You Guys Should Listen To Me More

You Guys Should Listen To Me More

The sound of the door opening startled Jungkook awake. He blinked his eyes tiredly as six figures stumbled into the room, soon followed by a dip in the bed as someone climbed in. Arms wrapped around him and a face was nuzzled into the crook of his neck.

“Kookie! My poor sick baby!” Taehyung mumbled against his neck as the others soon climbed in as well. Jungkook sniffled as he tried to wiggle out and away from everyone.

“Stop, I don’t want to make you guys sick, too.” He protested weakly, his scratchy throat making his voice come out raspy. The others protested, saying that it was all right and they’d risk it. So he sighed defeated, accepting their comfort as a bowl of store bought soup was handed to him by Jimin. He ate it slowly as all the others cocooned him in a ball of warmth, soothing touches and hugs from all angles.

“Thank you.” He mumbled quietly to all of them once he finished, a weak smile playing at his lips before he erupted into a coughing fit. Namjoon patted his back lightly while the others looked at him with worrying, pitying eyes. Hoseok stood up quickly, hurrying to grab a cup of water and handing it to the youngest. Jungkook took tentive sips, not wanting to choke if he suddenly started coughing again. He sighed tiredly, feeling absolutely miserable, a small pout now forming on his lips.

Seokjin stood up this time to turn on the tv, asking the others which of the movies they had brought to put on. He put on Warm Bodies, which won with 6 out of 7 votes much to Yoongi’s disgretion. He sat there mumbling quietly to himself until Jungkook had had enough and pulled him over, forcing him to rejoin the mound of limbs on the bed.

They stayed like this the rest of the day. None of them leaving their spot unless they had to empty out their blatters. All tangled into a mess of limbs around a stuffy nosed Jungkook.

It was relitivaly quiet, other than the tv playing the movie that Yoongi had wanted to see, until they heard a small cough. This time not from Jungkook.

He glared as he spoke, his meant to be firm voice coming out shaky. “I freaking told you.”

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