Chapter 3

The Betrayed and the Betrayer

Author's Note


It's been a while, isn't it? I know I haven't updated in so, so long. I gotta admit that I've lost my will to continue this story. I've lost my inspirations, I guess. So I tried watching all seasons of 2NE1 TV and EXO shows, just to get the mojo back, and it did help! So, since it's the new year, I decided it's the best time to start anew and update a new chapter as a new year gift for everyone who has stayed with me! I'm not giving up, I promise. This story will continue and I will try my best to update more often from now on.

Thank you all for believing in this story. I would really appreciate it if you continue showing your love and support. Love ya!

Do subscribe and leave a comment. Constructive criticisms are welcomed but please be respectful. :)

Love, A.



Minzy wakes up at noon the next day feeling a bit drowsy. She only managed to go to sleep when the first rays of sun came out. She blames it on jet-lag, although she knows that it isn’t entirely true. She keeps telling herself that if it were not for the time difference, she could have slept soundly instead of busying herself with unnecessary thoughts. So in a way, jet-lag does play a key role in her grogginess today.

The girl spent the whole night thinking. Thinking about many different things. It started with the look a certain guy gave her at the pub that not only puzzled her, but also pained her for some unknown reason. Although she is not sure why he looked at her that way, she could still recognise that look. She could recognise it anytime, anywhere. Because it’s exactly the same one everybody else has given her ever since she left. The same hatred and the same anger.

Then her thoughts drifted to the things that happened over the past couple of years. Well, many things had happened, both good and bad. It was like a rollercoaster ride to say the least. Two years. Although it might not seem that long to some people, it really felt like two hundred years to her instead. Two years were long enough for her to question herself, to rethink her goals and eventually, the questions turned into doubts and uncertainties. This scares her greatly, even up until now.

Letting out a big and very unlady-like yawn, Minzy kicks the covers off of her body, letting the sunrays from the windows hit her exposed skin. A part of her feels rather refreshed. It has been a while since she last had the chance to sleep in like this. So she decides to push aside all the negativities for now. She’s here for a holiday, after all. She should be enjoying her time to the fullest, not dwelling herself in stressful thoughts.

With a more positive mindset, the girl jumps out of bed and gets ready for the rest of the day. She cannot wait to explore the town. She only got to see a small part of it yesterday and yet, she had a really great time. Hopefully, today will be just as great, or maybe even much better. And hopefully, she wouldn’t bump into a particular guy along the way. That would definitely be a bummer.

Minzy finally leaves the hotel after an hour, clad in comfortable clothes and her favourite Jordans. Believe it or not, she planned her day while in the shower. She ruined a few brochures but that’s okay, she could always take more. Or, she could always go on the Internet. Her first stop is a small café, just a fifteen-minute walk from the hotel. She has stumbled upon the place yesterday but didn’t get the chance to stop by.

A sense of nostalgia immediately overcomes her as soon as she steps through the doors. This place somehow reminds her a lot of home. There’s one café in Insadong that they used to frequent – she and the girls. Although the design is quite different, it has that same comforting and welcoming vibe to it. That’s mainly why they loved to hang out at the café, really. Especially during the early years of their career. There, they could just sit and relax and forget about their busy schedules while enjoying good food and good company.

Overtime, however, the number of times they visited the place had decreased. From once a week, it slowly changed to once a month, until it became just a couple of times a year. They just became busier, Minzy tells herself every time she thinks about it every now and then. In a way, that thought helps comfort her a little, although deep down, she knows that many things other than just their daily schedules have changed. It’s a reality that she is yet willing to accept.

The moment her lunch is served, she isn’t quite sure if it were a good idea to come here in the first place. Everything just triggers memories from the past. Memories that she couldn’t quite move on from yet. Like how Bom would salivate just from the smell of the food or, how Dara would stuff herself with as much food without having to worry about gaining weight. Or, how CL would nag at the two about table manners every time they’re eating out. Above all, she just missed their presence, their smiles and their laughter as they shared stories and secrets.

Maybe in the years to come, it wouldn’t be as painful to be reminded of these memories. But right now, everything just seems so suffocating. She cannot help but wonder if the other girls are experiencing the same thing as well. If she could choose, she would have bolted out of here minutes ago, but that would be very rude of her. So with a heavy heart, she picks up the cutlery prepared and starts digging in, trying her best not to let the tears fall.

