
love in word and action
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Sehun just simply wasn’t worth it. At least, that's what Jongin keeps saying, but he's back again like the lovelorn pup he is, following his owner, even if the feeling of love is not mutual, simply because, in a way, Sehun is his owner – the owner of his heart.

It's hard to erase one's feelings when the person you are crushing on is Sehun – sweet, kind, polite Sehun. How could Jongin stop being attracted to a boy with such a radiant smile? He admits that Sehun looks and sounds silly when he laughs full-heartedly, but that only heightens Sehun's level of cuteness. And cute, that is what Jongin has always been a er for. And if one was to ask why despite all the rejections Jongin has received he was still following Sehun, then his answer would be exactly that. Because Sehun is Sehun, a wonderful person.

"That doesn't even count as rejection," is Kyungsoo's comment when Jongin tells him about his latest attempt to woo Oh Sehun.

"Of course it does," Jongin says, frowning.

"You didn't even confess to him, so what could he even reject?"

"Well, I am always nice to him? And earlier, I bought him his favorite drink, that's like a confession, no?" Jongin retorts, frustrated. It's always been like this. He updates his best friend on the newest non-existent development between him and his crush, only to get shot down by Kyungsoo who keeps telling him to either please shut up, no more Sehun stories or to please send Sehun a love letter or tell him about how you feel by using words, seriously no one will think of you being nice as a confession. And in this point, their opinions clash, because Jongin firmly believes in the saying that actions speak more than a thousand words.

A picture says more than a thousand words, Kyungsoo corrects. Jongin ignores him. He's moping now, because Kyungsoo just doesn't seem to understand. Like at all.

"Seriously, Jongin, being nice doesn't equal a confession," Kyungsoo sighs. "Friends are nice to each other, too. Does that mean they want to date?"

"No," Jongin replies quietly. He knows that, too. He doesn't admit defeat though. "But I am extra nice to Sehun! And he just... he just rejected the bubble tea I bought him."

"Oh, is he talking about earlier?" A new voice pipes up. Jongin is only pouting more. Great. Just great. Baekhyun has joined their table and Baekhyun, just like Kyungsoo, is one of his close friends who sides with Kyungsoo. He definitely needs friends who, for once, support him wholeheartedly.

"Yes," Kyungsoo sighs. "Mind to enlighten me?"

"Jongin bought bubble tea on the way to school and wanted to give it to Sehun, but Sehun said No, thank you, that's very nice of you, but you should really enjoy your bubble tea by yourself. I wouldn't want to take away your breakfast."

Jongin sinks into his seat, cowering away. He hates the way Kyungsoo is staring at him, because the way Baekhyun just said it, he sounds pretty stupid. Because Sehun just wanted to be nice. Because Sehun thought Jongin had bought it for himself and only offered it because Sehun had been staring at the drink longingly. Sehun's a nice person. Sehun's not a jerk. And Sehun's definitely, absolutely worth it.

The first time Jongin laid eyes on Sehun was on the first day of college. Just seeing Sehun was enough for him to know that this person was the love of his life. As cliché as it sounds, love at first sight, he believes in such a thing - well, started to believe in that after encountering Sehun.

At first, staring longingly at Sehun had sufficed. After all, Jongin didn't even know if Sehun was into men. Sitting in the same boring English literature class was a blessing and more than he could have wished for - at first. Before Park Chanyeol came.

Chanyeol started school two weeks late since he was down with a summer flu. But the moment he joined class, he had somehow managed to befriend Sehun within an hour, a thing Jongin couldn't manage. What he accomplished so far, was to get to know Sehun's full name (through roll call), and where Sehun came from (Busan, he introduced himself in class). It was doubtful if Sehun had remembered his name then, but at least now Sehun does. Mostly because of a horrifyingly stupid incident.

