
Good Thing

Being stuck with a human body in a cramped closet of colorful Pringle cans and wrinkled clothing was not on Irene’s checklist of “bad things that could happen”.

At least this human body was very much alive, conscious and chatty, balancing enthusiasm with levelheadedness despite their current predicament.  She was also pretty, Irene observed – because it’s absolutely helpful to know that your potential murderer is an attractive girl, she scolded herself.  The stranger’s appearance reflected from the light on her cell phone, the weapon of choice she had been using to keep their distance at an arm’s length.  That was about as much space as she had with her back uncomfortably pressed against the wooden wardrobe and her knees, legs, and limbs occasionally bumping into the latter’s.

“Don’t underestimate the 21st century’s technology, miss.  An iPhone 6 can hurt like a brick.”

Irene jumped at the voice, rattling the cans of Pringles aligned on the shelf.  (“You alright?” the stranger asked, and Irene didn’t reply.)  They had been quiet for the past five minutes or so (Irene lost count being distracted with her heart’s beating a marathon), silently observing each other – Irene with frowns for fear of harassment and the stranger with an amused smile.  (Or was it a smirk – that subtle lift on the left corner of her lips?  Irene could barely tell from bad lighting and what seemed to be the other girl’s default expression.)  Unlike Irene, whose anxiety continued to string along her nerve in tangles, the stranger was unperturbed by the situation.

“Then don’t try anything and I won’t have a murder to commit,” Irene responded, already calculating consequences of self-defense on top of charges for her breaking-and-entering.  Well, she hadn’t broken anything… yet.

“And what exactly do you think I could do to you here?”

Irene thanked the dark for hiding the blush suddenly creeping on her face.

“You’re worried about what I would do when you’re already talking about killing me–”

“Shh!  Quiet.”

Echoes of wandering footsteps suddenly made Irene tensed up.  The sounds revolved back and forth from the living room but were not drawing any closer.

“Relax.  She won’t be coming in until later,” the stranger noted, coolly scrolling through her phone as she spoke.  “It’s a Sunday night, so she’ll most likely find some snacks and lounge around with the TV on.”

As if on cue, Irene could hear loud variety shows chit-chats, channels being flipped and cut off one after another.

“Do you want Wi-Fi?  I have the password–”

“Who are you?  A stalker?  How did you get in?” Irene finally fired the questions.

“I know her lock code– but really, I should be asking you the same thing, Miss Suspicious,” the stranger scoffed.  “And how long are you planning to point that at me?”

The other girl tapped her phone and Irene shook off the latter’s prying hand.

“Until I know what you’re up to and decide if I should hit you with it,” Irene retorted, even though her arm was shaking from exhaustion.


“Who are you?” Irene asked again, her voice threatening, although she still couldn’t understand why she thought the other girl looked somewhat familiar.

“I asked you first, remember?”

She did, when Irene was frantically searching for a hiding space among all the full cabinets and cupboards and wounded up with the bedroom’s closet, only to find that there was already an occupant who, although just as surprised and was shooting questions at her like a rap song, immediately pulled her in as the front door clicked open.  It was too late to escape when homeowner Kang Seulgi walked in, and she knew she would be stuck with this peculiar girl for a while.

Irene regretted ever talking herself into this mess just to undo a drunken mistake. 

“Let’s see…”

A faint light began to flash at her direction, scanning from her shoes up.

“I’m not one to judge by appearance, but you don’t look like a thief,” the stranger rambled on as she made her assumptions, speaking in such casual volume that made Irene even more nervous.  “Superga Classic sneakers… ankle-cut jeans… striped long-sleeved shirt–…”

The stranger paused her investigation when she reached Irene’s face.

“N-No mask…” Irene heard the girl cleared before continuing, “unless perfect girlfriend fashion is a new trend for burglars – which I wouldn’t know.  Are you, perhaps, one of Seul’s groupies?”

“What?  No.” Irene frowned at the ridiculous conclusion.

