
Five..It's lucky

Sehun had no idea what was wrong with everyone today. It seemed like everyone in the dorm knew something he didn’t and they kept giving him little pats or winks. When he asked his hyungs what was up, they all just shrugged and smiled at him mischievously.

It really made him slowly annoyed throughout the day, especially since it was his and Jongin’s five year anniversary and said man was nowhere to be found.  

Sehun was really expecting to wake up to Jongin holding him close and whispering into his ear cute things that would make him blush. Yet all he woke up to was Jongin’s empty side of the bed with a small note saying, “I’ll be gone for the day, love you xoxo.” To say the least Sehun was not happy with such message on their anniversary.

And so Sehun had spent the majority of his day sulking and being annoyed on a couch, with a tub of ice cream watching Pride and Prejudice. And every time his hyungs would throw him a wink or a smile he’d yell at them “Mr.Darcy wouldn’t treat me like this!”, causing his hyungs to laugh even more.

Once Sehun was done crying for the fourth time that day and finishing his second tub of ice cream, he got a text from Jongin.

“What is this? A text? From that ty bastard?! I hate him! Son of a disappears on your ign anniversary and then just sends me a text?! What does he want?!”

“Babe, I know you’re probably pissed and yelling “Mr.Darcy wouldn’t treat me like this!” but can you come down to the park near us? I need you to see something.”

“That idiot thinks he can just send me a text and I’ll go running to him?! Ha! Keep dreaming you er!” Sehun yelled out as he threw the phone to the side with the screen still lit up and Jongin’s message on display.

Sehun curled into an angry ball on the couch, with his arms crossed and resting on his pulled up legs, along with a frown resting on his puffy cheeks. He stared at the television for about five minutes, yet was unable to register anything that was happening as his lit up phone kept catching his eye. Sparking his curiosity and longing for Jongin.

“.” Sehun huffed out as he got up and made his way to his bedroom. He quickly threw on a pair of sweats and an oversized hoodie, and a pair or runners. He quickly grabbed his keys and phone and made his way to the park as fast as he could. Once he go to the park he made his way towards his and Jongin’s spot, assuming that’s where the other was.

Yet as he was walking, he started to notice all the fairy lights actually lighting up his path with their soft glow. He looked around a bit confused trying to remember if there were any festivals or events going on, yet his brain pulled a blank.

Still confused he kept walking straight, until he came to the small ruin that him and Jongin always went to. It usually looked dark and dangerous, with the nature slowly taking over it and most of it being destroyed, but today it looked different. It had loads of fairy lights and candles around it, lighting it up in the softest of ways and making it look quite romantic.

“Jongin..?” Sehun called out as he stared at the small ruin in amazement. Suddenly, Sehun’s vision went dark as he felt a soft cloth being put over his eyes.

“Shh, it’s just me Sehuna. This is just for a quick second..” ‘Sehun nodded his head in agreement and held tight onto Jongin as the other lead them probably to the inside of the ruin.

He felt Jongin stop and whisper into his ear a “wait a second” before the felt completely lost in the dark.

“ can pull it off Sehuna.” Sehun slowly reached back and undid the small knot from the blindfold. He blinked his eyes back into focus a couple of times before he could see what was infront of him.

Sehun gasped as he saw a huge banner with the words “I know I’m not Mr.Darcy but please Marry me?” with fairy lights and candles all around it, making it the focus point. But what most caught Sehun’s eyes was Jongin. The young dancer was kneeling on one knee and holding in his shaky hand a small box.

“Sehuna..we’ve know each other for a very long time, as friends and as lovers. We’ve seen each other at their worst, medium and best. We supported each other through injuries, losses and fights. We know each other inside out like no one else does, and I just feel like I can’t let you go. Ever. I want you to be mine. To spend my whole life with you and go through even more amazing time and awful fights. I want us to have a family together, retire together and even die together, all that because I love you more than I can handle and sometimes I just want to yell out to the world how much I love you. So, Oh Sehun, will you do me the honour of becoming my Elizabeth?”

Sehun felt like his heart might jump out of his chest when Jongin opened the box and a small, intricate ring with a blue stone was inside it. He felt tears sliding down his cheeks for the fifth time that day. A sob ripped through his lips as he quickly approached Jongin, pulling him to his feet and hugging him tightly.

“You idiot! I swear to God I will kill you one day!” Sehun yelled through his tears as Jongin held him close.

“Can I take that as Yes?” Jongin asked with a small smile and unshed tears of his own.

“You er! Isn’t it obvious that it’s a yes! you for even having a doubt! Mr.Darcy would never doubt me!” Sehun yelled out as he felt Jongin’s chest rumble in a soft chuckle.

“Yes yes my Elizabeth, Mr.Darcy wouldn’t do any of that.”

For the rest of the night the two spent their time in the ruin cuddling and gazing at the stars. Both with content smiles on their faces whenever they locked hands and the ring pressed against their skins, reminding them that from now on, they will be something more than just boyfriends.


This is completely random and made for my friend who's been asking for SeKai fluff for the past year....yeah I couldn't come up with unril now xD Soryy honey <3

Oh and this is the ring.

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Chapter 1: me TT
Such a s w e e t story TT
Sekai story with a bit of Pride and Prejudice is rare so I'm glad you make this and I'm even more glad coz this is just too cute <3
I want moreeee like this ~ with Pride and Prejudice but with another plot ? ;)
Thanks for this :)
Chapter 1: as someone who love Pride and Prejudice to death...
you have successfully made me the fluffiest puddle of goo on the floor
im happy XD
I ing hate you. Mr. Darcy wouldn't make me cringe with fluff this much....