
Your short hair.


The clock clearly buzzed. I woke up, fighting my fatigue and made a quick text to Jeongyeon to not come over in the afternoon. 

I planned this out all in my head and opened the draw with the newly bought lock with the key on my neck so that she could never get to my plans and book, with Polaroid pictures going with them. 

My phone buzzed, signalling that someone texted me. 

Little boo: OK,  I couldn't go anyways. My schedule is packed till the night. 

Me: OK, stay safe boo :)

Little boo: Same to you, forgetful one :)

Her last message came loud and clear. Don't forget our anniversary. 

As if. I'd been prepared since 3 months ago when Jihyo had given me an idea.  

I rang Jihyo, I needed her help more than anything. 

"Hey Jihyo, can you come over if you're not busy. I need someone to help me finally piece together my memory book, and cook dinner, "I plead over the phone. 

"Oh Momo, I'm clueless in the cooking part, but I can help you try with it, that's the least I can do." I sighed and immediately felt most of my stress dissipate, giving Jihyo a light "Thank you." before I hung up. 


Jihyo finally arrived, and I was barley finished with putting glue down on the boarders of the pictures we took with her Polaroid, and my little caption of three pages. I already felt tired, but I kept pressing on. Jeongyeon hadn't been here the day before in my complex like usual, but that gave me extra time, yet less sleep. 

The main word on Jihyo's face was: worried. 

I couldn't blame her, only 13 out of the 20 pages written about her was completed, yet we had to decorate the place, get the dinner ready, and get myself pretty. We needed to make this a quicky. 


We finished almost all of the pages with the exception of Jihyo smiling in awe at my notes for her, making me blush slightly from time to time. 

I had to do one more page but Jihyo ushered me to get ready for grocery shopping, since I had not taken off my pajamas yet.

I quickly rebrushed my teeth out of habit, changed my clothes and put my hair up in a loose ponytail. 

Once I was finished Jihyo had already finished my book-banner and put it on the floor to dry, and we both carefully walked over it taking our leave. 


We took longer at the grocery store then attended, but we bought the basic anniversary necessities; wine, chicken, beef, and lettuce. We barley brought anything to prepaid due to me having a gut feeling that I shouldn't get much. 

We let everything cool, then went up to decorating the whole apartment. 

On my dining table for two, we decorated it with red covers, and gold colored napkins. The opening had the words "Anniversary" in red having off of the two walls with nail holes the landlord for sure will kill me over. Our island separating the kitchen with the living room had an "Jeongyeon ▪ Momo" written in gold, another idea by Jihyo with the left over stickers we also bought from the store. We also decided to use the sparkles from last year's new years party to decorate our shared bed, and table where we would be eating at. If you couldn't guess, they were red, and gold hearts. 


We barley finished with the decorations around the house, and Jihyo forced me to take a shower, while she was hastily getting everything in the right place, with her over-the-top ocd self. I took a fairly long shower making sure to get everywhere, making sure I smelled nice just for Jeongyeon. 


The whole house looked even more beautiful while I get outside from my shower but, I couldn't help but to think. We totally went over the top, but its so beautiful. Jihyo had that same vibe with her, she looked incredibly proud of our work, and my hard work still drying up, but now slightly folded, for it is a foldable book, for our childish hearts. 

Me and Jihyo went out once again to now, look for my golden dress. 


We finally made it to my favorite dress shop and looked through the large selections of dresses. Finally a young girl approached us, "Hello, and welcome. Do you need help finding a specific dress, and color?" She asked politely. "Yes," I said with giddiness. "Do you have a color dress if gold? Its rare to find one, sparkly, yet not quite yellow." I said specifying that I do not want yellow. 

"Ah, that's a tricky one, but I'm sure we have at least one, please wait over there," she said surely pointing to a seat near the dressing room's. 

The nice lady brought over 5 dresses. One looking as if a prom queen would be all over, short with ruffles on the bottom. Then a mermaid type, that looked nearly impossible to walk-in. Then a one similar to the first ones yet gemstones on the top. Finally there it was, completely ignoring the last one she presented to me was a beautiful gold-silk dress with light sparkles on the side of the dress dancing up it as if was fire flames. I immediately tried it on and walked out. The lady looked extremely stunned, along with Jihyo giving me confidence. I bought the dress in a heartbeat, and went back home. 