“Oh my God, are you one of Seul’s crazy exes!?” the stranger exclaimed in a high-pitched whisper, quickly losing the chill she had been maintaining.

“No, most definitely not…”

“Or maybe you’re the stalker.  Please don’t kill me, I just landed a really good job and–”

“No!  I’m Seulgi’s co-coach!”

Irene clasped her hand to , accidentally revealing her identity.


The stranger called out her name, and Irene was sure they had no prior formal introductions.

“You’re Bae Irene, right?  Bae Joohyun?  Dance department?  Seulgi’s partner?  Yerim’s coach?”

“How do you–”

She’s a real stalker, holy sh–

“Wow… you’re her… I’m sorry!  I’ve been quite rude.  I had to be cautious since you could be anyone.”

The other girl sounded relief and, frankly, that just made it worse for Irene.

“Would you please tell me who you are?”

“Oh, right.”  The stranger extended her free hand toward Irene; reluctantly, Irene took it by the fingertips.  “I’m Seungwan.  Son Seungwan.  Ddeulgi’s best friend.  I’m sure you must have heard of me.”

“Nope, never have.”

“Oh… I see…” She heard the girl mumbled, resigned.

She lied.  Of course, she had heard of Seungwan.  Irene knew of Seungwan – or Seungwannie, as Seulgi would like to call her sweet and sane best buddy.

Pulling up Instagram, an application she had stored somewhere but checked ever so rarely, Irene clicked on Seulgi’s user and confirmed – from one series of photos after another – that the stranger was indeed Son Seungwan.

Thank goodness, she thought, relaxing her stiff shoulders and back.

Tapping on Seungwan’s user (double-checking, she convinced herself), Irene scrolled through the grid, examining each photo and reading caption (that consisted of more hashtagged sentences and emoticons than necessary).  She noticed that there were a lot of music recommendations and aesthetically taken shots of other people than of Seungwan.

She’s so pretty though…

When Irene awkwardly realized she was low-key checking out Seungwan’s social network in front of the girl in question, she exited the app and placed her phone face down on the flat surface with the flashlight shining upwards.  She stretched her arms and took a moment to catch a breather, momentarily forgetting they were still stuck in their mutual friend’s closet.  (And the creases on Seulgi’s shirts – does this girl ever iron properly?  And the Pringle cans – who would store food in their bedroom wardrobe in the first place?)  The quietness became notable when Irene could hear dialogues of Descendants of the Sun word by word from Seulgi’s television.

Strangely unsettled by the sudden lack of conversation, she peeked at the other girl.  The lighting from her phone making it very obvious that Seungwan was sulking.

That pout… How unfair… Irene sighed.

“You’re from Canada… You’re a health nut… You can’t eat spicy food, I think.  Your favorite idol is Joy… but you have an undying crush on Kim Taeyeon,” Irene said, listing what she could remember from Seulgi’s rambling about the endearing Son Seungwan in her not-so-secret attempt of matchmaking.  “Seulgi always talks about you,” Irene said, assuring the latter further.

Seungwan’s smug smirks might have been dangerously attractive and her pouting might have been irresistibly adorable, but her genuine smiles were radiantly captivating and Irene found herself dumbfounded and gawking.

“…Are you sure you’re not a stalker, Irene-ssi?”  Seungwan asked, although her voice was light-hearted and not at all accusatory. 

She the flashlight and placed her phone down next to the latter’s, providing more ease to their uncomfortable environment.

“You’re from Daegu, your hobby is doing laundry, your favorite color is purple, and your all-time favorite idol is BoA,” Seungwan said, listing out Irene’s background and interests like they had been memorized for a written biography.  “She talks about you, too.”

Irene smiled, feeling the mood lifting.

“How are you so calm?” she asked.

“I’m not, but pretending to be makes the other person panic,” Seungwan reasoned.  “Besides, I’ve been holding onto a pepper spray, not that you could see.”

She brought up the petite can to show the latter then placed it aside before wrapping her hands around her knees and locking her fingers together.

