Christmas Eve... surprise!

Together Again

 “Bring your stuff , you can stay at mine, ‘kay?”

“I don’t know Taemin, I don’t really think I should come over...”

“MWO?! What are you talking about! All my effort! We haven’t seen you for ages!”

“Yeah...I’m sorry - maybe we could meet up and have our own par-”

“-OHHH. I GET IT. Hyung, you can’t avoid him forever.”

There was short silence before the person on the other phone answered huffily,“Whatever! I don’t know what you are talking about!”

Sure. Bring your over here NOW! I can’t wait to see you! Merry Christmas~!” and he hung up.

Jonghyun walked into the room with a bowl of chocolate ice-cream. “Who was that on the phone?” he asked as Taemin pushed his mobile phone in his pocket, hopefully Jonghyun didn’t hear any of that conversation.

“Oh, no one, don’t worry about it,” he smiled innocently, scooting over to Jonghyun on the couch and stealing his a spoonful of ice-cream. Luckily Jonghyun just dropped it as he was too busy gawping at Taemin for nicking some of his food.

“Hey! I didn’t say you could have any!” Jonghyun pouted, eating a spoonful and staring somewhere off into the distance...of the living room wall. Taemin giggled. They heard a knock at the door and Taemin immediately jumped up and skipped joyfully over to it, but instead of opening the door he leant his head against it.

“Who is it~?” he sang to the door.

“Minnie open up! You know it’s me~,”

“Aniyo! Who are you~?” Taemin teased, though it was true, he did know who it was.


“Rings a bell~” He giggled.

Minho rang the house bell, which played a loud Christmassy-sounding tune and the speaker just happened to be on the wall right next to Taemin’s ear.

“YAHH! That’s not what I meant when I said Minho rings a bell!” He heard Minho’s loud deep laughter from behind the door. Taemin opened the door slowly and peeked through the gap, but as soon as he saw Minho standing on the doorstep staring straight at him with his arms open wide, he flung open the door and literally threw himself into Minho’s arms, pecking him nicely on the lips. Minho staggered back from the sudden contact and relished the feeling of the warmth he was hugging, since it was freezing cold outside.

“OMO ITS FREEZING COLD!” Taemin yelled, as if reading Minho’s mind, “Quick! Quick! Get inside!” He ran behind Minho and pushed him inside.

“Hi hyung,” Onew greeted him as he walked down the stairs, “What’s that you’ve got?” he grinned, eying the large bag that was hanging off Minho’s arm.

“Oh these? These are-” Minho began as he took his coat and scarf off, holding out the bag.

 “PRESENTS!” Jonghyun squealed (at the same time as Taemin, who had also squealed this) running into the hallway from the living room and grabbing the bag off Minho and running just as excitedly back into the room from which he came. Taemin skipped after him, followed by Onew laughing heartily and then Minho who was smiling his face off. Man, they loved this time of year.

They all sat down by the Christmas tree, Minho sat with his back to the fire so it warmed him up with Taemin sat between his legs and Onew was knelt neatly by Jonghyun who was lifting all the presents out of the bag happily one by one, and putting them under the tree as they all sat in comfortable silence. Well, except the TV that no one was listening to, so it wasn’t really silent. “It’s nice when we are all together like this,” Onew smiled, the fire flickering an orange glow on his face.

“Mhmm,” Minho hummed as he nibbled Taemin’s ear affectionately, the boy in his arms blushed.

“We are missing someone though,” Taemin pointed out, his gaze now directed at Jonghyun, who was taking the last present out of the bag. In fact, all their gazes were now directed at Jonghyun.

“...Key.” Jonghyun said quietly, as he read the name on the present, which just so happened to be the one he was thinking of right now. Jonghyun turned around and looked at his friends with a shocked expression. “Minho?! Why is this...why is this addressed to Key?” he asked incredulously. The hyungs cleared their throats nervously and tried to look everywhere but at Jonghyun, but they still couldn’t hold back their smiles as much as they were trying to, they were all looking forward to this moment. Jonghyun still stared at them all with his shocked expression.

