates, ignoring the jacket flapping at his side and the toast precariously hanging from his mouth. He could probably make it in time for roll call.

            Triumphantly, the teen slammed his backpack on the desk and slid into his seat. 7:58. He slumped, pressing his head against the cool metal of the desk.

            “Taehyung-ah, you know you could just wake up earlier,” Park Jimin, Taehyung’s neighbor and best friend, thumped his back sympathetically.

            The redhead raised his head and grinned. “It’s a system man.”

            Jimin rolled his eyes. “Ok, Tae.”

            “Good morning, class!” The teacher strolled in, followed by a boy. “This is Jeon Jungkook, he’s transferring here from Busan. Please welcome him!”

            The class murmured half-hearted welcomes as the Jeon guy bowed and gave his own introduction. Taehyung squinted at the new kid. Something about him felt strange. A nagging feeling in his chest. Maybe he recognized him from somewhere?

            “Jungkook, take any empty seat. Ok, let’s begin roll call. Ahn Sohee?”

            Taehyung sighed and returned to pressing his forehead against his desk. He shut his eyes and groaned slightly.

            “Kim Taehyung?”

            Jimin stared at his friend’s slumped back incredulously. The boy kicked the back of Taehyung’s leg. He jolted, looked up and shouted “Ne!” and returned to face-planting on the desk.

            The brunette sighed and returned to doodling in his notebook, calling “Ne” when his name was called. He honestly didn’t know why he tried with Taehyung.

            “Hey, Tae, get up,” Jimin shoved his friend’s shoulder. “Earth to Taehyung.”

            The boy groaned and threw himself back, head lolling back and back pressed against his seat. He opened his eyes and blinked at Jimin. “What are we doing?”

            “Well, I’m going to History. I don’t know about you.”

            Taehyung stood up and swung his backpack over his shoulder. “Eh, Korean I think. Did I miss anything?”

            “Nah, just a kid named Jeon something. And my fabulous drawings,” Jimin said as he started towards the door.  

            The redhead laughed and swung an arm around his slightly shorter (a lot) friend. “Jimin-ah, I love your drawings. Especially that one in the rain with the pee.”

            “Yah! I’m artistic, man.” The shorter boy grinned and shrugged out of Taehyung’s side-hug. “Gotta go, Tae. Make poems in Korean for me.”

            “Farewell, oh Jimin, oh Chim Chim,” Tae called after Jimin as the two parted, going their opposite ways.

            Taehyung walked towards the stairwell, his Korean class was on the first floor. He began starting down the stairs, the weight of his books thumping against his back. Suddenly, a wave of dizziness and nausea washed over him. Black spots danced in Taehyung’s vision. He blindly grasped for the handle of the stairs. What the heck?

            “Oh my god…” A voice groaned from behind him. Taehyung turned his head towards the sound and immediately regretted the motion. He pressed the heel of his hand against his forehead, his other hand tightening around the bar. Though blurry, he could make out a figure, swaying to side to side at the edge of the stairs.

            “What…what’s happening?” Taehyung questioned out loud. Suddenly, his chest was tightening, making it hard to breathe. He leaned forward, wheezing and closing his eyes.

            Suddenly, a weight slammed into the front of Taehyung’s body. The bar slipped out of the grip of his sweaty palms and Taehyung tumbled down the stairs, the other body falling with him. His back slammed against the tiled floor, knocking the back of his head. Taehyung’s vision swam and his eyes rolled back as he out.

            He should have never gotten out of bed.


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Hana_xo #1
Chapter 2: Author-nim your story is great! Waiting for another update :D
Kiing_jc #2
kulitlang08 #3
Chapter 2: oohhhhhh...what will happen next???

i'm excited to know more...

looking forward for the next update...:D
kulitlang08 #4
Chapter 1: ooohhh...what happened??? and is it jungkook who saw him at that state???
Kiing_jc #5
Chapter 1: Yussss!!!!! This is so interesting!!! I can't wait to find out what happens next!!! Please update soon!