“What brings you here exactly?  Hiding in your best friend’s closet,” Irene initiated further small talk.

“First of all, I was only hiding because you came in.  Second, I’m not stealing or stalking anything – if that’s what you were wondering.”

(Irene was.)

“I’m only here to get a phone number.”

“A phone number…?” she repeated, making sure she heard right.

“Yup!  A phone number of a very talented and attractive girl who dances beautifully.”

Her curiosity piqued.

“What’s her name?”

Now that they were somewhat acquaintances, Irene could ask more questions and hope to get actual answers instead of cheeky, cheesy comebacks.

Seungwan smiled playfully.  “That’s a secret.”

Typical, Irene huffedNot that it concerned her (but the troubling curiosity didn’t go away).  She ignored it.

“Can’t you just ask Seulgi?”

“I did.  She said I need to work for it.”

“Aren’t you taking that a bit too literal?”

“Maybe.  But I have time,” Seungwan shrugged.  “Not so much anymore since I’m employed.  Employed and single.”

“If I didn’t know you’re interested in this ‘talented and attractive girl’ of yours, I’d say you’re flirting.”

“With you?  Maybe I am.”  Seungwan winked.  “Though I’m open to suggestion for any other fun activities you would like to indulge in this cramp space.”

Irene felt Seungwan bumped their knees together, and she had an impulsive urge to wipe that smirk of the girl’s lips.  She pretended to be unfazed.

“What about you?  How did you get in here?” Seungwan asked.

“I took Seulgi home one time and she had me punch in the pass code since her hands were full.”

Aside from the fact Seulgi was one of those who had passwords as their birthdates.

“And why are you here?  Hiding in your colleague’s closet.”

At Seungwan’s question, the anxiety greeted like it never left.

“To delete a text I sent…” Irene mumbled.

“What did you do?  Confess your undying love to Seulgi?”

“More like I confessed my interest for someone else to Seulgi…”

Burying her face in her palms, Irene felt embarrassed just thinking back on it.

“Nothing wrong with that, right?”

“I was tipsy,” Irene added and Seungwan nodded, quickly understanding.

She was drunk, but that was not something she was willing to expose.  It was not her fault that she was somehow sandwiched between heavy drinkers – Senior Manager Hwang to her left and her dance mentor Kim Hyoyeon to her right – who poured shot after shot into her glass.  It was supposed to be a casual business meeting, and she couldn’t refuse her higher-ups.

“When did this happen?”

“Approximately five hours and forty-three minutes ago.” 

Irene recalled dialing for Seulgi and came across her own text.  It immediately shook her sober and but she was still drunk enough to call a taxi and went straight to Seulgi’s house without second thought and a solid plan.

“You know, she probably already read it, right?” Seungwan said, clearly amused at her efforts.

“I have to delete the evidence.  She will use it against me.”

Seulgi wouldn’t, but if their idol friend and prankster Joy and her mini-devil of a student Yerim ever get their hands on it– Irene didn’t want to imagine the possible consequences.  She planned to feign ignorance if Seulgi ever questioned.

“So who’s this someone?” Seungwan pried.

“A girl with a really beautiful voice.”


“Not telling.”  Irene pulled the revenge card; Seungwan shrugged it off.

“You fell for her voice?”

Irene nodded shyly.  “My senior manager let me listen to her audition audio.  She sang her self-composed song and her voice was really… nice,” she said, smiling at the memory of the girl’s vocals ringing a soothing melody in her mind.

“An idol audition?”

“No.  Vocal coachi–”

The bedroom door swung opened and Irene jolted again, squinting her eyes shut and preparing herself for being caught red-handed.  Seungwan quickly covered the lights on their phones and silently signaled Irene that homeowner Kang was walking in. 

