Wonho [Introduction]


Wonho introduction
8:00am , Seoul , South Korea
Wonho's school entrance

Wonho is 19... He's never had girlfriend for 19 years, and he plans on beating his record.

Wonho is never early he waits about 10 minutes for the gates to shut, then becomes a huge badass and climbs over the stupid fences. Because if he doesn't it'll ruin his reputation of being a popular jock. 

Wonho always tries to explain "Other jocks go to school at 8:00am and you don't kick them out, what the ?!" But usually the others reply with "Cause we're not popular." 
Each time they reply like that it makes Wonho dumfounded. That's why the girls cheer over him. For being so "adorable" when he's eyes widened. 

"Dumb bastards." sighed Wonho

"Wonho hyung!" yelled someone
Wonho knew who it was... ing Lee Minhyuk. Wonho didn't hate him, but he just found Minhyuk on the nerd side then the 'popular jocks'. He just used Minhyuk as a calculator. Wonho shot a glance at him. He noticed behind him, was 
Shownu liked Minhyuk, but Minhyuk never knew.

Do not joke about Minhyuk! Wonho thought. Suddenly, the bell rang...

Why do I continue on doing this. Tell me why? There is nothing but this is a bad story. Anyways, 또 봐요! (See you later!)

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Vkook_jikook #1
Chapter 3: Update soon please...
monjiexi #2
Chapter 3: Moreee pleaseeee ❤(ӦvӦ。)
monjiexi #3
Chapter 2: Can't wait for moren^^