Chapter 1

Keep Fighting For It
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"Mom, do I really have to go?" Sehun sighed as he dropped the last black shirt he owned into his suitcase. He knew his mom was standing by the door, watching him silently. There was no reply, just a warm hand wrapped around his forearm. They both stayed quiet for a moment. Sehun's hands were trembling as he closed the suitcase.

"You already know the answer, Sehun," she whispered and didn't let go of the boy's arm. "Your dad-" 

"My dad?! My dad doesn't care about me! He never did! So why do I have to go there?! Why do I need to listen to him?! I'm si-"

She gripped Sehun's arm tighter as to tell him to calm down and Sehun immediately did. He stared at the full suitcase and sighed. "I don't want it mom."

"I know," her voice trembled as she spoke. Her hand slipped down and she intertwined their fingers,squeezing his hand hard. Sehun knew she was looking at him but he couldn't face her. He couldn't look in her eyes. He couldn't let her see how weak he really was. "Just remember, Sehun."

She didn't speak up for a moment but then she let go of Sehun's shaking hands and brought them to his cheeks instead. She turned his face towards her and looked him in his eyes. "You will do it. Sehun, you have no idea how strong you really are. No matter what they tell you there, no matter how hard they push you. Remember that I'll always be here for you. I'll always believe in you."

Sehun sighed and closed his eyes. His mom's hands were still cupping his pale cheeks. "I know and I'm thankful for that. But why do I have to go when he doesn't even care about me? Why should I do it for him?"

She let her hands fall to Sehun's broad shoulders and gave them a squeeze. "He does care for you. A lot."

"We both know that's not true, mom!" Sehun raised his voice and backed away from his mom. He walked towards his desk and stared at the small photo that was lying there. "I just don't wanna do it for him."

"Then don't," she began and smiled at him. "Do it for me and your little sister." 

Sehun turned away from his mother and stared at the photo. He was nervous to leave his home. Scared to go to a place he never even heard of until a month ago.

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Chapter 1: oooooh this is quite excited for the next chapter..........i hope u will update soon.......thank u for updating this chap<333333333
androsisdead #2
please post soon i already love your work and i hope you update soon :)
BottomSehunnie #3
omo I'm really exiting for this fic ^^
Cant wait~~~~~