Between Seulgi’s solo karaoke, Irene could hear shuffling and ruffling of clothes being tossed on the bed.  She took a glance between the nook and crannies, but was sent to another wave of panic when she felt someone touched her shoulder and whispered hushing noises closely next to her ear.  She looked up to see Seungwan hovering above her, with her other hand held up to cover Irene’s line of sight from the thin gap of the wardrobe’s doors.

“Sorry, didn’t want you peeking.”

Irene swallowed, trying not to pay attention to how much worse this suddenly became.  It was getting too warm and Seungwan was too damn close.

“You smell like Seulgi’s clothes, or is it because we’ve been here too long?” Seungwan said, her breath brushing teasing on Irene’s cheek.

“I gave her my brand of fabric softener,” Irene replied, remembering shoving a new jug of Downy into Seulgi’s arms after one of their dance sessions.

“Pleasing scent.  Must be nice...  I’m jealous.”

Irene didn’t understand what Seungwan was implying, but before she could ask the closet door pushed open.

“Time to come out of the closet.  She’s in the shower.”

Seungwan climbed out first, looking side to side as she stretched her muscles.  She then turned back to Irene.

“All clear.”

Irene took Seungwan’s hand held in her direction and carefully stepped out of the wardrobe.  With numb legs and bones and her balance wobbling, Irene immediately tripped and tumbled over, flailing her arms to reach for the nearest support.

“If you wanted a hug, you could have just asked.”

She felt arms wrapped around her waist, gently holding her upright and saving her from what could have been worse repercussions than being caught sneaking into a friend’s home.

“Don’t know if you’re doing it on purpose, but that’s my you’re grabbing,” she heard Seungwan said.

Irene unconsciously squeezed her hands to confirm, and when her victim let out a small yelp, she quickly backed away.

Nice face and a nice – Wait, what are you thinking about, Joohyun!?

“Patience.  We haven’t covered first base, yet,” Seungwan joked, even though the blush on her face was as red as Irene’s.

The shower splashing became louder and both of them were reminded of what they came here to do.  They each grabbed their own phones from the closet and stuffed the devices away.

“Let’s check in the living room,” Seungwan said, already starting to walk outside.

“What if she has it in the bathroom?” Irene asked, following the other girl closely.

“Seulgi stopped bringing her phone with her to the shower after that one time she dropped it in the toilet…” Seungwan noted.  (She was the one who fished it out, and thankfully there was nothing else in the bowl.)

Pulling out her phone, Seungwan dialed Seulgi’s number.  “It should be here somewhere…”

Within a few seconds, a tune rang out nearby.

“There, on the sofa!”

Irene swiftly ran to it and snatched the device in her hands.  Finally, all evidence would be gone and she would be safe from possibility of the Satanic duo’s teasing and–

“It’s locked…” Irene panicked.  She tried several combinations, dragging her fingers across the screen on the unfamiliar Android device.  The lack of using number combinations made it harder for her to make an intelligent and educated guess.  “Seungwan-ssi…”

Desperate, she looked to the other girl beside her, standing on the lookout.  Seungwan glanced over upon hearing Irene’s helplessness and took the phone from her hands.  Irene watched as Seungwan connected the dots in a complicated zigzag pattern and easily unlocked the Android device in seconds before giving it back to her.

“What were you planning to do without the code?  Throw it out the window?” Seungwan asked, and by the sheepish look on Irene’s face, she could tell the girl had actually thought about it.

Fumbling through the apps, Irene finally found the message she sent and–

hEY KANG SEUL. Do u knoW WendYyy. Fany says you know Wendy. Wendy who has a reaalllllly beautfu l voice. I wanna meet heR. I Bet she’s pretty. ShEs probably c ut e too. WENdYYYYY. What a GirLFRIEND MATERIAL. MY FUTURE GF right thar seul. Seulgi. Kang Seulgiiiii. My favorite bear.  Can I h ave her n u  mber. Ill buy you dinner for the WHOLE week, aNYTHING u WANT. WeNDyyY–…

She stopped herself from reading further.  Irene had never so much wanted to slap herself.

