Chapter 3: Fallen angels


The kid that Himchan and Yongguk rescued that been the only survivor of the bombing incident. His name was Choi Junhong, aged 17, and he was currently sitting awkwardly in the medical center. It took him ages to assure the medical team that he was fine and they finally stopped fussing over him. Right now, he was bored out of his mind. And he didn’t want to think about his parents or anything related to the bombing right now. He needed something to occupy his mind.

Getting up, he paced back and forth in the small space. “Bored, bored, bored, BORED,” he grumbled and pursed his lips. Maybe he should go out and take a walk. He looked at his unclad feet but there were no shoes that he could take. He shall go barefoot, then.

Peeking out of the room, Junhong gingerly took one step out, then another. He began to sneak down the empty corridor when an alarm blared, making him jump.

“Aish!” He frowned at nothing in particular and continued his exploring. When he reached a turn, he peered at the other side. Heavy footsteps sounded. People were approaching and fast. Quickly, he dashed back to the center and rolled himself into one of the beds, pretending to be asleep. A couple of minutes later, the door was thrown open and a metallic scent filled the room. Junhong peeked over his covers and watched as the doctors swarmed in to examine the two veterans bought in. Both of them were covered in blood.

“I’m okay,” one of them assured the doctors. He had large eyes and fairly pretty features; he looked more like a model than a soldier. “Most of the blood isn’t even mine.”

The other one was just staring into space, silent. He didn't really react when one of the doctors started to do a checkup for him. Junhong wondered if he was okay. The hyung looked like he had seen hell.

It was almost two hours later when the medical team finally cleared out. The solemn hyung seemed to have fallen asleep on one of the beds. The other one was lying down but sat up when the doctors left. “I know you’re awake, kiddo.”

Junhong gave up pretending to be asleep and sat up as well. “Hi. I’m Choi Junhong.”

The older male looked him up and down. “A new recruit?” He started picking at one of the bandages. “I’m Yoo Youngjae, by the way. And that’s Moon Jongup.” He gestured to the prone figure lying in the bed.

“Ah…” Junhong peeked at Jongup. “Is he okay?”

Youngjae glanced at his friend. “He’ll be fine. Who are you, again?”

Junhong scratched his head uncomfortably. “I’m Choi Junhong. They took me here after Yongguk hyung rescued me and nobody came to talk to me after that.”

Youngjae looked confused until Junhong added, “ They said I was the only survivor.”

Understanding lit in the older soldier’s eyes. “Ah. The bombing.” He looked serious. “I’m sorry. It must be hard.”

Junhong scratched his head again. “Uhh…” He didn't know what to say. Fortunately, Youngjae changed the topic.

“How long have you been here?”

“Forever,” grumbled the teen. “They just forgot about me.” Youngjae laughed and shook his head.

“We’re a bit short on manpower right now, if you’ll understand.”

Junhong frowned and stared at his toes. He wriggled them, and then looked up. “What happened to hyung?”

A shadow fell over Youngjae’s face. He looked away and Jongup spoke up for the first time since he was in the room. “We were ambushed at the mass shooting site. We’re all that’s left of our team.” He fell silent again, his expression dark.

This time, Junhong really didn't know how to reply. He resumed staring at his toes and wriggled them again. Mommy…



News of Team Beta’s plight travelled the base quickly. Yongguk, who was already wearing a gloomy expression after the news that they only found one survivor, became even more unbearable when he heard about Team Beta. Himchan could barely bear the heavy atmosphere hanging around his friend and was quite glad when the lieutenant summoned them. It could be good news that would loosen his friend up.

But if anything, Yongguk’s expression seemed to darken further when the lieutenant spoke to them: Yongguk was to take over the leadership of the remaining two members of Team Beta and Himchan was to join the team as well.

However, Yongguk nodded in acknowledgement of his new role. The lieutenant looked satisfied.

“There’s one more thing.”

Hmm? Good news? Himchan thought, as the lieutenant seemed slightly more upbeat.
“Choi Junhong will be joining your team as a trainee. I trust that the two of you will train him in the battlefield skills until he is old enough to step up to the challenge.”

Yongguk looked taken back. “With all respect, Lieutenant, he’s only a child.”

“He’s the future of the army, Captain. We’re losing more soldiers than we are producing. I know it’s cruel to ask of that of a teenager, but times are desperate.” Yongguk still looked somewhat unconvinced, but the lieutenant continued. “Were you not only a year older when you joined us as a trainee? Junhong has voiced that he would like to stay as well.” A small smile tugged at the lieutenant’s lips. “He seemed to like you too.”

Yongguk saluted. “I would be honored to be his teacher.” The lieutenant nodded in approval.

“Thank you, Captain.”

As they were leaving, the lieutenant called Himchan back. “General.”

“Yes, sir?” Himchan was worried. Was he in for a scolding?

The lieutenant’s expression was serious. “Keep an eye on Captain Yongguk, General. I know he’s a good man and I trust him with my life, but there’s a darkness in him. If he’s not careful, he will hurt the people around him.” With that, he waved for Himchan to leave.

Author's note: I thought Zelo might be a cute, comic relief from all the dark chapters- <3 

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Chapter 6: The sudden appearance of daehyun tho
It is a really interesting and well written story so far! Please keep writing! BAP love!! Haha. Thank you.
DaeDae1200 #3
Chapter 2: Love it. I hope there is more to this story!! So excited.
Softballgrl13811 #4
Chapter 2: This is definitely intense! I love your style. Keep it up! Work hard and take care =)