On the other side of town, Sehun is taking a relaxing stroll around the streets. A large taro bubble tea in his right hand and a tuna mayo sandwich in his left. He wanted to stop by a local café for lunch but decided against it. He only has today and tomorrow morning to tour around town before continuing his adventure across the country. Therefore, he decided to just have something to go and eat lunch while enjoying whatever Devonport has left to offer.

He passes by different shops, from souvenir booths to clothing stores. Although he probably has enough money to splurge for the next ten years, Sehun is not one to waste money on unnecessary things. That does not stop him from stopping by a few shops, though. He enjoys looking at things, especially the interesting and unique ones. There were, in fact, a few things that have caught his attention along the way, however in the end, he did not buy any of them.

He still has a long way to go. There would be many other shops in the future, perhaps even more interesting than the ones here.

After fifteen minutes or so of walking, he could hear some music from the distant. Intrigued, he decides to follow the direction where the sound seems to come from. Not long after, he spots a small crowd in a semi circle. There is a couple right in the middle, swaying their bodies side to side to the melody as the man hugs the woman from the back. There is also a group of teenagers just having fun singing along to the song, not even caring whether or not they get the words right. It is such a nice sight to see, really.

Sehun takes a few steps closer, until the musicians are in sight. Judging by their looks, it seems like they are a father-and-sons trio – the father playing makeshift drums whilst the older son plays a semi-acoustic guitar and the younger one singing, as he shakes the cabasa from time to time. The song they are performing is not one that he is familiar with, but Sehun enjoys it nevertheless.

The beat soon changes to a slower number, this time, the father takes over the microphone, singing a classic hit by Michael Learns To Rock – Paint My Love. Sehun remembers his mother singing their songs all the time when he was little. The crowd is getting larger by now, so the idol decides to take a seat at a nearby bench and finish the rest of his sandwich, while still being able to enjoy the music from afar.

The moment he takes the last bite, the music changes yet again. He tosses the paper and the now empty plastic glass into the bin just a metre away from him. Then he scoots to the edge of the bench and leans his head back against the seat, letting the sunrays kiss his pale skin. His eyes immediately close as he begins to concentrate on the acoustic melody serenading the street. It helps him clear his mind. But like many things in his life for the past four years since they debuted, nothing seems to last that very long.

Not even halfway through the song, everything comes rushing back, hitting him like a big wave crashing in to the sand, filling him with many thoughts and emotions he could hardly breathe. He tried. He has tried so hard to leave it all behind and just enjoy this vacation as much as he possibly could. But obviously, it is highly impossible. It seems like he is already cursed from the very beginning.

Questions keep flooding his head wherever he goes. Even in his sleep. The same questions that have been haunting him for quite a long time now. Questions that make him doubt his existence, his abilities and purpose. Questions that make him feel nothing but like a useless human being, a burden. He really thought things were going to change and get better. He even almost came to terms with their departure, wishing that it was a blessing a disguise.

But boy was he wrong. If anything, it has only added more fuel to the fire and more salt to his wounds.

Refusing to dwell on all the negativities, Sehun stands up and takes a deep breath. Just like yesterday, he will not let all the problems get in his way to enjoy his break, to enjoy life. Glancing at the street musicians one last time, he then resumes his walk and heads off towards the next destination in his itinerary. And maybe, he could hike up Mount Victoria. They said that there is going to be fireworks later and he heard that the view is the best from the top of the mountain.


Poster and Background by: Antidote Graphis Shop

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SarahBlackjack #1
ahh thank goodness i came across this fanfic!! i wonder why they seem to not like each other even before this vacation
Chapter 3: oh my god!!! Too much feeling. I really love how you describe their feeling. i can feel the sadness, hurt, and loneliness.. good job authornim
k8dragon #3
Chapter 3: Welcome back :) I hope That you Will have a healthy and happy 2017. Love your stories ^^
Chapter 3: Happy New Year Auhtor-niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim! \^0^/~~* I'm glad you're back and you're not gonna abandon this fanfic..Thank you for updating!
Chapter 3: omg you updated!!!
jiwonku #6
Chapter 3: Hello authornimm. Glad you back
Linnot #7
Chapter 3: Welcome back author nim, im so happy that you update this story, can't wait for the next chapter, waiting for sehunzy moment
Cuties84 #8
Chapter 2: Interesting start
Chapter 2: this is really interesting!
Chapter 2: like it
can't wait for next chapter :)