
The Beautiful Voice

     It's a good thing that Jaebum has made a habit out of reading envelopes carefully before opening them. If he hadn't he would've been very confused as to why a bill for a dog grooming business was in his mailbox, since he has a cat. 

     He put the envelope on his countertop and pondered what to do. He decided he would just tell call this "Choi Youngjae" guy and tell him he had received his bill. He could then just send it to him. However, Jaebum decided to use a different method of getting the bill back to the owner, after hearing the other male on the phone.

"Hello?" was heard on the other end when Jaebum called.

"Hi, yes. My name's Im Jaebum. I'm calling because a bill was in my mailbox and it wasn't mine. Irony has it that it was a bill for dog grooming when I, myself, have a cat."

A laugh resonated from the other end. It was big and loud, one Jaebum had never heard before, but it was intoxicating. He soon found himself chuckling along.

"That must've been so confusing," Youngjae says after calming down.

This is when Jaebum decided to change the plan on getting the bill back to the stranger. Instead of sending it through the mail, Jaebum decided to make an excuse to meet in person.

"Yeah. Um, your name and number were on the envelope so I thought we could talk about a way to get it to you,"

"Oh, yeah. Sure,"

Jaebum thought he could listen to the strangers voice all day if he had to.

With a slight smirk, he tried making his voice smooth, "Would you maybe want to meet up? I could give it to you in person," He wished he had a nice pick-up line to go along with that sentence.

"Oh, you could save yourself the trouble and just send it through the mail," Youngjae says in a sweet tone.

Jaebum could feel his opportunity slipping away, he decided to take a big step and just directly ask the stranger out. 

"Okay, I'll be honest. I was hoping we could go for a coffee or something, after giving you your bill.." It was risky, but on the bright side, he never had to talk to the stranger again if he rejected him. And although not being able to hear the voice again was disappointing to think, at least it saved Jaebum from a huge embarrassment.

The other side didn't take long to respond, "Well, I guess you already have my name and number. It wouldn't be odd for the next thing to be asking me out," he gave a small laugh, just as pretty as the first.

They set up a time and day, then Youngjae says "Can't wait," and they hang up.

"This has got to be the most interesting way I've ever landed a date with someone," Jaebum says to himself.


It's the day of the date, an hour before Jaebum has to start heading out and he can't decide what to wear.

After trying on his nth jacket, he throws it on the bed with the rest. He hears his cat meow a protest, then a lump moving under the black fabric.

"Sorry girl," he apologizes as he removes the jacket, "I honestly don't know why I care so much. For all I know, this person is a terrible human being with a beautiful voice. I might just go on one date and never want to see him again,"

He sighs and decides not to over think his outfit, he grabbed something casual, but nice and headed out.

When he arrived, he looked for a blue scarf. Youngjae said he would be wearing one. 

When his eyes caught the blue fabric, his breath caught in his throat. The beautiful voice matched the equally as beautiful face. The man was cute, and when Jaebum got closer he noticed a birthmark right under his eye. 

Jaebum sat down and they started to talk. The conversation never seemed to have an end, and Jaebum realized with delight that Youngjae's voice was, even more, entrancing in real life.

Whenever Youngjae laughed, it would almost shake the walls of the small café. It was bright, and Jaebum was glad the younger man did it often, such a wonderful laugh shouldn't be limited to once-in-a-while.

Youngjae talked about his dog, Coco. Jaebum talked about his cat. However, he could never match the level of excitement in Youngjae's voice when he spoke about his "precious baby".

They stayed so long, the sun started to set. Jaebum had barely touched his coffee from all the talking and chuckling.

They left the café, Youngjae said he had walked because his house wasn't too far. Jaebum offered to drive him, but he declined. 

"I had a lot of fun, my stomach still hurts from all the laughing. Thank you for inviting me, I think this really was a better way of getting my bill..." Youngjae drifted off, remembering something, "Actually, I don't think I ever got my bill," he says laughing.

"Oh, yeah.. about that.." Jaebum starts while rubbing his neck sheepishly, "I needed an excuse to talk to you again," 

Youngjae smiles, "So, it's still at your house?"


Youngjae's smile becomes more sly as he says, "Well, then I guess I know where we have to meet up next time," he waves as he walks away.

Jaebum's so happy he decides not to be annoyed at the fact that Youngjae knows how to be smoother than him.






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jesusandklife #1
Chapter 1: Kyaaaaa~~
That was adorable author-nim<3333
Chapter 1: Aww... so cute! ^^
mollysomerville #3
Chapter 1: It was so cuteee <3
chillaxdiva #4
It's cute!!thanks for sharing~