“He’s...he’s coming back? Isn’t he?!” he turned to Onew, who was nodding his head with the rest of them. Jonghyun felt like his insides where jumping around hugging each other. The happiness he felt seemed to fill him up at the meaning of his own words and he could stop the gigantic grin that was spreading over his face. He’s coming back. He’s coming back! He couldn’t believe it, all his prayers, all his wishes he had made every night whilst looking at the stars. They were going to come true. He was going to see him again. Touch him again. He couldn’t believe it. It’s like his brain just completely malfunctioned from happiness, so he just gawped at them. Taemin burst out laughing, catching his attention, and Minho was chuckling into the back of his hand.

“W-well, hyung,” Taemin spoke in between his guffaws of laughter, “In a way, you’re wrong.” Jonghyun stared at him, obviously confused, “Huh?!”

“He’s not coming back,” Taemin hold him as Minho wrapped his arms around Taemin and shuffled around so his back wasn’t by the fire anymore. Jonghyun felt his insides drop, his heart felt like it was growing heavier than a brick by the second...Taemin memorised Jonghyun expression in his mind and waited a moment before he smiled and said “He is back.”

Jonghyun’s eyes widened.

The doorbell rang.

They all looked towards to the hallway, then at each other. He’d left on Boxing Day, the day after Christmas last year. He’d only been gone a year to study English abroad, not knowing if it was a permanent or temporary thing, but it had been a hard year for all of them. Jonghyun and Key had broken up at the airport, deciding that a long-term relationship would be hard as they wouldn’t be able to contact each other due to such busy schedules. They had both been in tears and it had taken the other hyungs to manhandle them apart and get Key on the plane. And it had taken the first half of the year to bring Jonghyun back out of his depression from being apart from the person he truly loved with all his heart, and having no contact with him. It was from the pain of not knowing if he was alright, if he was injured or even if he has gotten in an accident and died, and Jonghyun became seriously sick with anxiety and worry he would spend hours weeping in front of his hyungs and a psychiatrist. They all missed Key, and in a way they missed the Jonghyun they once knew, but things started to look up when he began to act happier and began to talk about Key less and began acting a little more like himself, but not completely there. And now it was the happiest moment, since they knew that they would meet two hyungs that they truly missed.

“CAN SOMEONE OPEN THE DOOR PLEASE ITS BLOODY FREEZING OUT HERE!” shouted a familiar voice that they haven’t heard in so long. It was pure music to Jonghyun’s ears, despite the fact that it was an angry demand. Hearing the voice he shot up and ran into the hallways before the other hyungs even had a chance to move. Minho and Onew were about to get up and follow him but Taemin stopped them, signalling them to stay where they were. Jonghyun clutched the latch of the door and turned it slowly, hearing the click. It was the best sounding click he had ever heard. Everything was the best everything. He swung open the door.

There he was.

Kim Kibum, in all his beauty. His dark swept hair, his cold pink tinted cheeks, his outlined feline eyes. The eyes that Jonghyun had yearned to look in once more. They were staring right at him, widening in surprise. Showing the gorgeous chocolate orbs that shone in the light. Jonghyun breathed out, his breath becoming a small cloud between them. They stood in silence, taking in each other’s faces again after a whole year apart.Key dropped the bags he was holding, tears appeared in his eyes and streamed silently down his cheeks. Jonghyun couldn’t take it anymore, as he felt his eyes watering from emotion, it was just so over-powering. The love he felt right now, his love, it was over-flowing from him. As the tears ran down his lovers face, he knew this feeling was mutual.

At the same moment they both took a step forward and threw their arms around each other. Jonghyun was standing on the doorstep so he was very slightly taller than Key, since he was naturally a little shorter than him. They clutched each other tightly in an embrace, Key’s arms around Jonghyun’s neck and his neck buried into his shoulder and Jonghyun’s arms wrapped tight around his back.

They breathed in gently, taking in each other’s smell once again and melting in the warmth of their body heat and after a while they loosened the grip of the hug, but still not letting go or moving apart. Jonghyun could feel Key smiling against his shoulder, and kissed the top of his head softly, his hair smelt like oranges and papaya, Key’s favourite shampoo. All those nights crying for Key, all those days spent alone  wrapped up in his duvet on the floor, staring at the grey sky out the window, it all faded away...because Key was here now. In his arms. Here.

