
Letting Go

I stood outside the cafe where he works at, patiently waiting for a chance to finally talk to him after weeks of him disappearing and losing contact. I hummed to myself as the thought of finally seeing him after three weeks just brings happy thoughts in my head although I would never admit it out loud since my friends would definitely tease me about it later on. I held onto my umbrella since it seems like the wind is getting stronger and I definitely don't want my umbrella to break and get soaked by the rain in the process. No way. People walked in and out of the cafe but still no sign of him. I sighed as I looked at the time and realised that fifteen minutes had already passed. I clearly told his brother to tell him that I'd be waiting out here at 11 but is he not coming? Or did he forget? Maybe he just forgot. Should I go in? Ani I shouldn't since his mom and grandmother already hates me and if I walk in there, they'd just look at me as if I'm less than dirt. It's not my fault that their son and grandson is so good looking that he managed to make me fall in love with him at first glance. His eyes are just so enchanting that I feel like I could get lost in them and his smile, oh god, his smile is the most beautiful smile in the world. His smile alone can just light up the entire world. Maybe I'm just whipped. He's so charming and mysterious in so many different ways that I always find myself drawn to him for some unknown reason. I still remember the first time I met him two years ago as if it was yesterday. 

"Guys can we get a frappucino before heading to the park? It's quite hot that's why." I said quietly but it seems like nobody really heard me until Yoongi hyung told them what I said and they all agreed. We all walked up slowly, everyone walking in pairs while I was left to my own thoughts listening to my music through my headphones. I walked slowly behind everyone, regretting my decision to come along since nobody seems to actually want to talk to me. I sighed as we were close to the cafe and when we got there, everyone in the group headed in one by one until I was the last one to walk in. I took my wallet out of my pocket and tried to get the right amount of money out since I already know my order by heart. But as soon as I looked up, I saw him. He was smiling at the customers as he worked hard and it wasn't difficult to tell that he loved his job because even though the cafe was crowded and he had to work harder, he still had a genuine smile on his face. Then he looked in our direction and my heart stopped. It was then that I realised how hard I fell for this beautiful stranger. 

I smiled at the memory. I didn't realise that when I looked at him my life would turn upside down. It's like he crashed into my life by accident and messed it up but in a good way. I shook my head trying to shake the memory off as I was here on a mission. I'm finally going to tell him how much I like him since love is a bit too early. I can feel my heart beating so fast in my chest as if it's going to pop out from the nervousness that's casually building up within me, waiting to burst. But I have to stay calm and actually get my words out. I mean, how hard can it possibly be? Just tell him head on. Face your fears. I'm just hoping that he'll accept by confession and we'll have a Korean Drama moment. Aigoo I watch too many dramas and it's finally getting in my head. I squinted my eyes as I see a hint of red by the door and a smile spread on my face as I realised that it's him. I was about to walk forward until I realised that he wasn't alone. In fact, he was with a certain blonde haired boy of about the same height and that same boy had his arm wrapped around him. The same boy who used to be my best friend, the one who I used to trust the most in this world. The one who was like a brother to me. But then again, it's the same boy who listened to the rumours spread about me in our circle of friends, the one who first broke me, the one who's in love with the same guy as me and the one person who I was willing to give up my first love for. Min Yoongi. The badass rapper, yet the most loved person in school. My heart stopped as I saw their intwined hands and I feel like time has completely stopped for now. The smile Jimin hyung gave him is different from the smile that I usually see plastered in his face. It's a loving kind of smile and I have never seen him give anyone that kind of smile in the two years I've known him. I looked at Yoongi-ssi and saw that he was looking directly at me while Jimin hyung seems to be so entranced by him. He smirked at me, looked back at Jimin hyung and kissed him. 

I won.