Jongin is definitely not a too clumsy person, at least he would say so of himself, but on that particular day, he was in a rush, almost too late for class. Okay, he ended up being too late because he ran into their professor when he rounded the corner. Literally. He didn't react fast enough and just collided with the professor, sending both of them to the ground. And not only that, the professor was holding his favorite mug of coffee and that crashed and the coffee spilled all over the floor where the stack of papers the prof was carrying was strewn over. Needless to say, the professor, enraged, screamed his name, and it just so happened that Sehun was late on that day, too, and thus, Kim Jongin's name would be forever ingrained in Sehun's memory. He'll forever be that guy that professor Paek hates.

It took Jongin months after that to get over his embarrassment and greet Sehun whenever they cross paths, but with Sehun neither mentioning the incident nor mocking him for that, Jongin has grown more and more confident, but also more and more in love.

Jongin doesn’t like Chanyeol. Not at all. He is everything that Jongin wishes he was, but unfortunately he’s not. While Chanyeol is loud and confident, Jongin is quiet and shies away. While Chanyeol can casually walk up to Sehun and talk to him, Jongin needs to gather all of his courage to whisper a hello. Of course, it got better over time. Jongin has been saying hello often enough now to be able to add another sentence or two, making some small talk. It’s not good enough to pry into Sehun’s life and find out what he is concerned about the most though, that being Sehun’s ual orientation.

Now, there are lots of rumors going around since Sehun is undoubtedly the hottest boy on campus, but Jongin doesn’t quite believe rumors. He especially doesn’t believe Baekhyun when his friends tells him that Sehun is biual. Sehun never said that, so he’s not. There’s a big, fat chance that Baekhyun’s only saying that to help build up his confidence only for it to be crush by a real rejection.

And that is why he might not hate Chanyeol as much now as he did in the beginning. Chanyeol might be all handsy, touchy, feely with his Sehun, but at least Jongin knows that Sehun is not into Chanyeol. Sehun is into men though, likes them nice and sweet and mature. Jongin knows, because he has overheard their conversation. More like, he was forced to hear it because apparently it was some kind of dare for Chanyeol to ask in public. And Chanyeol, shameless as he was, didn’t even hesitate to execute it – loudly and in midst of the cafeteria, drawing everyone’s attention. And Sehun, honest as always, didn’t fail to provide an answer.

"Any progress?" Baekhyun asks and Jongin can only frown. Of course not. Is there ever any progress in this puppy love, as Baekhyun loves to call it? Sehun doesn't even acknowledge him as his pup, and at this point, Jongin is probably desperate enough to be okay with being a pet. Not inthat sense, but like a pet as in someone to take care of and be affectionate with. The kind of love between pet and owner is cute, too, no?

"I'll take that as no," Baekhyun says and pats his shoulder. Jongin's frown only deepens. He doesn't want pity.

"Why won't you just confess?" Kyungsoo asks, sighing. "And don't give me that I did confess to him a lot of times bull."

"But I did," Jongin mumbles, feeling all small. Kyungsoo can be terrifying with that look of his. Jongin feels like a naughty kid being reprimanded by his parent for lying. But he's not being naughty! He didn't lie! He seriously did confess his feelin

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Chapter 1: Adorable
fyeahkpop101 #2
bcksbcks #3
What a cute one shot. Shy Jongin is best Jongin. And loved that he confessed through action and not words.
Chapter 1: I love cute dumb jongin lol
Nice read! :))
yoonsss #5
Chapter 1: Sobs the ending is so sweet ><
Cheekobooie #6
Chapter 1: *i Do* hahhahaha sweetiepieeeeeee i can imagine him all coy
Chapter 1: This is so cute oh my fluffy sekai makes my heart flutter
aarushic_18 #8
Chapter 1: Omg this is so cute ! Dumb jongin ! And baekkaisoo bestfriend ! XD
I love how persistent jongin about being nice to sehun is count as confessing. Lol
Edomoxniqueo #10
Chapter 1: This was incredibly sweet