“I love you,” Jonghyun whispered into his ear, he repeated it over and over again getting slightly louder every time. He didn’t care if Key got sick of hearing it, he would never get sick of saying it. Key moved his head and nuzzled his face into the side of Jonghyun’s lovingly, just as a cat does. He felt Jonghyun’s smooth skin against his, and smelt his cologne, which he remembered, he always used to tease Jonghyun and say that it smelt of jellybeans. Key laughed, the sound making Jonghyun’s brain and heart melt. He felt Key’s hot breath against his neck and it made him blush.

“I love you too, Jonghyun, I really do. I really do.” Key whispered into Jonghyun’s ear, as he laughed and cried at the same time, he the back of Jonghyun’s neck, caressing the ends of his soft hair. Jonghyun pulled back and gazed at Key, his arms around his waist protectively.

“I missed you so much, you have no idea,” Jonghyun told him, looking into his eyes. Key looked down then back up to lock eyes with Jonghyun.

“Me too, I could barely sleep for the first 7 months,” Key blushed.

“But we’re together now...” Jonghyun grinned cheekily.

“Yeah,” Key smiled back, his eyes glinting.


A/N NO DONT GO ANYWHERE - I’m only joking! It's not the end! I wouldn’t leave you without the kiss would I? I’m not that evil. Merry Christmas my lovely readers~

Key raised his head and moved towards Jonghyun’s slowly. Jonghyun eyes lowered and he gazed at Key’s lips, red and plump and damp from when Key just them. So definably shaped, so feminine looking. So Kibum. He his own lips and moved forward, joining them together gently. Key opened his lips slightly and breathed lightly on Jonghyuns which make Jonghyun his lips to dampen them again, he pressed their lips together, but this time transformed into a intimate open-mouth kiss. They pressed their bodies together even more and tightened their hold, despite his lack of outerwear clothing Jonghyun was warmed up considerably by the kiss they shared. He smiled against the kiss and craved for more. So he did a trick he always remembered doing to his boyfriend, and how it worked every time. He moved his hand down to Key’s and squeezed it playfully, making Key yelp and smile, and he took this opportunity to invite his tongue into Key’s mouth. Key accepted it and Jonghyun sighed. Oh how he had longed to taste this again, something he would never forget. His body and mind relaxed, and he began to feel different, like he was whole again, like this is what he had been waiting for all this year. This. This was his drug and he was being soothed by it. Key suddenly kissed back hungrily and they kiss became more steamy and passionate as they ravished each other. Jonghyun thought...actually no, Jonghyun would think, but his brain wouldn’t let him. They just melted into each other’s arms, it felt so right.

When they finally broke away dizzily, gasping for oxygen and panting. Key lay his forehead against Jonghyuns shoulder, when they heard laughter and cheers. They looked up to find half the neighbourhood standing on the street outside their houses, cheering them and cooing, since they had all been friends and they all knew the relationship between Jonghyun and Key, and about the hardships that Jonghyun had been through whilst Key was away. (A/N This was a very gossipy, supportive neighbourhood, luckily no homophobes aha.)

Key and Jonghyun turned to more familiar cheering, and saw Onew, Taemin and Minho watching, whooping and laughing from the living room window, "SURPRISE!" he heard Taemin shout as he waved to them excitedly. They both blushed. Er- were they watching all of that?

The moment, it all seemed so ridiculous. So surreal. Key, in his arms, holding him and giggling at their friends. He was back. Key was back. And it was the best moment of Jonghyuns life.

Merry Christmas~

A/N OTL. I just about died. I don’t think I’ve written so much cheesy fluff and romance in one go. I feel like my head is going to explode. Well, hey-ho, they point was to make it cheesy, it’s Christmas after all. It’s not insanely long or anything, but it’s quality that counts, right?

So the question do you like it? (If you like it...*worries*) But seriously, that was so gooey I feel like I should go and take a shower. e_e”


my first oneshot - thank you for reading~

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gatau-- #1
iheartsj01 #2
becauseimnaughty #3
Congrats on the feature!
becauseimnaughty #4
Congrats on the feature!
congratulations :)
omg the otp feels
Chapter 1: I really love it!!!!
milkytwilight_ #9
MartaItalianShawol #10
Chapter 1: Wonderful,I love it!