Trying her best to ignore the inappropriate, improper incoherency, she proceeded to stare at the phone blankly, tapping randomly here and there and being all sorts of confused about the foreign buttons.

“Don’t tell me you don’t know how to delete it…” Seungwan said, peeking over.  Irene stepped back, hiding the screen.

She really didn’t.  But asking Seungwan meant showing her the message – her very embarrassing, obviously drunk and insanely infatuated message.  Irene reconsidered her option of tossing this out the window, and she would if only she had the budget to compensate Seulgi for her “loss”.

“I can help you, if you want,” Seungwan suggested.

“…You won’t tell?”

“Of course, not.  We’re partners in crime.”

Reluctantly, Irene handed the phone to Seungwan, further sacrificing her reputation and first impressions with whom she was barely friends.

It didn’t help that Seungwan was obviously reading the text.

“Delete it,” Irene gritted her teeth and punched the girl’s arm.

Seungwan smiled in response, amused and… relief?  Irene wasn’t certain; she was too busy being embarrassed to notice the details.  She watched carefully as Seungwan hovered over a few buttons here and there.  The message soon disappeared and Irene felt the pressure lifted.

“Thank you.”

“The girl with the beautiful voice, her name is Wendy, huh?”

“Shut up.”

“And I thought I had it bad,” Irene heard the girl whispered as she stared at the phone in a daze.  The screen was fading out.

“Why don’t you hurry and get the number of your ‘talented and attractive girl’ so we can leave,” Irene said, rushing.  She could hear the showers turning off, which meant Seulgi was going to step out any time soon.

“You know you could have left first, right?”

Somehow, it didn’t cross her mind and Irene wasn’t sure she wanted to, but she didn’t feel the need to reply.

Seungwan placed the cellphone back where they found it (not that Seulgi would even remembered where she had last left the device).

“Not gonna get the number?” she asked, noticing that Seungwan didn’t even scroll through the contacts.

“It’s fine.  I’ll just ask her.”

“Who?  Seulgi?”

“No.  The girl.  I’ll go meet her tomorrow, personally.”

“Oh… okay.  Um… good luck…” Irene said, although she didn’t sound as encouraging as she intended.

From a distance, the bathroom door clicked open.  Irene had no time to react when she felt a hand grabbed her own and suddenly found herself began to make chase out of the house.

“Let’s make a run for it.”

The adrenaline came rushing back, and for the first time in the last six hours, Irene didn’t mind it.

“You haven’t even met this girl, why are you so interested?” Seungwan asked as she steered through Sunday night’s traffic.

Seungwan had offered her a ride home, and for some odd reason she couldn’t pinpoint, Irene agreed.

“How do you know I haven’t met her?”

“I assumed.”

She thought about it for a few moments, recalling the feelings that had compelled her in wanting to know everything about Wendy.

“She sounds warm,” Irene replied, simplifying her attraction into words.  She then turned to Seungwan.  “What about the girl you like?”

“She looks… passionate,” Seungwan answered.

They sat in silence, accompanied by the sounds of roaring engine and Seungwan’s humming.

…I heard this song somewhere before.  Irene listened carefully, the tune growing more familiar.  Wait, that’s–

“We’re here.”

The car came to a halt in front of her apartment complex.  The drive felt too short.

“Do you want me to walk you up?”

“It’s late,” Irene shook her head as she unbuckled the seat belt, resisting the urge to ask Seungwan to circle around the scenic route.  “Didn’t you say you’re employed now?”

“I thought you tuned out to my ramblings,” Seungwan smiled sweetly, genuinely taken back that the latter remembered.

“It was actually interesting,” Irene admitted.  You’re interesting, she wanted to say.

“Yes, I’m employed now.  And single,” Seungwan reminded.  “I start tomorrow.”

“You should get back and get some rest.”

“Then I guess this is good-bye.”

As her eyes refused to look away from Seungwan’s, Irene gripped tightly onto the handle, the unwillingness to leave holding her back.  They held their gaze in a prolonged silence, waiting, shifting glances from eyes to lips.


