Chapter One - Wednesday, October 8

Who Wants to Live Forever?

Wednesday, October 8 - 9th Division (ROK) and a French battalion fight hand-to-hand with CCF on the ridges of White Horse and Arrowhead Hills.


Despite the hell he was having to endure, in a way, Wonsik was glad he was on the ground and not in the air. How Taekwoon could stand it, he didn't know. While he knew his lover wasn't likely to die any time soon, even if he ended up shot down (again), it still tended to freak him out every time Wonsik heard the rattling of the anti-aircraft guns. Just one well-placed shot was all it would take...

"What are you thinking about, hyung?" Wonsik whirled around, his gun at the ready, only to be met with soft laughter. "Easy, hyung," Taehyung grinned at him, carefully pushing the gun out of the way and back in the direction they were supposed to be shooting. "I'm not the enemy..."

"Brat," Wonsik grumbled, swatting at the boy in feigned annoyance. "What are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be over there?" He pointed to where Taehyung's best friend stood (or rather, was leaning) against a rocky outcropping, shooting at someone in the distance. "In case you hadn't noticed, we're in the middle of a fight here..."

Suddenly sobering, Taehyung looked down, biting at his lip. "I know, but you looked worried, and it's making me worried," he explained quietly, trying not to catch the attention of any of the others nearby; he'd already gotten into trouble earlier in the battle when their C.O. had threatened to send him out on a suicide mission over some minor infraction and Taehyung was terrified. "If anything happens..."

Pushing gently on Taehyung's shoulder in order to turn him around, Wonsik shoved him toward Hoseok, who was now staring in their direction. "Don't worry about me," he replied just as softly with a shake of his head. "I will be fine. You worry about your own sorry . And your best friend's..." He smirked. "Since I know you guys like each other's asses so much..."

Trying not to choke in shock at the implications of Wonsik's words, Taehyung stumbled toward Hoseok, who gave a long-suffering sigh as he caught his friend (and lover) around the waist, steadying Taehyung and pulling him close.

"Don't antagonise Wonsik too much," Hoseok murmured, glancing back at the older man and shaking his head. "You know Taekwoon is his lover, right? He's sca-..."

He didn't get much further than that before the unmistakeable whine of a plane in its death throes could be heard over the din of the fighting, and then an almighty roar as it crashed just over the crest of the hill. Even as the plane was coming down, Wonsik was shouting and running, all thoughts of personal safety and discipline thrown to the wind as he tore through the ranks and headed for the downed plane.

"Oh no," breathed Taehyung, the orange-red glow of flames lighting up their faces. "Was that...?" For Wonsik to have reacted like that, the plane had to have been Taekwoon's. Intimidating though Taekwoon was, neither of them wanted to see him dead, nor did they want to see anything happen to Wonsik. Especially not if anything had happened to his lover. "We should go and help..."

"No, look," Hoseok pointed, relief on his face as he saw Wonsik, supporting a bloodied and heavily-limping Taekwoon. "He's fine. Or he soon will be." Though how he'd managed to survive a crash like that was anyone's guess. Taekwoon had certainly earned his ace's reputation, and then some.

By the time they made it back to the Korean line, Taekwoon's limp had all but disappeared, though he looked exhausted and still leaned on Wonsik for support. It wasn't long before the medics appeared, along with their C.O., who looked annoyed, but also relieved. "Let them see to you," he muttered, waving the medics at Taekwoon while glaring at Wonsik. "Kim Wonsik, just what did you think you were doing?"

Wonsik was unrepentant. "Rescuing a downed pilot, sir," he replied, just barely managing not to shrug at the man. "Everyone else was busy, sir, and there wasn't anyone else who could be spared..."

"So you thought you'd play the hero for your best friend and bunkmate?" The C.O.'s eyebrows rose. "You're just lucky nobody ended up getting killed because of your stupidity. And you did manage to save him, so I suppose there's no harm done, this time..." His eyes narrowed. "But if it happens again..."

Normally, he wouldn't have been as lenient as he was, but they needed all the men they could get, and they were still in the midst of heavy fighting, even as they spoke. "Now get back into position and don't move from it unless otherwise ordered to do so!"

"Yes, sir," Wonsik replied tersely, then glanced at Taekwoon, who just shrugged at him behind the C.O.'s back.

The C.O. then turned his attention to Taekwoon, looking bemused. "I'd really love to know how you got away from this one," he said, shaking his head. "This is the third plane you've crashed this month and yet walked away with barely a scratch. I don't think the Americans will give us any more, so you're grounded for the time being..."

