The End

The Beginning
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I had been sitting in the chair since before the sun was up and my scalp was already sore from hours of coloring and styling, my tired skin hidden underneath a sheet of makeup. Minkyung-Unnie had wandered off on a call an hour ago and the staff was standing around chatting. Makeup and hair done, I didn't understand what we were waiting for. A reflection of the clock behind me read 9:26 in bright, daunting, red numbers. The shoot was supposed to start over an hour ago. I sighed and rested my eyes, leaning back in the chair until I was called to set.


“I'm sorry to have kept you all waiting.” A familiar voice fluttered throughout the studio.




My confusion grew when the idol occupied the makeup chair beside me and the staff hurried to restyle Krystal’s hair and makeup from what I assumed was a schedule she had that morning.


I immediately stood and bowed to her once I remembered my manners. “Good morning, Krystal-Sunbae.”


Krystal hummed in response as the styling team went to work around her.




“A joint shoot?” I repeated the information Minkyung-Unnie had relayed. Wide eyed and in disbelief, I kept my voice lowered so that Krystal wouldn't overhear.


Minkyung-Unnie picked at the sad excuse of catered lunch. “They just decided this morning. The editor in chief wants to change the concept to ‘Unexpected Friends’ or something.” She popped a grape into only for her face to contort with displeasure. “So sour.” She grimaced with puckered lips. “I didn't know you and Krystal were friends.”


“Me neither. I mean, not that I know of.” I responded in wonder. As far as I could remember I had only seen the same aged idol a handful of times at company events or in passing.


Minkyung-Unnie shrugged. “Well now is as good a time to start as any.” She ate another grape with the same conclusion as the last. “God, these are awful.”




“Sorry, Sunbae.” I murmured when I accidentally stepped on her foot again. The unceasing photographer was sure to have caught it on camera and would have to delete the candid photo later on.


“You should stop calling me that, Seulgi. We’re friends, aren't we?” Krystal let a soft smile dawn her features.


My smile was a bit uncomfortable, seeing as how we had hardly ever spoken before. Afterall, Krystal had debuted six years ago and even before then, she had already been placed to train for debut by the time I was casted. “Right.”




When Krystal had asked me after the shoot to accompany her somewhere I had stuttered and choked over a surprised “...C-Coffee? M-Me? S-Sure.”


An awkward goodbye to Minkyung-Unnie (she looked just as surprised as I when Krystal asked) and an even more awkward car ride later, there we sat. The hole-in-the-wall cafe was small and home-like, run by an ahjumma who was too old to recognize two young idols whose uncomfortable atmosphere was so thick we could hardly breathe.


Or maybe it's just me who's uncomfortable.


“I like this place.” I commented in an effort for conversation.


Krystal nodded, taking a sip of her latte. “Not many people know about it. I’ve been coming here for a while. It’s a nice place to normal.”


I searched my mind for something - anything - to talk about to break the silence. My leg nervously bounced and tapped under the table out of nervousness. “The coffee is good, sunbae.”


“Just ‘Krystal’ will do, Seulgi.” Krystal corrected with a small smile.




Minkyung-Unnie looked just as exhausted as we did when she entered the dressing room, phone in hand and a headset on her shoulders. “Pack up, kids. It's time to go home.”


The five of us shuffled around the dressing room to gather our things and sleepily followed Minkyung-Unnie to the van. We piled into the vehicle in preferred silence.


It had been another long day. After waking up before dawn to have hair, makeup, and wardrobe for all five Red Velvet members, it was straight to the studio for Music Bank. The day had started off with greeting all of our sunbaes, rehearsal, and backstage interviews. In other words, smiling for the cameras and bowing to our seniors.


I shut my eyes after buckling in, already prepared for a head start on some sleep.




Annoyance littered my face.


Ping! Ping!


“Who's phone is that.” I grumbled, not bothering to open my eyes. “Shut it off.”


“That's your phone, you dumb bear.” Wendy smacked my arm.


Oh. “Sorry.” I muttered, embarrassed.


I found my phone buried at the bottom of my backpack with three new messages from an unknown number lighting the screen.


-It's Krystal

-Are your schedules done?

-Have you eaten?


How did you get my number?-

Heading to the dorm now-



-I'll pick you up

-On my way


Right now?-


-Be there in ten


I blankly stared at the conversation, dazed.


I quickly clutched my phone to my chest when Wendy suddenly peeked at the screen. “Who is it?”


“Nobody.” I blurted out with wide eyes. Way to play it cool, Kang. I mentally slapped myself in the face, wondering why I even lied about it in the first place. What was wrong with texting Krystal? She was a same-aged friend, a fellow company member, a sunbae. There was absolutely nothing wrong with texting her.


The Canadian member’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. “You’re lying. Who is it?”


“Is it a boy?” Yeri squealed from the back seat.


“What?” Even though Minkyung-Unnie had her eyes on the road straight ahead of her I felt lasers burning into my face from her tone of voice. “It had better not be a boy.”


Joy scoffed from behind me. “Even if it was a boy, Seulgi-Unnie would be too dense for anything to ever happen.”


I frowned at Joy’s harsh words. “Yah, what’s that supposed to mean?”


“Joy,” Irene turned to face the back from the front seat. “Don’t talk to your unnie like that. Anyone would be lucky to have your attention, Sseulbear.”


I warmed at our leader’s defense. “Thanks, Unnie.”


“So who is it?” Irene asked, a playful glint in her eye.


“Yah!” I shrieked when Wendy successfully snatched my phone while I was distracted. “Give it back!”


“It’s Krystal-sunbae.” Wendy looked just as confused as I felt, surprise widened her eyes.


“Dumb bear didn’t even think to lock her phone.” Joy shook her head at my apparent stupidity.


“Krystal-sunbae?” Yeri questioned. “Cold, blunt, unfriendly Krystal-sunbae? That sunbae?”


“She’s asking Seulgi out for dinner.” Wendy nodded. I swiped my phone back from my nosy members.


“That’s odd.” Joy lost interest in the topic after that  and stuffed her earphones back in.




The last time I had seen Krystal was only two weeks ago and the girl in front of me looked as though she hadn't slept since. The bags under her eyes had a layer of concealer that didn't seem to do her justice. Her movements screamed ‘exhaustion’ as if she were to fall to the ground at any moment. Although I had been up before dawn that morning Krystal looked more worn that I felt.


It was a simple dinner of soondubu in the back room of popular restaurant. Side dishes littered the table between us as we waited for our main dishes to cool.


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Chapter 1: Wish you would update another chapter... I badly wanted to know what's next.... Hwaitiiiiinnnggg...
Chapter 1: Just come here at 2019.. and desperately hope you'll make next chapter author-nim
kpop_poppop #3
alexacell #4
Chapter 1: more more more..
OnceuHue #5
Chapter 1: omooo more seulstal!
Olivert #6
Chapter 1: This story ended abruptly imo. I will wait for u no matter how long it will take
bean1705 #7
Chapter 1: This is really good author-nim! Thank you