“Good night, Seungwan-ssi,” Irene pushed the door and stepped out, closing it behind her as she walked hastily to the entrance of the building.

“Wait, Irene-ssi!”

Against her better judgment, Irene stopped and turned around, facing Seungwan who ran after her despite what supposed to be their biddings of goodbyes.  And here she was, dumbfounded and gawking all over again at a charming beauty in better lighting.  Yet, she still found it hard to breathe even in this open space with Seungwan so close and looking in her eyes.

And in the midst of her admiration, she felt a hand gently grazed her cheek.

“Not exactly first base, but this will do.  For now.”

Leaning forward, Seungwan pressed their lips together.  It was soft and slow, curious and patient – a chaste kiss.  Irene closed her eyes, inching their bodies together, wanting to be closer.  But it ended as quickly as it happened when Seungwan pulled away, leaving a taste of a hopeful “maybe”.

“Thanks for the fun date.”

Already missing the warmth on her lips, Irene asked, “Will I see you again?”

Seungwan merely smiled and waved good night, slowly walking backwards and away, her eyes never leaving Irene’s until she reached her car.

“Sleep well, Irene-ssi.”

Irene did, and for the rest of the night and in her dreams, she forgot about Wendy and only remembered Son Seungwan.

“Joohyun-unnie, I’m feeling like BBQ today.  Or maybe sushi, what do you think?”

Irene threw a confused look at Seulgi through the wall mirror as they finished up their last rounds of stretches for their early coaching schedule.  The too-happy-of-a-grin on Seulgi’s face told Irene she might be up to something very Joy-like, and Irene wondered if the younger girl had been taking Satanic lessons from the devil duos in exchange for her dance classes.

“Why are you asking me?”

“Because you’re buying dinner for the rest of the week, anything I want, you said.”

The embarrassment from last night slapped Irene off balance, almost spraining her muscle.

“Just because the text ‘magically’ disappeared doesn’t mean I haven’t read it.”

“I d-don’t know what you’re talking about,” Irene lied, awfully persuasive.

“I have a screenshot,” Seulgi threw up a peace sign, knowing well she was about to win another round against Irene.

“Ha, you’re bluffing,” Irene said, laughing nervously.

Seulgi pulled out her phone and there it was – the evidence that dug her grave. 

I should have just tossed that damn thing.

“P-Please, get that out of my sight…” She was certain Joy or Yerim had something to do with awakening Seulgi’s savagery.

“It’s a free food offer.  I would like to claim my coupon, Coach Irene.”

Compensating for Seulgi’s loss was starting to sound a lot less costly than feeding her endless appetite.

“It’s not like you actually hooked me up with Seungw–Wendy.  I mean Wendy…” Irene cleared , continuing, “You haven’t held up your part of the deal–”

There were knocks on their door.  Irene glanced at the clock; it was half an hour until their first session.

Are Joy and Yerim early?

“Ah, just in time,” Seulgi said, getting up from the floor.  She glanced back Irene and gave her a supposedly reassuring thumb-up.  “Don’t worry, unnie.  I’m about to.”

Seulgi approached the door and greeted their guest.  Paying no mind to the company, Irene immediately took her chance to snatch the phone the younger girl left behind.  Fumbling between keys, she cursed at the differences between an Android and an Apple device, refusing to acknowledge her lack of technical skills in the technological world.

“Are you going to need help with that again?”

At the familiar voice, Irene quickly glanced up.  Seulgi was nowhere to be found but there she was: Son Seungwan, the girl of her dreams (quite literally all last night).

“S-Seung– Seungwan?”

The girl crouched down next to her (given that Irene was too shock to even stand).  Seungwan smiled, and Irene wondered when would she be able to get used to feeling all sort of funky, fluttering butterflies at the sight.  Dumbfounded and gawking was becoming a habit around Son Seungwan.

“Y-You, wh-what.  Why?  H-How?  Why are you here?”

