one, jimin


Winds passed reluctantly from the earth. The road was deceptively busy, though only one man stood out. His small yet solid build, with chubby cheeks and clean shaven chin, attracted many passerby's. If you looked closely, the most appealing point of him was his hamster-like eyes which to others, looked so adorably cute. He was seated on a thin-liked plastic chair, strumming his guitar and humming melodious tunes. Sometimes even, pouring his heart out while singing.

His name was Jimin.

Jimin was a frail boy, though he casted away the thought that he was a frail and could not do anything. He loved playing with the neighbourhood kids, despite his mother lecturing him about his health.

Jimin would always help the elderlies, like carrying their groceries, spending time with them when they feel lonely, and even to the extent of washing their vehicles. Everyone in the neighbourhood adored Jimin, especially his birth parents. His parents were very concerned because he would occasionally cough till blood splattered out of his mouth. Till one day, his parents decided that it was time to pay a visit to the doctor's.

Jimin disliked going to the doctor's because he thought that it was a dreadful place, where many loved ones go to the afterlife. He knew something was wrong with him, but he did not want to accept the fact that he might leave his parents and this wonderful world earlier than anyone. Jimin was so afraid that he would know the truth and be forced to accept the reality. Unfortunately, his parents persuaded, or you could say, '' bribed '' him into visiting the doctor's.

The man seated on the chair, leaned back on the wall and closed his eyes, reminiscing the day he got his health test result.

It was like his whole world came crashing down, and his life flashing before his eyes. Jimin cried himself to sleep everynight. It was horrible for his parents to hear as it was very heartbreaking. To them, they would lose their very own precious child. But to be strong, they held back their tears,to not let Jimin be more depressed.

One night, Jimin could not take it anymore, thus he grabbed a kitchen knife and slashed his own wrist. His mother, who heard the commontion, rushed to Jimin's side. She blanked out, trepidation overwhelmed her as she saw blood gushing out of her precious baby's wrist. When she heard his gasped, she immediately snapped out of her trance and rushed to wake her husband up. They rushed him to the hospital.

When Jimin woke, he first saw was a white ceiling. He heard a very soft weep from his left side, and so he turned to find that noise. His mother was crying, and she was grasping his hand tightly, like preventing him from leaving her side. He made a small movement but his mother was very sensitive thus she immediately sat up.

She hugged Jimin tightly, and said, " I know that you feel very depressed, as you cannot live the life like others. But always remember that, we will always love you. "

After hearing that, Jimin snapped and cried his heart out. He was determined to not waste his remaining life and that was why he was seated outside, strumming his guitar.

Jimin would always be there in the evening, to sing. He wanted everyone to hear his voice, whom his mother told him that " you my son, have a very talented voice. Let's not waste it. "

While he was getting to the chorus part, something inside stopped him, and he coughed out blood.

He knew it was time.

Jimin smiled one last time, showing the world his pearl white teeth.

His vision blurred.



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