That's what he wants to say. I know Yoongi like the back of my hand and what he did right now was to tell me that he beat me. He took away my first love. The smirk he gave me was the same one he gave me when all of my old friends all deserted me to go to his side after he heard the rumours about me. Was taking all my friends away from me not enough? What did I even do to make him hate me so much? Sadness, anger, heartbreak and defeat all washed over me at once and I clenched my fist and turned around not wanting to look anymore. This is a battle that I can't win. The way Jimin hyung looks at Yoongi-ssi alone shows how much Jimin hyung loves him. His eyes light up as if he's holding his entire world and maybe he is. I looked at the ground and started to walk away, trying to blink the tears away since it feels like my heart is being ripped out of my chest. I didn't make it far until I bumped into something or someone. I muttered a quiet apology, bowed and walked away too engulfed in my thoughts to realise that someone was calling my name. It wasn't until they were close enough that I finally realise who it was. I took a deep breathe, rubbed my eyes, put a smile on my face and turned around to see Jimin hyung looking at me with a guilty expression on his face.

"Hi hyung!" I said in a 'cheery' tone. "I didn't hear you. I was lost in my own thoughts."

"Kookie are you okay?" 

No. "Yeah hyung. Why do you ask?"

"It's just that I didn't really intend for you to see and I was planning on telling you about Yoongi and I. I really-"

"Hyung it's fine." It's not fine hyung. I'm hurting so much right now. Why him? Why couldn't it be me? But as long as you're happy hyung then I won't get in between your happiness. 

"Are you sure? Jungkookie I'm not blind. I can see how you feel about me and I didn't expect you to find out so soon. I was scared to tell you about Yoongi and I because I didn't want you to get hurt and-"

"Are you happy hyung?"


"Are you happy? With Yoongi-ssi? And be honest with me hyung. I'm not some fragile doll and you don't need to lie to me so that I won't get hurt. I can handle pain hyung."

"Yes. I'm happy with him Jungkookie. Please understand that I've never been happier in my life and I hope that you'll happily support us and-"

"Hyung I'm happy for you." Even though it hurts so much. 

"Really?" he asked me not even bothering to hide how surprised he is. "I expected you to put up a fight. To say how you're better for me than he is and he I can do so much better since you hate him right? I didn't expect this reaction from you at all."

"Hyung this isn't a drama. No matter how immature you may see me or no matter what Yoongi-ssi has told you about me, I will not scream at you and fight with you over this. It's true that I really do like you as more than I friend. It's true that I want to be in a relationship with you but what can I do? Hyung I'm not as selfish as you've just made me out to be. You're happy with Yoongi-ssi and I don't have the right to take that happiness away from you. Even though I don't really get along with Yoongi-ssi anymore, I won't interfere with your happiness. I can't exactly say that I'm overjoyed that you're with him because that would be a lie. But hyung, I mean it when I say that I'm happy for you. You've got that spark in your eyes when you look at him no matter how cheesy it may sound. I won't scream and shout about how unfair this whole thing is because it would be unfair in your part. You chose him and I respect that. I'm not gonna say that I'm not hurting because I am hyung. It hurts so much but I'm not gonna take out all the pain and frustration I feel right now on you because that would be immature and rude. Knowing that you're happy, even if it's not with me, is enough for me. Your happiness is important after all." 

"Thank you Kookie. Thank you for understanding. But I just want to tell you that even though I'm grateful that you wouldn't get in between my relationship with Yoongi, I can't hang out with you anymore. I don't want Yoongi hyung to feel uncomfortable and feel as if he has competition for my heart. I hope you'll understand this Jungkook."

"You don't have to thank me hyung. Don't worry, I won't get in between your relationship and I understand. I won't come here anymore and bother you." I said quietly as I looked at the ground. "I have to go hyung." I told him before turning around and walking away without looking back. I've never really thought of the possibilities of him being with another person but now that reality has hit me, it hurts. It hurts like hell. The fact that it's so easy for him to throw me away hurts me even more. It shows how I don't really mean that much to him, not as much as I would like to think. I've always thought that I had a massive chance with Jimin hyung but I guess I was wrong. I was wrong with everything. However, it's good that I've finally got closure, even though it's not what I wanted but I now know that I should stop holding on to something that I can never have. I should just stop and try to forget. I know forgetting him and letting go would be hard but it's worth a try. There's no point in holding on to someone who has made it very clear that they don't even have feelings for you at all. Holding on to that someone would just cause you pain and in order to overcome it you need to be strong and be strong is what I'm going to do. I'm going to let go the person who I've been desperately trying to hold on to for two years. 

I can't do this anymore. I'm finally letting you go Park Jimin. Goodbye. 

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