“Personally meeting the girl I’m crushing on and asking for her number.  But first…”

Seungwan extended a hand towards her, and like the first time they met, Irene took it awkwardly by the fingertips.

“I’m Wendy.  The new vocal coach.  It’s nice to meet you again, Irene-ssi.”

“W-Wendy?  But y-you’re Seungwan?”

“Seungwan is my Korean name and Wendy is my Canadian name,” she clarified simply.

Stuck in a jaw-dropping daze, Irene was at lost whether if she was still dreaming.  She peeked at the employee card dangling on the latter’s neck:

R.V. Entertainment
Vocal Department
Wendy (Son Seungwan)

Then it hit her.  Seungwan who was humming to Wendy’s self-composed song during their car ride… Seungwan who accurately assumed Irene had never met Wendy… Seungwan who–

“…You read the text.”  The horror came back to haunt Irene as her cheeks flushed with shades of red.

“Am I still girlfriend material?” Seungwan asked, smiling that smirk of hers again.

Irene gave Seungwan a light punch then buried her face in her palms, wanting to run away and quit her job so that she won’t have to make a fool of herself in front of this cute girl for the umpteenth time.

“Hey, look at me,” Seungwan placed a finger under her chin and lifted her head up, wiping the tears threatened to fall and humiliate her further.  Cupping her hands on Irene’s cheeks, Seungwan spoke, “Your text gave me some confidence to face you as, not just Seungwan, but also Wendy.  I want to show you all of me, in a better place than a dark and cramp closet.  How else will you see my accentuated and y jawline?”

Irene chuckled at that, but now she couldn’t help noticing Seungwan’s every feature.  Not that she hadn’t before.

“You know, now that I’m employed, I would very much prefer not to be single.  That is, if the talented and attractive girl I’m totally crazy for would say yes to me.”

“Seungwan, I don’t understand…”

Irene did.  She really did, but she dared not hope it was real.

“I sent Seulgi a similar text–” Irene’s eyes suddenly glistened like she was happy to share some of her shame, but Seungwan continued, “A very sober text.”  Irene went back to her sulking and Seungwan chuckled.  “After I saw your dance practice video on Seulgi’s phone, I couldn’t help but wanting to know more about you.  Know who you are.  I didn’t realize the Joohyun our Seulgi had been trying to match-make me since forever is also the Irene who dances oh-so-beautifully.”

Suddenly, Irene was prepared to treat her helpful friend to all three meals of the day.

“Irene-ssi.  Joohyun-ssi.  I was wondering if you would like a second date with me?”

The hand holding hers was shaking, nervousness masked under the confidence of her voice and the determined expression on her face.  Irene was attracted to the same person twice, and she could get used to falling over and over again. 

Leaning forward, Irene kissed Seungwan’s cheek and whispered her answer, repeating it like she had in her dreams.

“With Wendy Son Seungwan?  I would love to.”

Being stuck with a human body in a cramped closet of colorful Pringle cans and wrinkled clothing was not on Irene’s checklist of “bad things that could happen”.

But it was a good thing she had never expected.

Hello all, 

I hope that was to your liking! :D  This is actually the lightest of fluff I have ever written, so it may be borderline crack.  Please do leave a comment~  I would love to know what you think.  

(And to my readers over in Hesitation Waltz, thank you for being patient with me.  I will update as soon as I can.)

Thank you again for reading!

- Goldeun

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ShinHye24 1340 streak #1
Chapter 1: Sooo cute 💙💗
quinncimm #2
Chapter 1: ><
Chapter 1: so funny and cute!!! now i wanna get stuck in a closet too with someone
Chapter 1: That's so silly and cute!
Chapter 1: *AGGRESSIVE UWU* THIS IS SO CUTE!!!! ♡♡♡♡
mklarisse_ #6
Chapter 1: AHHHH this story was so cute!
1707 streak #8
Chapter 1: This is so cute!! They both love each other without knowing
Favebolous 14 streak #9
Chapter 1: cute