Ignoring the look of dismay on Taekwoon's face, he made an impatient gesture. "Find the man a gun and he can fight with the others," he added, snapping his fingers imperiously. "Make sure he has plenty of ammunition. We can't have our star ace killed on the battlefield like some common soldier."

Star ace? Taekwoon wanted to laugh in the man's face, but didn't dare. Not with Wonsik's future (and possibly his own) at stake, and those of the other soldiers around them. He didn't know them as well as Wonsik did, being part of the Korean Air Force rather than regular infantry like his lover, but he still respected them and the dirty, hellish job they had to do. They'd already bent (and possibly broken) several rules in order to be allowed to bunk together as it was. If they only knew...

But then again, if they knew he and Wonsik were vampires (nevermind lovers), all hell would break loose, and he didn't mean the hell that was this stupid war. Taekwoon was getting tired of faking his death in order to avert suspicion and survive, but if that was what he would have to do... He knew they weren't the only ones, either. There was just no way; he knew of at least two Chinese vampires who were personally involved in this, though they made sure to stay out of his and Wonsik's way. For all the damage that was being done, there had to be more on both sides.

His reverie was interrupted as a gun and an ammo belt were shoved into his hands, and Taekwoon blinked stupidly at them. "What?" His soft voice barely made a dent in the cacophony around him, his confusion going unnoticed until Wonsik slid an arm around him and pulled him close. "Wonsik?"

"Stick with me," Wonsik murmured, glad that the idiotic C.O. was finally gone and he could be with Taekwoon properly. "We just have to last through this stupid battle and then we can move on or something. I swear, he's got it in for me and the kids..."

"Kids?" Taekwoon felt stupid and hated it. "What do you mean?" Then he nodded his comprehension as Wonsik gestured in Hoseok and Taehyung's direction, the young pair leaning against each other as they shot out into the darkness together, their expressions far too grim for such young faces. "Oh..."

"What did he do this time?" The boys had far too much energy for Taekwoon's liking, though this wasn't the most ideal way, in his view, of getting rid of that energy. "I know they're young, and idealistic, and..." He sighed. "Overeager and energetic..."

"And a bit stupid," Wonsik supplied with a wry smile, shaking his head. "But no, he didn't do anything this time. Well, not much," he amended with a sigh. "The C.O. decided he was too slow at something or other, and threatened to send him on a suicide mission, and he's got the kid scared to death. It's not right, Taekwoon. He's not a bad kid. Neither of them are. They're just young."

"The C.O., on the other hand, is an , and I'd love to know who he blew to get command, because he's at it..." Wonsik's eyes hardened. "And if anything happens to these kids as a result, I'm taking him out."


Wonsik shook his head insistently. "No, Taekwoon," he said softly. "I can't allow him to do this to them anymore. He is a danger, not just to them, but to us. These kids are the closest thing I have to a family right now, and if he kills any of them, or causes any of them to be killed because of his stupidity, or his pride..."

"Would they thank you for interfering?" Taekwoon asked softly, glancing at the boys, who seemed to realise they were the topic of discussion, as they'd turned to look back at them in confusion. "They know that in battle, it's kill or be killed. It doesn't matter if the C.O. is an idiot or the most brilliant commander there is. It could happen to anyone." He reached out to touch Wonsik's lips with his finger to shush him. "Even me."

"War is stupid, you know that more than anyone, Taekwoon," Wonsik replied, pushing the older man's hand away from his face, though his lips tingled where Taekwoon's finger had rested on them. "Especially this one. It's unfair to ask this of them when they should be studying for university entrance exams, or wooing their first girlfriend." He sighed softly. "Or in their case, their first boyfriend, even if they have to hide their relationship from everyone under the guise of being best friends..."

"Your 'kids' know about us," Taekwoon pointed out wryly. "Though they could hardly say anything, given their own situation, of course, but still. Do you think it's wise to get so attached? It's all well and good that they are aware we are lovers, but..."

Glancing around warily, Wonsik shushed him. "Don't say it," he murmured. "Don't even think it. It's not safe..." He sighed again. "My point stands, though, Taekwoon. War is stupid, no matter the reason, and I don't want them to die. If anything happens to them, I'm holding him personally responsible for it." He looked up at his lover, determination in his eyes. "This battle has already been going on for days," he added grimly. "Just how many more days are we going to be going back and forth like this until something gives?"

Patting Wonsik's shoulder, Taekwoon gave him a tired smile. "It's been two days, Wonsik. We've been through worse..." He turned his lover around and handed him the gun and the ammo belt he'd been given. "Now start fighting so we can get out of here sooner rather than later. And then maybe save these kids of yours."


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