We went back home, and sorted some make-up that we were going to use along with hair curling iron. 

Then we decided it was time to prepaid the dining table, and clean a bit. We split up our jobs with the personal cleaning quarters, and normal cleaning quarters. Aka, I clean my room, and restroom whils she vacuum's and cleans the dishes that we need to clean, and just need for our cooking. 


We were done cleaning and done getting everything sorted, besides the still drying foldable. So we had some time to kill. Though my anxiety for the day to pass by, we watched titanic once again with me checking my phone constantly. 


We were done watching titanic so we decided to start making the food. 

The food was easier than expected to make, so it didn't take long to prepair. We seasoned the chicken and let it cook in the over for 40minutes before flipping again and waiting another 40minutes to cut and let the middle cook softly for another 10 minutes. The beef barley took 30 minutes till all we needed to minutes, and all we had to do was serve the food, with a food-warmer on top of the plates with the wine bottle, yet to be opened. 


The clock buzzed on my dresser with my dress on it. I slipped the dress on with ease, and Jihyo zipped up my zipper, making things easier for me. She put on my makeup lightly with nothing special to it, besides the faint red lip stain that Jeongyeon loves. 

Jihyo also did my hair in loose beach waves matching with my makeup and golden dress.


I gave Jihyo a huge hug as she bid herself off, obviously tired and apologized over and over, and thanking her over and over, due to her doing so much just for me. She played everything off coolly and granted me luck, smiling I told her what happened over text. 


I checked myself carefully making sure I didn't look that worn out, and I felt energized by how actually beautiful I was, but then my phone started ringing, big words saying, "Incoming call, Little Boo" I immediately answered. 

"Hey, Jeongyeon did you get off of work?" I asked sweetly. "Actually I've been off for quiet while, can I come yet?"                       "Of course. How long till your arrival?"                                                   "Not long, it'll probably be about 10 minutes since I'm at Sana's"     "Ah, OK I'll wait my little boo, see you then. Love you."                        "I love you too my little robot, see you then." I sighed ending call and taking off the food insulator's. 


I heard to timid knocks and opened my door knowing it was Jeongyeon. I gaped my mouth when I saw how beautiful she looked. Brown hair styled sideways, using my favorite almost orange lip tint, and flowing red dress. 

"You're 5 minutes late," I said not trying to be funny, but we both laughed anyways. "Well, light traffic is a drag at this time and Sana kept on wishing me luck. I have to say I'm surprised our little forgetful robot didn't forget our anniversary," she inquired with a smug smile. I kissed her softly and she returned it, closing the door behind her and embraced me. 

She pulled back and took out behind her a box of takeout. "Just in case, we both know we both at cooking. I smiled and nodded making sure to notice that we were both wearing the perfume we both bought as tokens the first month of dating each other. 

We ate the food quickly, trying to get taste out of it with the wine. We both admitted that it tasted like nothing and ate the chicken that she had brought. 

I took out my present from underneath the table and she did the same, we both smiled at each other and played one round of rock paper scissors to see who was going to give our presents first. Keeping our word we made a tie and gave if to each other at the same time. My present wrapped into a scarlet  box, and hers in a golden box. 

My present was a small story about how she loved me, and my personality when I first met her in the playground of 5th grade being bullied by her best friend at the time. I couldn't admit to it but I nearly cried, and the tears prickling at the side of my eyes were a reminder of that.

I could tell she was surprised at my gift to her also. Except she cried. I embraced her deeply, yet she still sobbed careful to not crinkle the delicacy of the thin paper most compatible with the pictures glued on to it. 


Yet, today was our first anniversary, it wouldn't be the last. We made sure if it tonight by our love. I embraced my girlfriend tightly again and pressed onto her warmth. She was my everything and I was her everything. We made sure if that. 


A/N: idk what to feel about this. I couldn't really make the momo*Jeongyeon part longer, but I did experiment with details and foreshadowing on this one I think, I'll probably make a sequel of confessing momo and jeongyeon if you guys would like, I haven't proofread yet and probably never will, but if something is bothering you tell me cuz its 2am rn and really excited. Anyways enjoy this trashy story :)


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Chapter 1: I ♡ it ^_^ plzz do a sequel ~~
Chapter 1: I like the story and I think you should make a sequel
I heard people say it's spell Jeongyeon but it can be spell either way, because it is pronounced the same.