Chapter 3

Once in a Blue Moon

Kyungsoo looks at Chanyeol in disbelief.

“hey, I’m sorry. It was an accident. I didn’t mean it. I swear.” Says Changyeol

"excuse me.” Says Kyungsoo, then he leaves.

Chanyeol wants to say something, but his voice doesn’t come out. He stays silent in his place.


“Doctor, is he okay?” asks Baekhyun when the doctor comes out from the ER.

“yeah. He is okay. I’m glad you helped him on time. We will move him to the sickroom soon.” Says the doctor

Baekhyun heaves a sigh of relief.

"alright, thank you very much.” Baekhyun says as he nods his head

The doctor smiles and he leaves.

Baekhyun enters the ER and he looks at Kai who is laying on the bed. Kai has already opened his eyes. He is conscious.

“are you okay?” asks Baekhyun Kai only nods.

“where is Kyungsoo-hyung?” asks Kai

“Kyungsoo-hyung? Who is he?”

“he is my friend. Where is he? Didn’t he bring me here?”

“no, I brought you here.”

"what? I know I was nearly drowned. The doctor said it to me. But, I remember that I’m being helped by Kyungsoo-hyung.”

"wait... Ahh... Do you mean that Kyungsoo who was with you in the river back then?” asks Baekhyun

"yeah. We were in the river together.”

“wasn’t he the person who tried to kill you?”

"what? Kill me? Who says, hyung?”

"I saw him leaving you in the middle of the river. He just swam alone to the bank of the river without you.”

“hyung! Are you sure?”

"yeah. I saw him. Chanyeol also saw him. Let’s ask Chanyeol.”

Then, Baekhyun calls Chanyeol.

“hello... Chanyeol-ah...”

"yes, I’m in the hospital. Come here quickly”

"Yeah, Jongin is fine.”

“we are in the Seoul National Hospital. WE are still in the ER. But, the doctor said that he’d move Jongin to the sickroom.”

“okay, okay.” Baekhyun hangs up the phone.

“Jongin-ah. Let’s just wait here for a moment.”


“hyung... Hyung... look at this...” Sehun walks toward Suho’s bed where he is laying.

Suho looks at Sehun’s phone and he is surprised.

The article says:

'Chanyeo is being rude to someone.'

'Someone asked Chanyeol to take a picture together, but Chanyeol said harsh thing to him. He argued with him, so his fan left him. However, when his fan was about to leave, Chanyeol grabbed his hands, warning him about something and he even used offensive words. His fan struggled on his grips, and then Chanyeol lost his control. Chanyeol ended up slapping his face. 

Netizens are outraged at Chanyeol's behavior.

There is a video as well.

Comment section:

"Chanyeol shouldn't have slapped him if his fan just asked for a photo!"

"I'm very disappointed in Chanyeol."

"he's really bad-tempered! Now, I hate him so much!"

"No matter how popular he is, he shouldn't have done that. He is really arrogant!"


Suho plays the video and he is really surprised. Yeah, the article is right. Chanyeol slapped the fan.

“hyung, what are we gonna do?” asks Sehun

“do you think Chanyeol slapped him just because his fan asked him to take a picture together?” asks Suho to Sehun

“no. I think he has his reason. He wouldn’t have done such a thing for a petty thing like that.”

“yeah. His fan was probably being rude at him. The video isn’t clear though. It was recorded from afar so we can’t hear what did they say. I hope our fans wouldn’t believe it.” Suho says

“Suho-hyung, but the comment section is a mess. And this is the trending topic, although this article was just posted several minutes ago.” Says Sehun

Suho heaves a sigh. He realizes that EXO’s popularity is no joke. However, he is upset cause this article will only make EXO’s reputation turn bad.


Kyungsoo walks home. He spaces out all the way home. His clothes are wet, but he doesn’t care. He is still shocked. He is really scared. He still feels like he is in the river. At the same time, he is also worried about Kai. However, his fear bothers him more.

When his home is just about a few meters away, an unexpected thing happens. Kyungsoo doesn’t focus about what he is doing. So, when he crosses the way, he doesn’t bother to look around. He just walks straight, and he isn’t aware when a car suddenly crashes him hardly.


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Chapter 3: What O_O kyungsoo...